AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

It was never touted as " verified". It was raw intelligence. The kind used everyday in counterintel operations and investigations. Also known as " leads".


You are another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard....

You are not supposed to get a FISA WARRANT based on rumors....

You are supposed to have facts...……..

You Tards got caught trying to cheat.

You are used to getting away with it.....

This would have all been swept under the rug if the ugly bitch would have won....


Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.

The three subsequent renewals show very clearly that not only was the warrant justified but produced results.
Each of the three renewals required proof that the previous warrant had garnered usable intel.

Rosenstein, ( Trump's own apointee),signed off on all of them.
The IG has already said the last three FISA warrants were illegal. The first was probably also illegal.

No he didn't, stop spreading bullshit.
Breaking: IG Learns FISAs Were Illegal, Agent Said “This Is What Happens When You Work For Trump”

The FBI is in deep water and when the final report comes out, it could show that all the FISA warrants, in addition to the last three, were ‘illegally obtained.’

Idiot, from your link:

Three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

You source is bullshit pedling Trumpster on FOX, not Inspector Genereal Horowitz.
Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.[/QUOTE] Except reality...

Christopher Steele broke FBI media rules after being ‘admonished’: Documents


The FBI formally admonished ex-British spy Christopher Steele in early 2016 before he began investigating candidate Donald Trump, according to new documents.

Mr. Steele signed the admonishment and then on at least two occasions violated the rule for confidential human sources, or CHS, by talking to the news media.
Nice link. It still doesn't tell you what was presented to the court, dope. You're the one lying and misrepresenting known facts.


"It is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election."

It is TRULY amazing how you can be presented with actual links and facts that debunk your claims and makes 'manifestly clear' the Obama DOJ and FBI did both intentionally and knowingly engaging in illegal attempts to lie to / deceive the FISA Court, that this information has been posted for EVERYONE to see and read....and you STILL so callously LIE...and try to push 'alternate reality' / your own insanity as 'truth'....

Seeing as you are either a liar with no credibility OR mentally unstable - neither worthy of wasting time on - I will leave you to your delusions, snowflake. Good luck......

And I will greatly enjoy watching what happens 1st, the President being Impeached or the Conspirators being publicly exposed, indicted, convicted... :p

Except reality...

Christopher Steele broke FBI media rules after being ‘admonished’: Documents


The FBI formally admonished ex-British spy Christopher Steele in early 2016 before he began investigating candidate Donald Trump, according to new documents.

Mr. Steele signed the admonishment and then on at least two occasions violated the rule for confidential human sources, or CHS, by talking to the news media.

He was given the talk about dealing with the media....AND? What is the contradiction?

FBI still had him working on this untill Steely himself pulled out.
How was it "used against the president"?

It was kept hush hush by FBI during election and he wasnt even a target until his idiot ass started obstructing investigations.
It's very simple.

The Trump-haters in the FBI knew they had no basis to investigate Trump but refused to admit it, allowing their media allies to lie with impunity.
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And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)
it wasn't the Only information.
The Obama DOJ, NSA/NIS, CIA, and FBI were all well aware that the Dossier was unreliable political research paid for by Hillary Clinton prior to using it to illegally acquire FISA Warrants ....

"The then-senior Department of Justice (DOJ) official (Bruce Ohr) briefed both senior FBI and DOJ officials in summer 2016 about Christopher Steele’s Russia dossier, explicitly cautioning that the British intelligence operative’s work was opposition research connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and might be biased.

Ohr’s briefings, in July and August 2016, included the deputy director of the FBI, a top lawyer for then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and a Justice official who later would become the top deputy to special counsel
Robert Mueller.

At the time, Ohr was the
associate deputy attorney general. Yet his warnings about political bias were pointedly omitted weeks later from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant that the FBI obtained from a federal court, granting it permission to spy on whether the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia to hijack the 2016 presidential election."
--- FISA shocker: DOJ official warned Steele dossier was connected to Clinton, might be biased

All that is needed now is the US IG's report making it official and the US AG's 4 investigations to drive the nail in several coffins...
The Obama DOJ, NSA/NIS, CIA, and FBI were all well aware that the Dossier was unreliable political research paid for by Hillary Clinton prior to using it to illegally acquire FISA Warrants ....

Dossier was disclosed in the FISA aplication as raw intelligence with political funding. Nothing illegal about that.
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How was it "used against the president"?

It was kept hush hush by FBI during election and he wasnt even a target until his idiot ass started obstructing investigations.
It's very simple.

The Trump-haters in the FBI knew they had no basis to investigate Trump but refused to admit it, allowing their media allies to lie with impunity.

You didn't actually answer my question.

If your conspiracy theory is true and FBI was out to damage Trump before election. then why did they keep investigation a total secret untill after he became a president?
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!
It was never disproven.
Congress has the obligation to oversee the executive branch; and, now that the Russians are our new BFF, we should realign our foreign wars.
Dossier was disclosed as raw intelligence with political funding. Nothing illegal about that.
In America it's illegal to spy on the opposition party bases on evidence known to be unreliable, unverified, and false. You'd have a good point if it happened in NAZI Germany, USSR, or Nork.

As an exercise, imagine if Trump did the same thing to Democrats and tell us if you'd be okay with it.
Dossier was disclosed as raw intelligence with political funding. Nothing illegal about that.
Only legitimate, substantiated, factual information / Intel can be submitted in a FISA Court application. Rosenstein testified before Congress that anyone who signs the document while knowingly submitting anything NOT substantiated or anyone intentionally withholding info is committing a crime and must be held accountable. Evidence shows that is exactly what happened.

Again, evidence shows Bruce Ohr informed these criminals that Steele was a biased Trump-hater determined to get the Dossier information - which he himself stated he never substantiated - out prior to election time. Evidence shows Ohr also made it clear to them that parts of the Dossier were flat out false and others not substantiated.

The fact that the Dossier was describes as 'Raw Intelligence' was in fact a LIE! It was unsubstantiated (some debunked) political research / propaganda being pushed by a Trump-hating foreign spy. Even if they presented the information that way to the FISA Court - which they didn't...they presented it as 'Legitimate Intel' - it would have been a crime of OMISSION....withholding the TRUTH, which they were briefed by Ohr.
Dossier was disclosed as raw intelligence with political funding. Nothing illegal about that.
In America it's illegal to spy on the opposition party bases on evidence known to be unreliable, unverified, and false. You'd have a good point if it happened in NAZI Germany, USSR, or Nork.

As an exercise, imagine if Trump did the same thing to Democrats and tell us if you'd be okay with it.

Carter was NOT on the campaign at the time of his FISA warranted surveilance.

And if you don't like FISA court descision go compain against them, FBI did everything by the book.
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They are not declaring, "It Never Happened." They are now declaring, "It Wasn't ME!"
Dossier was disclosed as raw intelligence with political funding. Nothing illegal about that.
Only legitimate, substantiated, factual information / Intel can be submitted in a FISA Court application. Rosenstein testified before Congress that anyone who signs the document while knowingly submitting anything NOT substantiated or anyone intentionally withholding info is committing a crime and must be held accountable. Evidence shows that is exactly what happened.

Again, evidence shows Bruce Ohr informed these criminals that Steele was a biased Trump-hater determined to get the Dossier information - which he himself stated he never substantiated - out prior to election time. Evidence shows Ohr also made it clear to them that parts of the Dossier were flat out false and others not substantiated.

The fact that the Dossier was describes as 'Raw Intelligence' was in fact a LIE! It was unsubstantiated (some debunked) political research / propaganda being pushed by a Trump-hating foreign spy. Even if they presented the information that way to the FISA Court - which they didn't...they presented it as 'Legitimate Intel' - it would have been a crime of OMISSION....withholding the TRUTH, which they were briefed by Ohr.
why would that matter with oppo. research? it is up to the Inquisition to separate fact from fiction.
AG Barr has no credibility. He is a corrupt hack and a joke.

I understand your desperation. You are parroting the instructions fed to you by the very politicians now under scrutiny by AG Barr. They are in a panic and are desperate to discredit AG Barr before these crimes committed by Democrats come to light.

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