AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

No, he didn't go to jail for that, but the prosecutor put it in his plea agreement so dirt bags like you could claim he did.

What did he go to jail for?
Cohen pleaded guilty to failure to report personal income taxes for the five-year period beginning in 2012. He also admitted to making false statements to a financial institution tied to a credit decision around February 2015, to willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution from at least June 2016 to October 2016,

He also plead guilty to secretly paying women off on behalf of Trump to help his campaign, thereby violating campaign finance laws.

That wasn't even a crime. It wasn't a campaign donation, moron.

As per Cohen (and just plain ol' common sense) the goal of the payments was VERY SPECIFICALLY to prevent those women from talking and damaging Trump's campaign.

It was 100% a campaign donation.
Wrong, moron. The chairman of the FEC said it wasn't.

You Trump hating douchebags keep repeating the same lies. They have been debunked 10,000 times already.
What did he go to jail for?
Cohen pleaded guilty to failure to report personal income taxes for the five-year period beginning in 2012. He also admitted to making false statements to a financial institution tied to a credit decision around February 2015, to willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution from at least June 2016 to October 2016,

He also plead guilty to secretly paying women off on behalf of Trump to help his campaign, thereby violating campaign finance laws.

That wasn't even a crime. It wasn't a campaign donation, moron.

As per Cohen (and just plain ol' common sense) the goal of the payments was VERY SPECIFICALLY to prevent those women from talking and damaging Trump's campaign.

It was 100% a campaign donation.
Wrong, moron. The chairman of the FEC said it wasn't.

You Trump hating douchebags keep repeating the same lies. They have been debunked 10,000 times already.
Cohen has pleaded guilty, has been sentenced and is currently in prison for that non-crime.

You people are lunatics.
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....

You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Mueller declared The Whole Russian issue and empty vessel and closed the matter.
Liberals want an extension, revision, more time, third look, and all the indicators of an emotional inability to accept the outcome.
Now your claiming our intel agencies did oppo research for Clinton?

You are a lunatic.

Laugh if you wish but that's is what has been disclosed in the media already. Keep chuckling, lots more to come.
You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.

Please show us where every item in the dossier has been verified, except for the pee tape.

You know, with a reliable source and working link.
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....

You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.
You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.

Please show us where every item in the dossier has been verified, except for the pee tape.

You know, with a reliable source and working link.
Dragon lady believes there's a Russian consulate in Miami.
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....
yes raw intelligence by itself isnt sufficient for a FISA warrant, but in Cater Page's case, the FISA warrant had been active for a few years and this was just a renew.

Dossier was only a small part of the evidence used to renew the warrant. The majority of the evidence for this is classified and only house intelligence committee has seen it.
1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

These statements are not true. In his testimony before Congress 10 months later, AFTER the FISA application was submitted, Comey admitted that although the application was submitted as VERIFIED, in fact it was not. He said it, not me:

" The towering ex-FBI boss confessed that the FBI had not corroborated much of the Steele dossier before it was submitted as evidence to a secret court to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the final weeks of the election.

And Comey admitted much of the dossier remained uncorroborated more than six months later when he was fired by President Trump."

Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant

Because there is no cross-examination of the FISA application, the DOJ/FBI are REQUIRED to submit what is known as exculpatory information. IOW, anything information that might cast doubt on the application's approval. But they did not do that, instead they tried to hide, obfuscate, or outright ignore such data. This is not my opinion, this is FACT.
What did he go to jail for?
Cohen pleaded guilty to failure to report personal income taxes for the five-year period beginning in 2012. He also admitted to making false statements to a financial institution tied to a credit decision around February 2015, to willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution from at least June 2016 to October 2016,

He also plead guilty to secretly paying women off on behalf of Trump to help his campaign, thereby violating campaign finance laws.

That wasn't even a crime. It wasn't a campaign donation, moron.

As per Cohen (and just plain ol' common sense) the goal of the payments was VERY SPECIFICALLY to prevent those women from talking and damaging Trump's campaign.

It was 100% a campaign donation.
Wrong, moron. The chairman of the FEC said it wasn't.

You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....
yes raw intelligence by itself isnt sufficient for a FISA warrant, but in Cater Page's case, the FISA warrant had been active for a few years and this was just a renew.

Dossier was only a small part of the evidence used to renew the warrant. The majority of the evidence for this is classified and only house intelligence committee has seen it.
Total fucking bullshit. Do you Trump hating pieces of shit ever stop lying?
Last edited:
Everything you wanted to know and more about Hillary' server / e-mail set-up, use of multiple devices, pretty much found in this article....good read.

What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server

I much prefer this one. Less bias, more facts:

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law

With all due respect,'ve cited an NPR article from 2015...a time when many things that we now know about Clinton's emails were then unknown! That was when Clinton was still claiming that she hadn't sent or received classified material through her private servers...something we now know was a lie on her part. You want "facts"? The fact is...Hillary Clinton spent a ton of money to set up those two private servers in her home and maintain them there, giving her total control over those emails which is a violation of the FOIA...withheld emails connected to the Benghazi investigation while assuring Congressional investigators that she had given them all relevant materials related to Benghazi...then destroyed evidence that Congressional investigators were asking for when her use of the servers was uncovered. That, my liberal friend is about as clear cut a case of obstruction of justice as you could POSSIBLY find...and that's not even counting Bill Clinton's secret meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Arizona.
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....
yes raw intelligence by itself isnt sufficient for a FISA warrant, but in Cater Page's case, the FISA warrant had been active for a few years and this was just a renew.

Dossier was only a small part of the evidence used to renew the warrant. The majority of the evidence for this is classified and only house intelligence committee has seen it.
Total fucking bullshit. Do your Trump hating pieces of shit ever stop lying?
This is all documented, you can see it here.
Alot of this is classified and redacted, but you can still get an idea that the dossier was only a small part of the FISA renewal.
Cohen pleaded guilty to failure to report personal income taxes for the five-year period beginning in 2012. He also admitted to making false statements to a financial institution tied to a credit decision around February 2015, to willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution from at least June 2016 to October 2016,

He also plead guilty to secretly paying women off on behalf of Trump to help his campaign, thereby violating campaign finance laws.

That wasn't even a crime. It wasn't a campaign donation, moron.

As per Cohen (and just plain ol' common sense) the goal of the payments was VERY SPECIFICALLY to prevent those women from talking and damaging Trump's campaign.

It was 100% a campaign donation.
Wrong, moron. The chairman of the FEC said it wasn't.

You Trump hating douchebags keep repeating the same lies. They have been debunked 10,000 times already.
Cohen has pleaded guilty, has been sentenced and is currently in prison for that non-crime.

You people are lunatics.
He's in prison for not paying taxes and lying on a loan application. Mueller put that in the plea agreement because he knew he could depend on all you Trump hating morons to say it was the reason Cohen went to prison.
You are out to lunch, raw intel is commonly used and along with corraborating evidence is plenty to get a new warrant on a known Russian spy ring collaborator that keeps flying out to Moscow and meeting up with high level Gozprom execs (Dossier was proven correct on that)

You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....
yes raw intelligence by itself isnt sufficient for a FISA warrant, but in Cater Page's case, the FISA warrant had been active for a few years and this was just a renew.

Dossier was only a small part of the evidence used to renew the warrant. The majority of the evidence for this is classified and only house intelligence committee has seen it.
Total fucking bullshit. Do your Trump hating pieces of shit ever stop lying?
This is all documented, you can see it here.
Alot of this is classified and redacted, but you can still get an idea that the dossier was only a small part of the FISA renewal.
That's total fucking bullshit, and you know it.
He also plead guilty to secretly paying women off on behalf of Trump to help his campaign, thereby violating campaign finance laws.

That wasn't even a crime. It wasn't a campaign donation, moron.

As per Cohen (and just plain ol' common sense) the goal of the payments was VERY SPECIFICALLY to prevent those women from talking and damaging Trump's campaign.

It was 100% a campaign donation.
Wrong, moron. The chairman of the FEC said it wasn't.

You Trump hating douchebags keep repeating the same lies. They have been debunked 10,000 times already.
Cohen has pleaded guilty, has been sentenced and is currently in prison for that non-crime.

You people are lunatics.
He's in prison for not paying taxes and lying on a loan application. Mueller put that in the plea agreement because he knew he could depend on all you Trump hating morons to say it was the reason Cohen went to prison.
No.....he's convicted of and in prison for a campaign finance crime as well. It's in the court record, dope.

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