AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.
He didn't get paid by Moscow, moron. He got paid for the TV rights and by people paying admission.

Which "Russian oligarchs" have financed any of Trump's projects?
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And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
It is unusual to use it against a lawfully elected president, scumbag.

How was it "used against the president"?

It was kept hush hush by FBI during election and he wasnt even a target until his idiot ass started obstructing investigations.
Very simple, moron: they spied on the President's campaign. Do you think they did it because they were trying to help him?
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
It is unusual to use it against a lawfully elected president, scumbag.

How was it "used against the president"?

It was kept hush hush by FBI during election and he wasnt even a target until his idiot ass started obstructing investigations.
He was a target 6 months before the election, moron. How do you know what they did with the intel they gathered? I'm sure it all went straight to Hillary. Trump never obstructed any investigation.



And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.

You are stupid beyond belief....

Ask yourself why wouldn’t the dnc turn over the servers

that were supposedly hacked by the Russians to the FBI?

The answer is it was an inside Job, the down load speed

was too high for it to have been done over the internet.

Can you say Seth Rich....

You Tards CHEAT and we all know it....

Just ask Crazy bernie......

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of all this?

Remember - unbiased, factual...not right-wing, opinions.

And when you don't provide said link - you will prove to all of us what a liar you are.
We all know what went on with the obozo deep state......

They used the IRS as a political weapon and they got caught.

They used the FBI, CIA and the DOJ to spy on and then try

and frame Trump after he kicked hillarie’s ass silly...

The proof is in the strzok/page text messages.

Tic Toc Tards......

Hardly. The IRS went after liberal organizations as well. 'progressive' was apparently a keyword as well and generally liberal organizations use the word progressive.

The FBI, CIA and DOJ did not spy on Trump or frame him. You are a sick little puppy who needs mental help.

That claim is a crock of shit, BB! The IRS didn't go after liberal organizations the way they went after conservative ones! It's not even comparable! There is a reason why Lois Lerner took the 5th and it wasn't because the IRS was treating both sides equally! She took the 5th because her merry little band went after conservatives in a completely different manner than they went after liberals! She knew she'd done wrong. It's why she lawyered up and refused to answer questions!
IRS went after no liberal organization. Held up our Rotarty Club tax exempt reissue for 2.5 years, Bunch of older, successful, community oriented, conservative white guys.
Perfect target.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Don't miss the declaration the US AG makes here:

'Opposition Research' - funded by Hillary Clinton, conducted by a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the Obama administration's Director of the FBI - was used by Obama's Director of the FBI and FBI as the foundation for a Counter-Intelligence Operation being run against the GOP Presidential Candidate / Newly Elected President.'

In literature they call such a reference / statement 'Foreshadowing', a hint at what is to come...

It's also a "very usual situation" when the campaign staff of an American Presidential Candidate have over 100 contacts with officials from the Russian government throughout the campaign, and firstly, fails to inform the FBI or the CIA that foreign nationals are approaching them with offers from the Russian government; and secondly, lies to the FBI about the nature of these contacts.

In fact, if the leadership of the FBI had failed to investigate this campaign, they would have been derelict in their duty.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Don't miss the declaration the US AG makes here:

'Opposition Research' - funded by Hillary Clinton, conducted by a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the Obama administration's Director of the FBI - was used by Obama's Director of the FBI and FBI as the foundation for a Counter-Intelligence Operation being run against the GOP Presidential Candidate / Newly Elected President.'

In literature they call such a reference / statement 'Foreshadowing', a hint at what is to come...

It's also a "very usual situation" when the campaign staff of an American Presidential Candidate have over 100 contacts with officials from the Russian government throughout the campaign, and firstly, fails to inform the FBI or the CIA that foreign nationals are approaching them with offers from the Russian government; and secondly, lies to the FBI about the nature of these contacts.

In fact, if the leadership of the FBI had failed to investigate this campaign, they would have been derelict in their duty.
it's also very unusual for a presidential candidate to take over $100 million from Russians, pay foreign spies and Russians for a fake document used illegally by the agency directors of the same president who protected her from going to jail so she could stay in the evidence shows happened...

And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Don't miss the declaration the US AG makes here:

'Opposition Research' - funded by Hillary Clinton, conducted by a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the Obama administration's Director of the FBI - was used by Obama's Director of the FBI and FBI as the foundation for a Counter-Intelligence Operation being run against the GOP Presidential Candidate / Newly Elected President.'

In literature they call such a reference / statement 'Foreshadowing', a hint at what is to come...

It's also a "very usual situation" when the campaign staff of an American Presidential Candidate have over 100 contacts with officials from the Russian government throughout the campaign, and firstly, fails to inform the FBI or the CIA that foreign nationals are approaching them with offers from the Russian government; and secondly, lies to the FBI about the nature of these contacts.

In fact, if the leadership of the FBI had failed to investigate this campaign, they would have been derelict in their duty.
ROFL! These so-called "contacts" are utterly meaningless. Calling them "contacts" is as close as you can get to lying without actually doing it.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Don't miss the declaration the US AG makes here:

'Opposition Research' - funded by Hillary Clinton, conducted by a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the Obama administration's Director of the FBI - was used by Obama's Director of the FBI and FBI as the foundation for a Counter-Intelligence Operation being run against the GOP Presidential Candidate / Newly Elected President.'

In literature they call such a reference / statement 'Foreshadowing', a hint at what is to come...

It's also a "very usual situation" when the campaign staff of an American Presidential Candidate have over 100 contacts with officials from the Russian government throughout the campaign, and firstly, fails to inform the FBI or the CIA that foreign nationals are approaching them with offers from the Russian government; and secondly, lies to the FBI about the nature of these contacts.

In fact, if the leadership of the FBI had failed to investigate this campaign, they would have been derelict in their duty.

What's an "unusual" situation is for a US Secretary of State to run a "pay for play" scheme with "donations" from foreign governments and individuals pouring into a non profit "foundation" that she was then turning around and using to help finance her political campaign for President! What's "unusual" is for a US Secretary of State to conduct official business through two illegal servers secreted away in her private residence...hide the existence of those servers from Congressional investigators and then have those servers destroyed when they are discovered!

You want to talk about dereliction of duty? How is it conceivable that the above wasn't a violation of US law? How is it conceivable that the Director of the FBI would claim that the Secretary of State wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand she was breaking the law? How is it conceivable that decision was reached DAYS after a clandestine meeting between the Attorney General of the United States and Bill Clinton? You want to talk about "obstruction of justice"? It's right spades!!!
If you mean 'criminal' by using the word 'unusual' to describe Hiilary then you nailed it...
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Don't miss the declaration the US AG makes here:

'Opposition Research' - funded by Hillary Clinton, conducted by a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the Obama administration's Director of the FBI - was used by Obama's Director of the FBI and FBI as the foundation for a Counter-Intelligence Operation being run against the GOP Presidential Candidate / Newly Elected President.'

In literature they call such a reference / statement 'Foreshadowing', a hint at what is to come...

It's also a "very usual situation" when the campaign staff of an American Presidential Candidate have over 100 contacts with officials from the Russian government throughout the campaign, and firstly, fails to inform the FBI or the CIA that foreign nationals are approaching them with offers from the Russian government; and secondly, lies to the FBI about the nature of these contacts.

In fact, if the leadership of the FBI had failed to investigate this campaign, they would have been derelict in their duty.

What's an "unusual" situation is for a US Secretary of State to run a "pay for play" scheme with "donations" from foreign governments and individuals pouring into a non profit "foundation" that she was then turning around and using to help finance her political campaign for President! What's "unusual" is for a US Secretary of State to conduct official business through two illegal servers secreted away in her private residence...hide the existence of those servers from Congressional investigators and then have those servers destroyed when they are discovered!

You want to talk about dereliction of duty? How is it conceivable that the above wasn't a violation of US law? How is it conceivable that the Director of the FBI would claim that the Secretary of State wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand she was breaking the law? How is it conceivable that decision was reached DAYS after a clandestine meeting between the Attorney General of the United States and Bill Clinton? You want to talk about "obstruction of justice"? It's right spades!!!

Clinton’s server wasn’t illegal because the Bush server wasn’t illegal. And it wasn’t secret either. In fact, after Clinton left office, the Republicans passed a law against it.

The ONLY reason Republicans made a big stink about it in 2015, was to discredit Hillary.

There was no “pay for play”. Independently audited financial statements and the IRS, and multiple investigations have prove the Clinton Foundation is NOT a sham.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.

And it led to many convictions, I suppose the FBI is not supposed to follow leads...
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

Hey... The FBI were following leads... The Dossier wasn't the only lead... It wasn't even the initial lead...

What has been proven wrong in the Dossier so far by the way...
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
It is unusual to use it against a lawfully elected president, scumbag.

How was it "used against the president"?

It was kept hush hush by FBI during election and he wasnt even a target until his idiot ass started obstructing investigations.
He was a target 6 months before the election, moron. How do you know what they did with the intel they gathered? I'm sure it all went straight to Hillary. Trump never obstructed any investigation.

No he wasn't, you simply do not know what you are talking about once again. Even dossier does not directly implicate Trump.

Trump became a target of Obstruction investigation when he fired Comey.
Clinton’s server wasn’t illegal because the Bush server wasn’t illegal..
Bwuhahahaha...... Your attempt to tie Hillary's 'guilt/innocent' based on someone else is laughable. Each case is completely independent / separate and can not be lumped together in a false attempt to claim Hillary's innocence.

Hillary's server was not authorized because (for several reasons):

1. Hillary's team failed to use govt computers specifically authorized for personal classified use. Instead, she chose to use standard persona' 'home computers', as her aides stated in interviews to the FBI, as 'a matter of personal convenience'.

--- "The State Department told Clinton’s team during its January 2009 transition to Foggy Bottom that its tech experts didn’t allow personal email accounts to be installed on government-issued devices."

In 2008 Hillary had 2 e-mail accounts run off of of a basic Apple server in the Clintons’ basement in Chappaqua.

2. Hillary was given 2 devices to use - 1 for official government business and 1 for political correspondence. She did not like carrying around 2 so she opted to carry around first. Hillary changed devices several times, and instead of them being turned in for information archival and then destroyed IAW US laws regarding Handling / Destruction of Classified those devices would 'just go missing'.

3. During her early days as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton took her own personal devices (Blackberrys) into the State Department's “Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility” room (government-speak for an eavesdropping-proofed) - WHICH IS HIGHLY ILLEGAL.
--- "The assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, Eric Boswell, later stated he never received any complaints about Clinton using her personal BlackBerry inside the secure area"

Well isn't that special - no one complained about the Secretary of State breaking the law, so they just let her keep doing it...but he did make it known that Hillary's personal devices were PROHIBITED in the SCIF:
--- "His team made clear that the devices were prohibited."

4. So Cheryl Mills told the DoS Clinton was completely computer IGNORANT and depended on her Blackberry, which she could not legally bring into the State Department (then entire building was a SCIF). The DoS came up with 2 Options:
-- She would have to walk out of the State Dept Bldg to check her e-mail on her Blackberry OR....
-- They could set her up a stand-alone computer she could use to check her e-mail

"Jake Sullivan, a foreign policy expert from the campaign who had grown to become one of Clinton’s most trusted advisors, immediately saw problems with the proposal and echoed Mills’ concern: Clinton did not know how to use a computer, so the suggestion of a stand-alone computer for Clinton was not an appropriate solution.”


What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server
Trump became a target of Obstruction investigation when he fired Comey.
Knowing the FBI's initial investigation was begun illegally...and that the official investigation was opened and Mueller (who had been working with Ohr and Steele on the Dossier before then) based off of ZERO evidence of collusion, the Democrats immediately began setting President Trump up for charges of 'Obstruction':

'If you complain about being investigated it's Obstruction...'
'If you point out that the FBI's investigation began with no evidence and ended with no evidence it's Obstruction...'
'If you publicly declare your innocence and call it a Witch Hunt (which it was) it's Obstruction....'

Co-Conspirator Rosenstein authored all the reasons why firing Comey was justified....despite the fact that the President had the authority to fire Comey at any time for any reason and did not need Rosenstein's list of justifiable reasons to fire Comey....

Co-Conspirator Rosenstein RECOMMENDED the President fire FBI Director Comey......and as soon as he did ROSENSTEIN recommended the President be investigated for doing so......
--- That's one helluva weird coincidence....especially when we find out later Rosenstein was 'JOKING' by suggesting to anyone who would listen later that he would wear a wire to try to oust President Trump....

The FACT is the Democrats were so rabidly pissed at Trump for winning and hated him so much they were grasping at anything and everything they could think of to use to overthrow President Trump:

Illegal Collusion w/Russians
'Article 25'.......

And it all failed...all backfired....and now the conspirators are being investigated.

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