AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

newsflash idiot: FBI and DOJ long ago cleared Hillary and no one gives a shit about your little email obsessions.
Yes, you DESERATELY keep repeating that...while intentionally refus9ing to mention the evidence that proves Hillary was PROTECTED from indictment / conviction....

Among that list of evidence is the fact that Lynch and Comey authored Hillary's exoneration letter before the FBI had begun thoroughly investigating Hillary's crimes:

Comey began drafting a letter regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private, unsecured e-mail server and account during her time as secretary of state months before the FBI had interviewed several key people involved. One of the people not interviewed before Comey began drafting his letter was Clinton herself.

Former FBI Agent Page testified under oath before Congress and stated, "the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for
gross negligence in the handling of classified information"
-- Lisa Page admitted Obama DOJ ordered stand-down on Clinton email prosecution, GOP rep says

Now what do you snowflakes NOT understand / comprehend about her testimony?

STILL 'confused'? They asked Page AGAIN to make sure SHE made it perfectly clear what she was saying:

"...when you say advice you got from the Department, you’re making it sound like it was the Department that told you: You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to —"

Lisa Page admitted Obama DOJ ordered stand-down on Clinton email prosecution, GOP rep says

"Page interrupted: "That is correct," as Ratcliffe finished his sentence, " -- bring a case based on that."
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Don't miss the declaration the US AG makes here:

'Opposition Research' - funded by Hillary Clinton, conducted by a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the Obama administration's Director of the FBI - was used by Obama's Director of the FBI and FBI as the foundation for a Counter-Intelligence Operation being run against the GOP Presidential Candidate / Newly Elected President.'

In literature they call such a reference / statement 'Foreshadowing', a hint at what is to come...

It's also a "very usual situation" when the campaign staff of an American Presidential Candidate have over 100 contacts with officials from the Russian government throughout the campaign, and firstly, fails to inform the FBI or the CIA that foreign nationals are approaching them with offers from the Russian government; and secondly, lies to the FBI about the nature of these contacts.

In fact, if the leadership of the FBI had failed to investigate this campaign, they would have been derelict in their duty.

What's an "unusual" situation is for a US Secretary of State to run a "pay for play" scheme with "donations" from foreign governments and individuals pouring into a non profit "foundation" that she was then turning around and using to help finance her political campaign for President! What's "unusual" is for a US Secretary of State to conduct official business through two illegal servers secreted away in her private residence...hide the existence of those servers from Congressional investigators and then have those servers destroyed when they are discovered!

You want to talk about dereliction of duty? How is it conceivable that the above wasn't a violation of US law? How is it conceivable that the Director of the FBI would claim that the Secretary of State wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand she was breaking the law? How is it conceivable that decision was reached DAYS after a clandestine meeting between the Attorney General of the United States and Bill Clinton? You want to talk about "obstruction of justice"? It's right spades!!!

Clinton’s server wasn’t illegal because the Bush server wasn’t illegal. And it wasn’t secret either. In fact, after Clinton left office, the Republicans passed a law against it.

The ONLY reason Republicans made a big stink about it in 2015, was to discredit Hillary.

There was no “pay for play”. Independently audited financial statements and the IRS, and multiple investigations have prove the Clinton Foundation is NOT a sham.
What "Bush server?"
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
It is unusual to use it against a lawfully elected president, scumbag.

How was it "used against the president"?

It was kept hush hush by FBI during election and he wasnt even a target until his idiot ass started obstructing investigations.
He was a target 6 months before the election, moron. How do you know what they did with the intel they gathered? I'm sure it all went straight to Hillary. Trump never obstructed any investigation.

No he wasn't, you simply do not know what you are talking about once again. Even dossier does not directly implicate Trump.

Trump became a target of Obstruction investigation when he fired Comey.
Uhhhh . . . .Wrong! The evidence shows the FBI began investigating in March of 2016
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

It was never touted as " verified". It was raw intelligence. The kind used everyday in counterintel operations and investigations. Also known as " leads".


You are another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard....

You are not supposed to get a FISA WARRANT based on rumors....

You are supposed to have facts...……..

You Tards got caught trying to cheat.

You are used to getting away with it.....

This would have all been swept under the rug if the ugly bitch would have won....


Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.

The three subsequent renewals show very clearly that not only was the warrant justified but produced results.
Each of the three renewals required proof that the previous warrant had garnered usable intel.

Rosenstein, ( Trump's own apointee),signed off on all of them.
Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
It is unusual to use it against a lawfully elected president, scumbag.

How was it "used against the president"?

It was kept hush hush by FBI during election and he wasnt even a target until his idiot ass started obstructing investigations.
He was a target 6 months before the election, moron. How do you know what they did with the intel they gathered? I'm sure it all went straight to Hillary. Trump never obstructed any investigation.

No he wasn't, you simply do not know what you are talking about once again. Even dossier does not directly implicate Trump.

Trump became a target of Obstruction investigation when he fired Comey.
Uhhhh . . . .Wrong! The evidence shows the FBI began investigating in March of 2016
The FBI began a counterintelligence investigation in June of 2016.

The FBI did not investigate obstruction at that time.
When you ask for a FISA warrant to investigate (spy) on any American citizen, let alone a presidential nominee and/or his campaign, you gotta have solid evidence that has been verified. Yet the DOJ/FBI had NOTHING but the Steele Dossier and news reports that were based on that dossier, and that is not supposed to be the way our gov't agencies work. To this day, nothing substantial in that dossier has been verified, otherwise you can be sure the Mueller investigation would have said so in the report; for Christ sakes, they used Russian freakin' agents as sources! So, who really collaborated with the Russians? We now know it wasn't Trump or his campaign, but it's beginning to look like the DNC and the Clinton campaign might have, indirectly.

The investigation was ongoing before The dossier was even presented!

What are you saying, MA? The FBI started the investigation (spying) on the Trump campaign before they got a warrant to do so from the FISA court? That's what I was talking about, the FISA warrant that was obtained based on unverified data from Russian sources in a Dossier that was basically opposition research, i.e., a hit piece. Anybody want to tell us which part of the FISA warrant was verified BEFORE it went to the FISA Court? Anybody want to tell us what else the FBI/DOJ had in the way of verified evidence that was not directly or indirectly based on that Dossier? Uh-huh, right: nada, zip, zilch. And if there was something, don't you think we'd know about it by now?

So, do we want to have the FBI/DOJ spying on us without verified probable cause for political purposes? Or do we want it only if the subject of the investigation is a Republican?

The FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation focused on russian interference in our election in june of 16. Secondarily, the investigation was looking into whether or not any Americans were involved including members of the Trump campaign.

Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.
You know you can't just claim ANYTHING to justify your request for a warrant, right? For example, you can't just KNOWINGLY attempt to pass off false information as 'legitimate intelligence' ... like the way Comey and Rosenstein did.

Ohr testified he informed Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey the data was 'UNRELIABLE' ... BEFORE they used it in the FISA Court Warrant Request. Rosenstein made a huge deal testifying before Congress about how when anyone submits a request EVERYTHING they submit must be SUBSTANTIATED, and if it is NOT and they attach their signature to the document THEY MUST PAY A COST.
-- This same cockroach signed his name to a FALSE document.

The FBI and Rosenstein also committed the crime of OMISSION, never once letting the FISA Court know the document was political research paid for by the Hillary campaign.

And now you have Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, and baker all pointing fingers at each other -- they aren't claiming 'It never happened'. They are claiming, 'It wasn't ME!'
When you ask for a FISA warrant to investigate (spy) on any American citizen, let alone a presidential nominee and/or his campaign, you gotta have solid evidence that has been verified. Yet the DOJ/FBI had NOTHING but the Steele Dossier and news reports that were based on that dossier, and that is not supposed to be the way our gov't agencies work. To this day, nothing substantial in that dossier has been verified, otherwise you can be sure the Mueller investigation would have said so in the report; for Christ sakes, they used Russian freakin' agents as sources! So, who really collaborated with the Russians? We now know it wasn't Trump or his campaign, but it's beginning to look like the DNC and the Clinton campaign might have, indirectly.

The investigation was ongoing before The dossier was even presented!

What are you saying, MA? The FBI started the investigation (spying) on the Trump campaign before they got a warrant to do so from the FISA court? That's what I was talking about, the FISA warrant that was obtained based on unverified data from Russian sources in a Dossier that was basically opposition research, i.e., a hit piece. Anybody want to tell us which part of the FISA warrant was verified BEFORE it went to the FISA Court? Anybody want to tell us what else the FBI/DOJ had in the way of verified evidence that was not directly or indirectly based on that Dossier? Uh-huh, right: nada, zip, zilch. And if there was something, don't you think we'd know about it by now?

So, do we want to have the FBI/DOJ spying on us without verified probable cause for political purposes? Or do we want it only if the subject of the investigation is a Republican?

The FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation focused on russian interference in our election in june of 16. Secondarily, the investigation was looking into whether or not any Americans were involved including members of the Trump campaign.

And according to Page, Clapper, and Morrell there was NEVER ANY EVIDENCE OF ANY SUCH CRIME....that's because there was none.
newsflash idiot: FBI and DOJ long ago cleared Hillary and no one gives a shit about your little email obsessions.
Yes, you DESERATELY keep repeating that...while intentionally refus9ing to mention the evidence that proves Hillary was PROTECTED from indictment / conviction....

You are fucking nuts (comment for those that are not familiar with Easy's unhinged posting before, everyone else knows already)

There was ALREADY a full review of the case under Trump's DOJ by Horowitz (Inspector General) in 2018. He found that the case was resolved apropriately and without bias. The only wrongdoing reported was Comey's public slamming of Hillary.

Here it is, please read and stfu already with the emails. It is 100% over.

Report Criticizes Comey but Finds No Bias in F.B.I. Decision on Clinton

...the inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, did not challenge the conclusion that Mrs. Clinton should not be prosecuted. That investigation loomed over most of the presidential campaign, and Mr. Horowitz and his investigators uncovered no proof that political opinions at the F.B.I. influenced its outcome.

We found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations,” he wrote. “Rather, we concluded that they were based on the prosecutor’s assessment of facts, the law and past department practice.
Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
It is unusual to use it against a lawfully elected president, scumbag.

How was it "used against the president"?

It was kept hush hush by FBI during election and he wasnt even a target until his idiot ass started obstructing investigations.
He was a target 6 months before the election, moron. How do you know what they did with the intel they gathered? I'm sure it all went straight to Hillary. Trump never obstructed any investigation.

No he wasn't, you simply do not know what you are talking about once again. Even dossier does not directly implicate Trump.

Trump became a target of Obstruction investigation when he fired Comey.
Uhhhh . . . .Wrong! The evidence shows the FBI began investigating in March of 2016

Moron, which part of what I said is wrong?

Conspiracy investigation began in 2016 (of which Trump himself never became a target), Obstruction investigation began with Comey's firing in 2017.
The three subsequent renewals show very clearly that not only was the warrant justified but produced results.
Each of the three renewals required proof that the previous warrant had garnered usable intel.

Rosenstein, ( Trump's own apointee),signed off on all of them.
I love how you just make up your own facts.

The warrants and renewals did have to prove they were justified, except the entire reason for the FISA Court Abuse investigations by the US IG and US AG's investigations are because there is evidence...and even testimony...proving the FBI / Rosenstein both lied to and withheld information from the FISA Court.

Meanwhile you act like making such an accusation is 'blasphemous', that the FBI is beyond reproach and has never given anyone reason to believe they would do so...OR HAVE DONE SO BEFORE.

As FBI Director Mueller was hauled before a Secret FISA Court to explain his FBI's 75 incidents of FISA Court Abuses. (Isn't that 'special'...Comey's mentor who suddenly finds himself investigating incidents involving his protégé was 'called to the carpet' for FISA Court Abuses...and now it seems the tradition was passed on from one to the other....)

Continue your lying, denying, justifying, etc....for as long as you can. Yet another false snowflake narrative will die with the release of the US IG's report on the FISA Court Abuses Obama' s toadies perpetrated.
Mueller report provided, issues resolved, case closed. Make up something new and move along.
Mueller report provided, issues resolved, case closed. Make up something new and move along.

Mueller report provided 10 instances of possible Obstruction of Justice by Trump for Congress to consider holding the president accountable for.

So no, it's not resolved.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Don't miss the declaration the US AG makes here:

'Opposition Research' - funded by Hillary Clinton, conducted by a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the Obama administration's Director of the FBI - was used by Obama's Director of the FBI and FBI as the foundation for a Counter-Intelligence Operation being run against the GOP Presidential Candidate / Newly Elected President.'

In literature they call such a reference / statement 'Foreshadowing', a hint at what is to come...

It's also a "very usual situation" when the campaign staff of an American Presidential Candidate have over 100 contacts with officials from the Russian government throughout the campaign, and firstly, fails to inform the FBI or the CIA that foreign nationals are approaching them with offers from the Russian government; and secondly, lies to the FBI about the nature of these contacts.

In fact, if the leadership of the FBI had failed to investigate this campaign, they would have been derelict in their duty.

What's an "unusual" situation is for a US Secretary of State to run a "pay for play" scheme with "donations" from foreign governments and individuals pouring into a non profit "foundation" that she was then turning around and using to help finance her political campaign for President! What's "unusual" is for a US Secretary of State to conduct official business through two illegal servers secreted away in her private residence...hide the existence of those servers from Congressional investigators and then have those servers destroyed when they are discovered!

You want to talk about dereliction of duty? How is it conceivable that the above wasn't a violation of US law? How is it conceivable that the Director of the FBI would claim that the Secretary of State wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand she was breaking the law? How is it conceivable that decision was reached DAYS after a clandestine meeting between the Attorney General of the United States and Bill Clinton? You want to talk about "obstruction of justice"? It's right spades!!!

Clinton’s server wasn’t illegal because the Bush server wasn’t illegal. And it wasn’t secret either. In fact, after Clinton left office, the Republicans passed a law against it.

The ONLY reason Republicans made a big stink about it in 2015, was to discredit Hillary.

There was no “pay for play”. Independently audited financial statements and the IRS, and multiple investigations have prove the Clinton Foundation is NOT a sham.
What "Bush server?"


"The officials had used the private domain, a server run by the Republican National Committee."
Mueller report provided, issues resolved, case closed. Make up something new and move along.

Mueller report provided 10 instances of possible Obstruction of Justice by Trump for Congress to consider holding the president accountable for.

So no, it's not resolved.
We know you want the finished game to be replayed so the score can be changed in your favor. Keep doing that in your make pretend world but Trump continues to be President and Mullers work continues to be completed.
Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.
You know you can't just claim ANYTHING to justify your request for a warrant, right? For example, you can't just KNOWINGLY attempt to pass off false information as 'legitimate intelligence' ... like the way Comey and Rosenstein did.

Ohr testified he informed Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey the data was 'UNRELIABLE' ... BEFORE they used it in the FISA Court Warrant Request. Rosenstein made a huge deal testifying before Congress about how when anyone submits a request EVERYTHING they submit must be SUBSTANTIATED, and if it is NOT and they attach their signature to the document THEY MUST PAY A COST.
-- This same cockroach signed his name to a FALSE document.

The FBI and Rosenstein also committed the crime of OMISSION, never once letting the FISA Court know the document was political research paid for by the Hillary campaign.

And now you have Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, and baker all pointing fingers at each other -- they aren't claiming 'It never happened'. They are claiming, 'It wasn't ME!'
You know you can't just claim ANYTHING to justify your request for a warrant, right? For example, you can't just KNOWINGLY attempt to pass off false information as 'legitimate intelligence' ... like the way Comey and Rosenstein did.

You don't know what they presented the court, dope.

We do know however that the warrant, as well as three renewals were all approved.
The court accepted what they presented and the warrant produced usable intelligence.
You are fucking nuts (comment for those that are not familiar with Easy's unhinged posting before, everyone else knows already)

Why the desperate frantic personal attack, snowflake. Oh, never mind - SOP. Thank you for responding to links and documented info with another wild-eyed personal attack and opinionated rant.... :p

There was ALREADY a full review of the case under Trump's DOJ by Horowitz (Inspector General) in 2018. He found that the case was resolved apropriately and without bias. The only wrongdoing reported was Comey's public slamming of Hillary.

Report Criticizes Comey but Finds No Bias in F.B.I. Decision on Clinton

...the inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, did not challenge the conclusion that Mrs. Clinton should not be prosecuted. That investigation loomed over most of the presidential campaign, and Mr. Horowitz and his investigators uncovered no proof that political opinions at the F.B.I. influenced its outcome.

We found no evidence that the conclusions by department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations,” he wrote. “Rather, we concluded that they were based on the prosecutor’s assessment of facts, the law and past department practice.

'No BIAS'....notice how it doesn't say 'NO CRIME'?! :p

As the LINKS and REPORTS I posted clearly show, and I will type it SLOW this time so you can follow along....

EVIDENCE shows Lynch and Comey authored her Exoneration well prior to the 'Hillary Investigation' getting underway. Almost NO witnesses were interviewed - they had not talked to Hillary yet.

And of course, once again, you avoid like the plague the testimony from former FBI Agent Page who she CLEARLY testified under oath - repeating it so nothing could be mis-interpreted...not even by dumbass partisan snowflakes like you - 'OBAMA'S DOJ TOLD THEM TO STAND DOWN ON PROSECUTING HILLARY, THAT THEY - OBAMA'S DOJ - WOULD NOT DO IT!'

Yeah, in your rabid personal attacks and your mouth-frothing opinionated rant I - as did everyone else - noticed you left that out....

You're welcome.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

It was never touted as " verified". It was raw intelligence. The kind used everyday in counterintel operations and investigations. Also known as " leads".


You are another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard....

You are not supposed to get a FISA WARRANT based on rumors....

You are supposed to have facts...……..

You Tards got caught trying to cheat.

You are used to getting away with it.....

This would have all been swept under the rug if the ugly bitch would have won....


Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.

The three subsequent renewals show very clearly that not only was the warrant justified but produced results.
Each of the three renewals required proof that the previous warrant had garnered usable intel.

Rosenstein, ( Trump's own apointee),signed off on all of them.
The IG has already said the last three FISA warrants were illegal. The first was probably also illegal.
It is unusual to use it against a lawfully elected president, scumbag.

How was it "used against the president"?

It was kept hush hush by FBI during election and he wasnt even a target until his idiot ass started obstructing investigations.
He was a target 6 months before the election, moron. How do you know what they did with the intel they gathered? I'm sure it all went straight to Hillary. Trump never obstructed any investigation.

No he wasn't, you simply do not know what you are talking about once again. Even dossier does not directly implicate Trump.

Trump became a target of Obstruction investigation when he fired Comey.
Uhhhh . . . .Wrong! The evidence shows the FBI began investigating in March of 2016
The FBI began a counterintelligence investigation in June of 2016.

The FBI did not investigate obstruction at that time.
They were investigating Trump, and it began before then.

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