AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

When you ask for a FISA warrant to investigate (spy) on any American citizen, let alone a presidential nominee and/or his campaign, you gotta have solid evidence that has been verified. Yet the DOJ/FBI had NOTHING but the Steele Dossier and news reports that were based on that dossier, and that is not supposed to be the way our gov't agencies work. To this day, nothing substantial in that dossier has been verified, otherwise you can be sure the Mueller investigation would have said so in the report; for Christ sakes, they used Russian freakin' agents as sources! So, who really collaborated with the Russians? We now know it wasn't Trump or his campaign, but it's beginning to look like the DNC and the Clinton campaign might have, indirectly.
the FISA request on Carter Page was over 400 pages, the dossier was 39 pages, 3 pages were about Carter Page.

WHAT do you think the other 397 pages of evidence of probable cause was about...?

AND why the hell hasn't president trump had the unredacted FISA request declassified and released if it was only evidence from the dossier?

me thinks ya'll are being played fools.... if the Page FISA request application, could have helped Pres Trump prove he was right about only using an unverified dossier for it, pres trump MOST CERTAINLY would have RELEASED IT.
Trump is not going to release the declassified FISA until the OIG investigation report and Huber's investigation is over.
When you ask for a FISA warrant to investigate (spy) on any American citizen, let alone a presidential nominee and/or his campaign, you gotta have solid evidence that has been verified. Yet the DOJ/FBI had NOTHING but the Steele Dossier and news reports that were based on that dossier, and that is not supposed to be the way our gov't agencies work. To this day, nothing substantial in that dossier has been verified, otherwise you can be sure the Mueller investigation would have said so in the report; for Christ sakes, they used Russian freakin' agents as sources! So, who really collaborated with the Russians? We now know it wasn't Trump or his campaign, but it's beginning to look like the DNC and the Clinton campaign might have, indirectly.
the FISA request on Carter Page was over 400 pages, the dossier was 39 pages, 3 pages were about Carter Page.

WHAT do you think the other 397 pages of evidence of probable cause was about...?

AND why the hell hasn't president trump had the unredacted FISA request declassified and released if it was only evidence from the dossier?

me thinks ya'll are being played fools.... if the Page FISA request application, could have helped Pres Trump prove he was right about only using an unverified dossier for it, pres trump MOST CERTAINLY would have RELEASED IT.
Trump is not going to release the declassified FISA until the OIG investigation report and Huber's investigation is over.
Then we shouldn't be arguing over it UNTILL we have all facts.... Nunes, Jordan, and all the other repubs should shut their traps and stop promoting unfounded conspiracies..... :rolleyes:
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
It is unusual to use it against a lawfully elected president, scumbag. It's utterly appalling how all you Trump hating imbeciles accept spying against the opposition party as normal and and acceptable.

Bullcrap. Trump was willing to help the Russian help him.

The Russians didn't help him, shit for brains. Did you read the Mueller report? Here's what it said: "no collusion."

If the FBI believed Russia was trying to subvert the Trump campaign, they should have informed Trump about it. The fact that they didn't and instead decided to spy on Trump shows their intentions were sinister.

That is why they attended a meeting with a Russian national when they thought she was going to give them dirt on Clinton.

They should have informed the FBI about this but they did not. They wanted the Russians to help them. That is what is disgusting and you disgusting pigs have no problem with that.

That's called "opposition research," dumbass. There's no law against listening to people give you information about your opponent. Furthermore, the Russian lawyer didn't give the Trump campaign any useful information. On the other hand, Hillary paid Russian espionage agents to makeup dirt about Trump. That's patently illegal.

You Trump hating scum get your nose out of joint about the Trump tower meeting, but you have no problem with Hillary paying off Russian spies to manufacture dirt on Trump.

I can' imagine anything more idiotic or hypocritical.
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" the FISA request on Carter Page was over 400 pages, the dossier was 39 pages, 3 pages were about Carter Page.

WHAT do you think the other 397 pages of evidence of probable cause was about...?

Are you seriously suggesting that the FISA request had ANYTHING ELSE in the way of probable cause to grant surveillance on Trump and his campaign that doesn't have the Dossier as the source, directly or indirectly? And that after all this time it wasn't leaked by somebody? Really? 400 freakin' pages with how many Lib/Dems on the Special counsel team having access to it, and NOBODY said nothin' about the existence of any other corroborating evidence? None of those FBI schmucks who subsequently have been fired or demoted and quit said anything about whatever else they had?

AND why the hell hasn't president trump had the unredacted FISA request declassified and released if it was only evidence from the dossier?

Has it crossed your mind that there might be stuff in there that really shouldn't be unredacted?

me thinks ya'll are being played fools.... if the Page FISA request application, could have helped Pres Trump prove he was right about only using an unverified dossier for it, pres trump MOST CERTAINLY would have RELEASED IT. "

Well, it's possible that someone has been played for a fool, but are you sure it isn't you? Based on what came out of the Mueller investigation and the subsequent report, and the fact that there is NOTHING in the way of evidence that shows the entire Russian collusion investigation had no other basis than the Dossier, I'm not feeling too foolish. There are ongoing investigations into several aspects of this entire series of events, so it's possible that Trump is withholding the release of the FISA application and other documents to see who lied then and is still lying now. "You know, you said this then but now you're saying this now" kinda thing.
Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source. that why the FBI fired Steele? Because he was trusted and reliable? Come on, Anton...Steele is a paid smear artist. You pay him money...he makes up shit about people!

lol wtf?

Steele never worked for FBI, he was a paid source. Before that he served with the British MI6 unit.
When you are a "paid source"'re working for whoever it is that is paying you! The FBI was paying Richard Steele until they realized that he wasn't trustworthy or reliable at which point they canned him!


For you to claim that Steele wasn't working for the FBI when the FBI was paying him? Yeah...that's idiocy all right! Glad to see that you've seen the light!

Idiot, do you not understand the difference between a freelancing contracts and an employment with the orginization?

You can't be fired when you are not employed by the organization. At most organization may cancel or not revew contract.

But FBI was not the one to end the contract, IT WAS STEELY.

As first reported by the Washington Post, the FBI reached a deal in October 2016 to pay Steele to continue the research that had led to what became known as the Trump dossier, an indication of how seriously the bureau was taking the allegations, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The deal fell apart when Steele pulled out, said the source, who has direct knowledge of the situation.

FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele
Last edited: that why the FBI fired Steele? Because he was trusted and reliable? Come on, Anton...Steele is a paid smear artist. You pay him money...he makes up shit about people!

lol wtf?

Steele never worked for FBI, he was a paid source. Before that he served with the British MI6 unit.
When you are a "paid source"'re working for whoever it is that is paying you! The FBI was paying Richard Steele until they realized that he wasn't trustworthy or reliable at which point they canned him!


For you to claim that Steele wasn't working for the FBI when the FBI was paying him? Yeah...that's idiocy all right! Glad to see that you've seen the light!

Idiot, do you not understand the difference between a freelancing contracts and an employment with the orginization?

You can't be fired when you are not employed by the organization. At most organization may cancel or not revew contract.

But FBI was not the one to end the contract, IT WAS STEELY.

As first reported by the Washington Post, the FBI reached a deal in October 2016 to pay Steele to continue the research that had led to what became known as the Trump dossier, an indication of how seriously the bureau was taking the allegations, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The deal fell apart when Steele pulled out, said the source, who has direct knowledge of the situation.

FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

I hate to break this to you, Anton but your article from August of last year simply illustrates how the liberal media was spinning the "collusion" story back then! They used anonymous sources to paint Steele as someone who was credible when the truth is the FBI canned his ass because they found him NOT credible! You know why Mueller found no evidence of collusion? Because he required REAL people giving REAL evidence...not anonymous sources making spurious and unsubstantiated charges!

"On Nov. 1, 2016, according to the documents, the FBI told Steele it was unlikely to continue working with him, and he should not "obtain any intelligence whatsoever on behalf of the FBI."

The records also indicate that in February 2016 the FBI “admonished” Steele. A federal law enforcement official explains that an admonishment is typically given when a person begins a stint as a confidential informant and annually thereafter. It is a briefing on the rules of being an informant to ensure the source complies with guidelines set by the Attorney General, and usually not criticism of the source."

Now THAT is an amazing bit of spin right there! Who knew that the word "admonished" had a TOTALLY different connotation than what it's always had! Steele was "admonished" by the FBI because they didn't feel he was being truthful! OF COURSE IT'S A CRITICISM!!! NBC can't admit that however because at that time they were trying to paint Steele as a paragon of honesty! Admitting that the FBI canned his ass looks bad so they do linguistic gymnastics so that "admonished" is no longer a bad thing...oh it's just something that's routine and happens to everyone!
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lol wtf?

Steele never worked for FBI, he was a paid source. Before that he served with the British MI6 unit.
When you are a "paid source"'re working for whoever it is that is paying you! The FBI was paying Richard Steele until they realized that he wasn't trustworthy or reliable at which point they canned him!


For you to claim that Steele wasn't working for the FBI when the FBI was paying him? Yeah...that's idiocy all right! Glad to see that you've seen the light!

Idiot, do you not understand the difference between a freelancing contracts and an employment with the orginization?

You can't be fired when you are not employed by the organization. At most organization may cancel or not revew contract.

But FBI was not the one to end the contract, IT WAS STEELY.

As first reported by the Washington Post, the FBI reached a deal in October 2016 to pay Steele to continue the research that had led to what became known as the Trump dossier, an indication of how seriously the bureau was taking the allegations, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The deal fell apart when Steele pulled out, said the source, who has direct knowledge of the situation.

FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

I hate to break this to you, Anton but your article from August of last year simply illustrates how the liberal media was spinning the "collusion" story back then! They used anonymous sources to paint Steele as someone who was credible when the truth is the FBI canned his ass because they found him NOT credible! You know why Mueller found no evidence of collusion? Because he required REAL people giving REAL evidence...not anonymous sources making spurious and unsubstantiated charges!

"On Nov. 1, 2016, according to the documents, the FBI told Steele it was unlikely to continue working with him, and he should not "obtain any intelligence whatsoever on behalf of the FBI."

The records also indicate that in February 2016 the FBI “admonished” Steele. A federal law enforcement official explains that an admonishment is typically given when a person begins a stint as a confidential informant and annually thereafter. It is a briefing on the rules of being an informant to ensure the source complies with guidelines set by the Attorney General, and usually not criticism of the source."

Now THAT is an amazing bit of spin right there! Who knew that the word "admonished" had a TOTALLY different connotation than what it's always had! Steele was "admonished" by the FBI because they didn't feel he was being truthful! OF COURSE IT'S A CRITICISM!!! NBC can't admit that however because at that time they were trying to paint Steele as a paragon of honesty! Admitting that the FBI canned his ass looks bad so they do linguistic gymnastics so that "admonished" is no longer a bad thing...oh it's just something that's routine and happens to everyone!

Idiot they can’t “can” him because he was not their employee. It’s inaccurate, so stop saying that bullshit.

and who are you to contradict law enforcement official quoted? Some sort of expert? Maybe someone that has a contradicting source you can link too??

You can’t just pull shit out of your ass because you don’t happen to like what you read.
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There was no spying on Trump's campaign. Wiretaps on Page was not obtained until over a month after he left the campaign. The initial investigation was caused by information received by the FBI from the Australian government. It had nothing to do with Steele.

There was nearly a year's worth of spying before election day done through NSA and "To/From" and "About" queries. No warrant is needed to search non-citizen calls and emails, of course citizens were caught in this electronic net harvesting in these communications. They were labeled 702's because legally they couldn't be identified. Problem is, these crooks (including Susan Rice and Samantha Powers in the White House) were unmasking and sharing US citizen information with all manner of outside people. NSA Director Rogers was on a warpath trying to close down the operation, especially because a "private contractor" had full access to the database. He ordered an internal FISA Court audit and it showed that 85% of the searches were illegal and there is no apparent reason to believe the November 2015-April 2016 period coincided with an unusually high rate (meaning that that 85% rate of illegal access was the norm, not the exception).

Screen grab of page 82 of the FISA Court audit:


Rogers finally closed off "private contractor" access on April 18th, 2016, page 84 screengrab:


Interestingly, THE VERY NEXT DAY on April 19th, the wife of Glen Simpson, Founder of Fusion GPS was at the White House . . . By the end of the month, Fusion GPS was on the Clinton Campaign payroll.

Remember, ten days after the election, NSA Director Rogers went to Trump Tower and told Trump he and his people were under illegal surveillance through NSA 702(16)(17) unmasking and that the SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) just set up by the White House Comms. Dept., was probably nothing but a high-tech listening station . . . Trump packed up the transition operation the next day and moved it to his golf course in Bedminster NJ, never to return to Trump Tower for any sensitive business.

Yeah, no spying at all (or as Trump called it, "wiretapping") . . .

The Steel Dossier and the FISA warrants were not the beginning of the, ahem, "investigation", . . . that BS was the frantic efforts of scumbag political operatives who were using a weaponized intelligence network that begins in the Obama White House, who never thought Hillary would lose and that they would need to cover their tracks, to try to get the illegal crap they were doing onto some facially legal "court ordered" footing.

Don't worry, Barr can see past the redactions, can convene grand juries and will get to the bottom of it all and arrest those responsible.
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AG Barr has no credibility. He is a corrupt hack and a joke. about 60 million Americans Barr is THE MAN.....a hero! And the guy....God bless him....has a bunch of bumpy cucumbers coming for the DUMS! Spying on Americans is any case. That's the law s0ns! Three illegally obtained FISA warrants means cRiMeS!! Soon the is gonna be the SPIKE THE FOOTBALL forum....but not if you are a DUM. Oh.....and nothing to stop Barr now! Only those with the political IQ of a small soap dish wouldnt understand!!:bye1::bye1::bye1:

To say I'm looking forward to a collective mass head explosion period in here would be a gross understatement.

Be sure to be taking a gander at the RCP page in the coming weeks as the criminal referrals start rolling out! The hyper-k00ks, already marginalized will become irrelavent as HOAX becomes the most popular word for 2019!:113::flirtysmile4::funnyface::flirtysmile4:
We all know what went on with the obozo deep state......

They used the IRS as a political weapon and they got caught.

They used the FBI, CIA and the DOJ to spy on and then try

and frame Trump after he kicked hillarie’s ass silly...

The proof is in the strzok/page text messages.

Tic Toc Tards......

Tic Toc Tard.....

Unlike your Russian Bull Shit.....

You scum bag tards used the IRS,CIA,FBI and DOJ as political weapons...

President Donald J. Trump saved America from obozo’s banana republic....

Drop the mic.:fu:

And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.

This is what you get when you pay attention to FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

Get a Clue, listen to Rush or watch Fox....
AG Barr has no credibility. He is a corrupt hack and a joke.

You are just another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard.....

Get a clue, watch Fox and listen to Right Wing Radio for the TRUTH......
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

comey didn't fluck up....

He knew what he was doing......
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.

And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Don't miss the declaration the US AG makes here:

'Opposition Research' - funded by Hillary Clinton, conducted by a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the Obama administration's Director of the FBI - was used by Obama's Director of the FBI and FBI as the foundation for a Counter-Intelligence Operation being run against the GOP Presidential Candidate / Newly Elected President.'

In literature they call such a reference / statement 'Foreshadowing', a hint at what is to come...

There is no evidence he was a Trump hater. Anyone who tries to hold Trump accountable is a Trump hater according to you. All this shows is that we do not have a AG. The AG is sworn to uphold the Constitution. Sessions saw no reason to investigate because he said you had to have evidence. Apparently Barr is not too concerned with evidence.
No little girlyman, Sessions saw no reason to investigate because he recused himself. He later appointed Huber to investigate covertly.

Sorry Charlie. He did state you have to have evidence to open a investigation.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
It is unusual to use it against a lawfully elected president, scumbag. It's utterly appalling how all you Trump hating imbeciles accept spying against the opposition party as normal and and acceptable.

There was no spying. It was unusual for a Trump campaign official to give the campaign strategy and internal polling data to someone with ties to Russian Intelligence. It was unusual for Trump campaign officials to meet with a Russian to get dirt on Clinton. It was unusual for someone with ties to Trump to know that hacked Podesta e-mails would show up on WikiLeaks BEFORE they actually did.

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