AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

guys tend to have lower numbers and less practice; and should be given a free pass on affirmative action grounds.
AG Barr has no credibility. He is a corrupt hack and a joke.

I understand your desperation

lol, dumbass even Republicans are getting around to criticizing Barr for misleading Americans.

And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke. your world, if part of the evidence used to obtain a FISA Warrant is patently false, a lie, it's okay so long as there is something else? If they intentionally put forth such a massive lie, how would anyone know the rest isn't a lie?
Dossier was disclosed as raw intelligence with political funding. Nothing illegal about that.
Only legitimate, substantiated, factual information / Intel can be submitted in a FISA Court application. Rosenstein testified before Congress that anyone who signs the document while knowingly submitting anything NOT substantiated or anyone intentionally withholding info is committing

You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)
why would that matter with oppo. research? it is up to the Inquisition to separate fact from fiction.
You must mean something other than what I understood....or else you are completely ignorant of the law and oblivious to how such illegal acts are threats to / violations of our Constitutional Rights....

Intentionally, knowingly telling the FISA Court the Dossier was 'Legitimate Intel' (collected by the Intel Community) was / is a MASSIVE lie. It was Hillary-purchased opposition research - false information....unreliable information - is a lie. It is ILLEGAL to intentionally LIE to the FISA Court...but they did it anyway....

It is ILLEGAL for FISA Warrants to be acquired under false / illegal pretenses.
-- LYING to the FISA Court by telling them the political research information bought by Hillary's campaign and provided by a Trump-hating foreign spy is 'Legitimate Intel' is ILLEGAL. OMMITTING / WITHHOLDING information from the FISA the fact that the information being presented as 'Legitimate Intel' is actually unsubstantiated / partially debunked political ILLEGAL.

ILLEGALLY spying on US citizens is both a violation of Constitutional Rights and ILLEGAL.
Nice link. It still doesn't tell you what was presented to the court, dope. You're the one lying and misrepresenting known facts.


"It is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election."

It is TRULY amazing how you can be presented with actual links and facts that debunk your claims and makes 'manifestly clear' the Obama DOJ and FBI did both intentionally and knowingly engaging in illegal attempts to lie to / deceive the FISA Court, that this information has been posted for EVERYONE to see and read....and you STILL so callously LIE...and try to push 'alternate reality' / your own insanity as 'truth'....

Seeing as you are either a liar with no credibility OR mentally unstable - neither worthy of wasting time on - I will leave you to your delusions, snowflake. Good luck......

And I will greatly enjoy watching what happens 1st, the President being Impeached or the Conspirators being publicly exposed, indicted, convicted... :p

That's not facts. That's the dopey Nunes memo bullshit and you still don't know what or how anything was presented to the court.

Have some reality. It's free.

The Democratic rebuttal to the Nunes memo tears it apart
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....
I've lied about nothing.
I'm stating known facts. You're in the Q-tard fantasy zone.

The point is that the renewals continued after the warrant was known and criticized publicly. Obviously the applications withstood scrutiny, were approved and were productive.

What scrutiny did the applications withstand? Those submitting the applications swear that all the information is true. So, KNOWING the information was not true, the applicants, nonetheless, swore that it was true. That is illegal.
I've lied about nothing.
I'm stating known facts. You're in the Q-tard fantasy zone.

The point is that the renewals continued after the warrant was known and criticized publicly. Obviously the applications withstood scrutiny, were approved and were productive.

What scrutiny did the applications withstand? Those submitting the applications swear that all the information is true. So, KNOWING the information was not true, the applicants, nonetheless, swore that it was true. That is illegal.
What scrutiny did the applications withstand?
The scrutiny of the judge who reviewed the applications and approved them, of course.

Your theory relies on the judges being clueless, gullible, incompetent and foolish. I have not seen any evidence of that. This is what they do.
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant.

lol who said it was? Dossier was corroborated by numberous other established facts, like the fact that Carter left campaign and flew right out to Moscow.

Read the fucking warrant:

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
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AG Barr has no credibility. He is a corrupt hack and a joke.

I understand your desperation

lol, dumbass even Republicans are getting around to criticizing Barr for misleading Americans.

Again, you can't help but lie...this POS is a Libertarian / Dem-wannabe who seeks attention.... :p
When did he drop out of the Republican Party? Are you claiming he is no longer a registered Republican? Seems like maybe you are the lair.
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

Evidence that Obama was corrupt?? Just list the indictments and convictions. Same for the Clintons. Indictments and convictions for them and their staff.

Now do the same for Trump. Racism, fraud, illegal campaign contributions, all documented and proven. People are in jail for following Trump’s directions. If Trump weren’t the President, he’d be under indictment right now.

As for Strzok, those were private conversations. Not policy and not indicative of their work. Not to mention that Strzok was removed from the investigation when Mueller saw the texts, just 8 weeks into the investigation, and weeks before the texts were made public.
The scrutiny of the judge who reviewed the applications and approved them, of course.

Your theory relies on the judges being clueless, gullible, incompetent and foolish. I have not seen any evidence of that. This is what they do.

Those submitting the information to the judges have sworn that the information is true. They lied, it was not true and they knew the information was not true.

This is why Progressives are in such a panic. The investigations are now turning on them and they know they are in deep doo doo!
When you ask for a FISA warrant to investigate (spy) on any American citizen, let alone a presidential nominee and/or his campaign, you gotta have solid evidence that has been verified. Yet the DOJ/FBI had NOTHING but the Steele Dossier and news reports that were based on that dossier, and that is not supposed to be the way our gov't agencies work. To this day, nothing substantial in that dossier has been verified, otherwise you can be sure the Mueller investigation would have said so in the report; for Christ sakes, they used Russian freakin' agents as sources! So, who really collaborated with the Russians? We now know it wasn't Trump or his campaign, but it's beginning to look like the DNC and the Clinton campaign might have, indirectly.

The investigation was ongoing before The dossier was even presented!

What are you saying, MA? The FBI started the investigation (spying) on the Trump campaign before they got a warrant to do so from the FISA court? That's what I was talking about, the FISA warrant that was obtained based on unverified data from Russian sources in a Dossier that was basically opposition research, i.e., a hit piece. Anybody want to tell us which part of the FISA warrant was verified BEFORE it went to the FISA Court? Anybody want to tell us what else the FBI/DOJ had in the way of verified evidence that was not directly or indirectly based on that Dossier? Uh-huh, right: nada, zip, zilch. And if there was something, don't you think we'd know about it by now?

So, do we want to have the FBI/DOJ spying on us without verified probable cause for political purposes? Or do we want it only if the subject of the investigation is a Republican?

I am saying exactly what I posted! The investigation,( not spying, as you are quoting Trump and Barr ,) was started before the Dossier was even turned over. I try to check facts before posting. See for yourself.

Dossier Not What 'Started All of This' -
Evidence that Obama was corrupt?? Just list the indictments and convictions. Same for the Clintons. Indictments and convictions for them and their staff.

Now do the same for Trump. Racism, fraud, illegal campaign contributions, all documented and proven. People are in jail for following Trump’s directions. If Trump weren’t the President, he’d be under indictment right now.

As for Strzok, those were private conversations. Not policy and not indicative of their work. Not to mention that Strzok was removed from the investigation when Mueller saw the texts, just 8 weeks into the investigation, and weeks before the texts were made public.

Indictments and convictions for the Clintons?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)


Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last-minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 misdemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate: William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent

Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him sign a statement admitting to his deception.

Post Administration

Sandy Bergergate Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly classified documents from the National Archive and destroying them.

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