AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

The scrutiny of the judge who reviewed the applications and approved them, of course.

Your theory relies on the judges being clueless, gullible, incompetent and foolish. I have not seen any evidence of that. This is what they do.

Those submitting the information to the judges have sworn that the information is true. They lied, it was not true and they knew the information was not true.

This is why Progressives are in such a panic. The investigations are now turning on them and they know they are in deep doo doo!

As if you or I know what information was submitted or how it was submitted. We don't. And again, you're assuming the judges are just knuckleheads stamping forms and are not diligent in any way.
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

Evidence that Obama was corrupt?? Just list the indictments and convictions. Same for the Clintons. Indictments and convictions for them and their staff.

Now do the same for Trump. Racism, fraud, illegal campaign contributions, all documented and proven. People are in jail for following Trump’s directions. If Trump weren’t the President, he’d be under indictment right now.

As for Strzok, those were private conversations. Not policy and not indicative of their work. Not to mention that Strzok was removed from the investigation when Mueller saw the texts, just 8 weeks into the investigation, and weeks before the texts were made public.

LOL...lets see. You say Trump is racist. Convictions and indictments? What about illegal campaign contributions? I would dare say that Fast and Furious was well documented as was the IRS scandal under Obama. What about Benhazi? Pretty well documented, certainly no less so than your claims against Trump.

Not indicative of their work? Man, you really haven't followed the timeline have you nor do you have any common sense. "We'll stop it" from the lead investigator in response to "Trumps not going to become President will he?" is pretty damning. The reason Comey removed him from the investigation was the obviously horrible optics of such texts. People with common sense knew exactly what "We'll stop it" meant. Never Trumpers exhibit very little common sense with regards to anything Trump.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.
Russian espionage agents provided all the material in the so-called "dossier," moron.

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
Carter was NOT on the campaign at the time of his FISA warranted surveilance.

And if you don't like FISA court descision go compain against them, FBI did everything by the book.
It's unfortunate you didn't know this, but warrants allow the investigators to search past records. Like when he was part of the campaign.

The Book didn't allow oppo research and known lies to be used to justify a FISA warrant.

You might want to sit this one out.
The scrutiny of the judge who reviewed the applications and approved them, of course.

Your theory relies on the judges being clueless, gullible, incompetent and foolish. I have not seen any evidence of that. This is what they do.

Those submitting the information to the judges have sworn that the information is true. They lied, it was not true and they knew the information was not true.

This is why Progressives are in such a panic. The investigations are now turning on them and they know they are in deep doo doo!
You don't know what they presented the court, dope. We do know however that the warrant, as well as three renewals were all approved. The court accepted what they presented and the warrant produced usable intelligence.

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong / of lying?

"The email exchanges show the FBI was awarebefore it secured the now-infamous warrant — that there were intelligence community concerns about the reliability of the main evidence used to support it: the Christopher Steele dossier."


"The exchanges also indicate FBI officials were aware that Steele, the former MI6 British intelligence operative then working as a confidential human source for the bureau, had
contacts with news media reporters before the FISA warrant was secured."
-- FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet



D@mn, you are one helluva liar / 'storyteller'......

Another,” Somebody said,” quote!
I've lied about nothing.
I'm stating known facts. You're in the Q-tard fantasy zone.

The point is that the renewals continued after the warrant was known and criticized publicly. Obviously the applications withstood scrutiny, were approved and were productive.

What scrutiny did the applications withstand? Those submitting the applications swear that all the information is true. So, KNOWING the information was not true, the applicants, nonetheless, swore that it was true. That is illegal.
Not true. You are making that up to support your conspiracy theory. Believing something is true or probably true or even " may be true" is sufficient as long as the level of probability is provided to the judge, which in this case, was.
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

Evidence that Obama was corrupt?? Just list the indictments and convictions. Same for the Clintons. Indictments and convictions for them and their staff.

Now do the same for Trump. Racism, fraud, illegal campaign contributions, all documented and proven. People are in jail for following Trump’s directions. If Trump weren’t the President, he’d be under indictment right now.

As for Strzok, those were private conversations. Not policy and not indicative of their work. Not to mention that Strzok was removed from the investigation when Mueller saw the texts, just 8 weeks into the investigation, and weeks before the texts were made public.

LOL...lets see. You say Trump is racist. Convictions and indictments? What about illegal campaign contributions?

Dummy what the fuck do you think Trump's lawyer named Cohen went to jail for?

Trump is essentially an unindicted co-conspirator in that case and would be going to jail right along with Cohen if it wan't for the fact that he is a sitting president.

Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen pleads guilty, admits to making illegal payments at direction of candidate to influence election
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You are another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard....

You are not supposed to get a FISA WARRANT based on rumors....

You are supposed to have facts...……..

You Tards got caught trying to cheat.

You are used to getting away with it.....

This would have all been swept under the rug if the ugly bitch would have won....


Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.

The three subsequent renewals show very clearly that not only was the warrant justified but produced results.
Each of the three renewals required proof that the previous warrant had garnered usable intel.

Rosenstein, ( Trump's own apointee),signed off on all of them.
The IG has already said the last three FISA warrants were illegal. The first was probably also illegal.

No he didn't, stop spreading bullshit.
Breaking: IG Learns FISAs Were Illegal, Agent Said “This Is What Happens When You Work For Trump”

The FBI is in deep water and when the final report comes out, it could show that all the FISA warrants, in addition to the last three, were ‘illegally obtained.’

Idiot, from your link:

Three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

You source is bullshit pedling Trumpster on FOX, not Inspector Genereal Horowitz.
Joe, the joke? How about quoting Judge Napolitano?

I've lied about nothing.
I'm stating known facts. You're in the Q-tard fantasy zone.

The point is that the renewals continued after the warrant was known and criticized publicly. Obviously the applications withstood scrutiny, were approved and were productive.

What scrutiny did the applications withstand? Those submitting the applications swear that all the information is true. So, KNOWING the information was not true, the applicants, nonetheless, swore that it was true. That is illegal.
Not true. You are making that up to support your conspiracy theory. Believing something is true or probably true or even " may be true" is sufficient as long as the level of probability is provided to the judge, which in this case, was.

You're actually trying to make the argument that it was LEGAL for the conspirators to lie and withhold evidence from the FISA Court........

The more time goes by without a Trump Impeachment the more and more snowflakes lose their damn minds...

I've lied about nothing.
I'm stating known facts. You're in the Q-tard fantasy zone.

The point is that the renewals continued after the warrant was known and criticized publicly. Obviously the applications withstood scrutiny, were approved and were productive.

What scrutiny did the applications withstand? Those submitting the applications swear that all the information is true. So, KNOWING the information was not true, the applicants, nonetheless, swore that it was true. That is illegal.
Not true. You are making that up to support your conspiracy theory. Believing something is true or probably true or even " may be true" is sufficient as long as the level of probability is provided to the judge, which in this case, was.

You're actually trying to make the argument that it was LEGAL for the conspirators to lie and withhold evidence from the FISA Court........

The more time goes by without a Trump Impeachment the more and more snowflakes lose their damn minds...


No evidence has been shown they lied. You people just make stuff up, fail to back up your lies and call everyone else liars.
why would that matter with oppo. research? it is up to the Inquisition to separate fact from fiction.
You must mean something other than what I understood....or else you are completely ignorant of the law and oblivious to how such illegal acts are threats to / violations of our Constitutional Rights....

Intentionally, knowingly telling the FISA Court the Dossier was 'Legitimate Intel' (collected by the Intel Community) was / is a MASSIVE lie. It was Hillary-purchased opposition research - false information....unreliable information - is a lie. It is ILLEGAL to intentionally LIE to the FISA Court...but they did it anyway....

It is ILLEGAL for FISA Warrants to be acquired under false / illegal pretenses.
-- LYING to the FISA Court by telling them the political research information bought by Hillary's campaign and provided by a Trump-hating foreign spy is 'Legitimate Intel' is ILLEGAL. OMMITTING / WITHHOLDING information from the FISA the fact that the information being presented as 'Legitimate Intel' is actually unsubstantiated / partially debunked political ILLEGAL.

ILLEGALLY spying on US citizens is both a violation of Constitutional Rights and ILLEGAL.
oppo. research is not illegal. and, a regime exists to vet information for use to deny and disparage Individual Liberty.
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?
no evidence or no authority to pursue evidence since this is covered by express Constitutional law?
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

Evidence that Obama was corrupt?? Just list the indictments and convictions. Same for the Clintons. Indictments and convictions for them and their staff.

Now do the same for Trump. Racism, fraud, illegal campaign contributions, all documented and proven. People are in jail for following Trump’s directions. If Trump weren’t the President, he’d be under indictment right now.

As for Strzok, those were private conversations. Not policy and not indicative of their work. Not to mention that Strzok was removed from the investigation when Mueller saw the texts, just 8 weeks into the investigation, and weeks before the texts were made public.

LOL...lets see. You say Trump is racist. Convictions and indictments? What about illegal campaign contributions?

Dummy what the fuck do you think Trump's lawyer named Cohen went to jail for?

Trump is essentially an unindicted co-conspirator in that case and would be going to jail right along with Cohne if it wan't for the fact that he is a sitting president.
No, he didn't go to jail for that, but the prosecutor put it in his plea agreement so dirt bags like you could claim he did.
I've lied about nothing.
I'm stating known facts. You're in the Q-tard fantasy zone.

The point is that the renewals continued after the warrant was known and criticized publicly. Obviously the applications withstood scrutiny, were approved and were productive.

What scrutiny did the applications withstand? Those submitting the applications swear that all the information is true. So, KNOWING the information was not true, the applicants, nonetheless, swore that it was true. That is illegal.
You are alleging those applications were "rubber stamped" instead of processed with due and normal diligence by that organization.
Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

Evidence that Obama was corrupt?? Just list the indictments and convictions. Same for the Clintons. Indictments and convictions for them and their staff.

Now do the same for Trump. Racism, fraud, illegal campaign contributions, all documented and proven. People are in jail for following Trump’s directions. If Trump weren’t the President, he’d be under indictment right now.

As for Strzok, those were private conversations. Not policy and not indicative of their work. Not to mention that Strzok was removed from the investigation when Mueller saw the texts, just 8 weeks into the investigation, and weeks before the texts were made public.

LOL...lets see. You say Trump is racist. Convictions and indictments? What about illegal campaign contributions?

Dummy what the fuck do you think Trump's lawyer named Cohen went to jail for?

Trump is essentially an unindicted co-conspirator in that case and would be going to jail right along with Cohne if it wan't for the fact that he is a sitting president.
No, he didn't go to jail for that, but the prosecutor put it in his plea agreement so dirt bags like you could claim he did.

What did he go to jail for?
Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

Evidence that Obama was corrupt?? Just list the indictments and convictions. Same for the Clintons. Indictments and convictions for them and their staff.

Now do the same for Trump. Racism, fraud, illegal campaign contributions, all documented and proven. People are in jail for following Trump’s directions. If Trump weren’t the President, he’d be under indictment right now.

As for Strzok, those were private conversations. Not policy and not indicative of their work. Not to mention that Strzok was removed from the investigation when Mueller saw the texts, just 8 weeks into the investigation, and weeks before the texts were made public.

LOL...lets see. You say Trump is racist. Convictions and indictments? What about illegal campaign contributions?

Dummy what the fuck do you think Trump's lawyer named Cohen went to jail for?

Trump is essentially an unindicted co-conspirator in that case and would be going to jail right along with Cohne if it wan't for the fact that he is a sitting president.
No, he didn't go to jail for that, but the prosecutor put it in his plea agreement so dirt bags like you could claim he did.

What did he go to jail for?
Cohen pleaded guilty to failure to report personal income taxes for the five-year period beginning in 2012. He also admitted to making false statements to a financial institution tied to a credit decision around February 2015, to willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution from at least June 2016 to October 2016,
I've lied about nothing.
I'm stating known facts. You're in the Q-tard fantasy zone.

The point is that the renewals continued after the warrant was known and criticized publicly. Obviously the applications withstood scrutiny, were approved and were productive.

What scrutiny did the applications withstand? Those submitting the applications swear that all the information is true. So, KNOWING the information was not true, the applicants, nonetheless, swore that it was true. That is illegal.
Not true. You are making that up to support your conspiracy theory. Believing something is true or probably true or even " may be true" is sufficient as long as the level of probability is provided to the judge, which in this case, was.

You're actually trying to make the argument that it was LEGAL for the conspirators to lie and withhold evidence from the FISA Court........

The more time goes by without a Trump Impeachment the more and more snowflakes lose their damn minds...

nobody takes the right wing seriously.

The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.
No evidence has been shown they lied. You people just make stuff up, fail to back up your lies and call everyone else liars.

THAT was a lie...debunked MANY times over already in this thread....


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