AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence


Tic Toc Tard.....

Unlike your Russian Bull Shit.....

You scum bag tards used the IRS,CIA,FBI and DOJ as political weapons...

President Donald J. Trump saved America from obozo’s banana republic....

Drop the mic.:fu:


No one used the IRS, CIA, FBI, and DOJ as political weapons. It is all in your sick little mind.

Trump is a crook who is being helped by Russia. The Russians were very upset when the Democrats won the House.
We all know they did. All the spying on the Trump campaign had a political motive.

Do you have a shred of evidence for any of your imbecile claims?

We have Mueller's report on a series of meetings between Manafort and a Russian business associate who he provided campaign strategy and ensured he got all the internal polling data.

We have the meeting between Trump campaign officials and a Russian national expecting to get dirt on Clinton.

We have Roger Stone knowing about the release of the hacked Podesta e-mails appearing on WikiLeaks before they actually appeared. TRhat means he received the information from WikiLeaks or the Russians who hacked the e-mails.

We have Russians buying pro-Trump ads on social media.
It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.

You are stupid beyond belief....

Ask yourself why wouldn’t the dnc turn over the servers

Just ask Crazy bernie......

They provided everything that was necessary. There is no doubt the DNC servers were hacked by Russians. It was not a inside job. Shut up, you have no clue what you are talking about. No insider would have access to everything on the DNC
Seth Rich is unavailable for comment thanks to Hillary and John Podesta!

Your brain is unavailable for comment.
i vote we give his sexual escapades a "free pass".

only putting personal interests over national interests in that Office of Public Trust, should matter.
Trust does matter.

Unfortunately Trump with all of his faults is 10 X as trustworthy as previous admin that spied on Trump and the Democrat candidate that mishandled confidential info, deleted 1000s of subpoenaed emails, and took $100Millions from the foreign countries she was dealing with as SoS, including Putin.

But Hillary sure didn't have any sex scandals... You got that one right.
And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.
Russian espionage agents provided all the material in the so-called "dossier," moron.

You are the moron. Russia wanted Trump to win and Russian social media bots have continued to support Trump and Republicans. Russian media was devastated that Democrats took over the House.
Total fucking bullshit. You're a brain damaged moron.

You are fucking bullshit. You only know what Trump tells you to say.

Tic Toc Tard.....

Unlike your Russian Bull Shit.....

You scum bag tards used the IRS,CIA,FBI and DOJ as political weapons...

President Donald J. Trump saved America from obozo’s banana republic....

Drop the mic.:fu:


No one used the IRS, CIA, FBI, and DOJ as political weapons. It is all in your sick little mind.

Trump is a crook who is being helped by Russia. The Russians were very upset when the Democrats won the House.
We all know they did. All the spying on the Trump campaign had a political motive.

Do you have a shred of evidence for any of your imbecile claims?

We have Mueller's report on a series of meetings between Manafort and a Russian business associate who he provided campaign strategy and ensured he got all the internal polling data.

We have the meeting between Trump campaign officials and a Russian national expecting to get dirt on Clinton.

We have Roger Stone knowing about the release of the hacked Podesta e-mails appearing on WikiLeaks before they actually appeared. TRhat means he received the information from WikiLeaks or the Russians who hacked the e-mails.

We have Russians buying pro-Trump ads on social media.
And we have the Mueller Report stating Zero American citizens within the Trump campaign colluded with Russians to alter the election!
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.
Russian espionage agents provided all the material in the so-called "dossier," moron.

You are the moron. Russia wanted Trump to win and Russian social media bots have continued to support Trump and Republicans. Russian media was devastated that Democrats took over the House.
There isn't a shred of proof for any of those accusations.
Dummy what the fuck do you think Trump's lawyer named Cohen went to jail for?

Trump is essentially an unindicted co-conspirator in that case and would be going to jail right along with Cohen if it wan't for the fact that he is a sitting president.

Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen pleads guilty, admits to making illegal payments at direction of candidate to influence election
Trump is essentially living in your head.

Your obsession and butthurt doesn't make Trump guilty of anything.
And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.
He didn't get paid by Moscow, moron. He got paid for the TV rights and by people paying admission.

Which "Russian oligarchs" have financed any of Trump's projects?

If he got paid in Russia then he got paid by Putin. No money is exchanged in Russia without Putin's approval.

"But in the United States, members of the Russian elite have invested in Trump buildings. A Reuters review has found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida, according to public documents, interviews and corporate records."
Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings

"Set aside Putin and follow the money": a Russia expert’s theory of the Trump scandal

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
yes raw intelligence by itself isnt sufficient for a FISA warrant, but in Cater Page's case, the FISA warrant had been active for a few years and this was just a renew.

Dossier was only a small part of the evidence used to renew the warrant. The majority of the evidence for this is classified and only house intelligence committee has seen it.
People that have seen it say the Dossier was a big part.

But if by some miracle you are right that means they risked prosection by putting fake information into the pile when it wasn't needed...

Do you really think they did something that stupid?
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Don't miss the declaration the US AG makes here:

'Opposition Research' - funded by Hillary Clinton, conducted by a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the Obama administration's Director of the FBI - was used by Obama's Director of the FBI and FBI as the foundation for a Counter-Intelligence Operation being run against the GOP Presidential Candidate / Newly Elected President.'

In literature they call such a reference / statement 'Foreshadowing', a hint at what is to come...

It's also a "very usual situation" when the campaign staff of an American Presidential Candidate have over 100 contacts with officials from the Russian government throughout the campaign, and firstly, fails to inform the FBI or the CIA that foreign nationals are approaching them with offers from the Russian government; and secondly, lies to the FBI about the nature of these contacts.

In fact, if the leadership of the FBI had failed to investigate this campaign, they would have been derelict in their duty.
it's also very unusual for a presidential candidate to take over $100 million from Russians, pay foreign spies and Russians for a fake document used illegally by the agency directors of the same president who protected her from going to jail so she could stay in the evidence shows happened...


That is exactly what Trump did. Russian money provided a lifeline for Trump in financing his projects. Members of Trump's campaign wanted Russian dirt on Clinton. It was not a fake document as the Russians would not have provided information to hurt Trump as they wanted Trump to win. They decided it did not rise to a criminal offense.
And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.
Russian espionage agents provided all the material in the so-called "dossier," moron.

You are the moron. Russia wanted Trump to win and Russian social media bots have continued to support Trump and Republicans. Russian media was devastated that Democrats took over the House.
There isn't a shred of proof for any of those accusations.

There is more than enough evidence. of this. You are too stupid to see the truth.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

It was never touted as " verified". It was raw intelligence. The kind used everyday in counterintel operations and investigations. Also known as " leads".


You are another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard....

You are not supposed to get a FISA WARRANT based on rumors....

You are supposed to have facts...……..

You Tards got caught trying to cheat.

You are used to getting away with it.....

This would have all been swept under the rug if the ugly bitch would have won....


Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.

The three subsequent renewals show very clearly that not only was the warrant justified but produced results.
Each of the three renewals required proof that the previous warrant had garnered usable intel.

Rosenstein, ( Trump's own apointee),signed off on all of them.

You are an idiot.....

Tic Toc.....
Dummy what the fuck do you think Trump's lawyer named Cohen went to jail for?

Trump is essentially an unindicted co-conspirator in that case and would be going to jail right along with Cohen if it wan't for the fact that he is a sitting president.

Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen pleads guilty, admits to making illegal payments at direction of candidate to influence election
Trump is essentially living in your head.

Your obsession and butthurt doesn't make Trump guilty of anything.

Cool story, got any actual response to facts?
You don't know what they presented the court, dope. We do know however that the warrant, as well as three renewals were all approved. The court accepted what they presented and the warrant produced usable intelligence.
Once again, nice opinionated rant, but....

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong / of lying?

"With the release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo[1], it is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election.

Evidently, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified before the Committee that but for reliance on the 35-page dossier, authored by Christopher Steele, the FISA warrant would neither have been sought nor obtained. After previously rejecting their initial request, The FISA judges relied on two sources as a basis for the eventual issuance of the warrant: the dossier authored by a foreign agent, Christopher Steele, and a Yahoo News report Mr. Steele gave to Yahoo News.

This behavior is a massive abuse of power and should outrage all Americans of both political parties."

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Another source that has sold their souls to the devil Trump. They are entirely predictable.
It was never touted as " verified". It was raw intelligence. The kind used everyday in counterintel operations and investigations. Also known as " leads".


You are another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard....

You are not supposed to get a FISA WARRANT based on rumors....

You are supposed to have facts...……..

You Tards got caught trying to cheat.

You are used to getting away with it.....

This would have all been swept under the rug if the ugly bitch would have won....


Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.

The three subsequent renewals show very clearly that not only was the warrant justified but produced results.
Each of the three renewals required proof that the previous warrant had garnered usable intel.

Rosenstein, ( Trump's own apointee),signed off on all of them.
The IG has already said the last three FISA warrants were illegal. The first was probably also illegal.

The IG has already said the last three FISA warrants were illegal. The first was probably also illegal.

The IG has issued no such report, dope.

The inspector general inquiry is expected to be completed in either late May or June, and diGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said Democrats on Capitol Hill are working overtime to investigate and discredit President Trump.

“They are doing that as a diversionary tactic away from the inevitable conclusions of the DOJ inspector general, Michael Horowitz, who, by the way, we have learned has concluded that the final three FISA extensions were illegally obtained,” diGenova said on Fox Business. “The only question now is whether or not the first FISA was illegally obtained.”

Crazy Joe DiGenova is hardly a credible source.
Nice link. It still doesn't tell you what was presented to the court, dope. You're the one lying and misrepresenting known facts.


"It is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election."

It is TRULY amazing how you can be presented with actual links and facts that debunk your claims and makes 'manifestly clear' the Obama DOJ and FBI did both intentionally and knowingly engaging in illegal attempts to lie to / deceive the FISA Court, that this information has been posted for EVERYONE to see and read....and you STILL so callously LIE...and try to push 'alternate reality' / your own insanity as 'truth'....

Seeing as you are either a liar with no credibility OR mentally unstable - neither worthy of wasting time on - I will leave you to your delusions, snowflake. Good luck......

And I will greatly enjoy watching what happens 1st, the President being Impeached or the Conspirators being publicly exposed, indicted, convicted... :p

Because you are not presenting unbiased facts and links. All of the links are pro-Trump supporters.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. You'll be dead.
Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.
He didn't get paid by Moscow, moron. He got paid for the TV rights and by people paying admission.

Which "Russian oligarchs" have financed any of Trump's projects?

If he got paid in Russia then he got paid by Putin. No money is exchanged in Russia without Putin's approval.

Utter horseshit, of course. That's like saying if someone got paid in America, they got paid by Trump. Only a brain damaged dumbass would swallow that idiocy.

"But in the United States, members of the Russian elite have invested in Trump buildings. A Reuters review has found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida, according to public documents, interviews and corporate records."
Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings

"Set aside Putin and follow the money": a Russia expert’s theory of the Trump scandal
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
That would be like 0.5 % of the value of Trump properties. No one is impressed.
Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.
Russian espionage agents provided all the material in the so-called "dossier," moron.

You are the moron. Russia wanted Trump to win and Russian social media bots have continued to support Trump and Republicans. Russian media was devastated that Democrats took over the House.
There isn't a shred of proof for any of those accusations.

There is more than enough evidence. of this. You are too stupid to see the truth.

There is no evidence, you brain damaged dumbass.
You are another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard....

You are not supposed to get a FISA WARRANT based on rumors....

You are supposed to have facts...……..

You Tards got caught trying to cheat.

You are used to getting away with it.....

This would have all been swept under the rug if the ugly bitch would have won....


Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.

The three subsequent renewals show very clearly that not only was the warrant justified but produced results.
Each of the three renewals required proof that the previous warrant had garnered usable intel.

Rosenstein, ( Trump's own apointee),signed off on all of them.
The IG has already said the last three FISA warrants were illegal. The first was probably also illegal.

The IG has already said the last three FISA warrants were illegal. The first was probably also illegal.

The IG has issued no such report, dope.

The inspector general inquiry is expected to be completed in either late May or June, and diGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said Democrats on Capitol Hill are working overtime to investigate and discredit President Trump.

“They are doing that as a diversionary tactic away from the inevitable conclusions of the DOJ inspector general, Michael Horowitz, who, by the way, we have learned has concluded that the final three FISA extensions were illegally obtained,” diGenova said on Fox Business. “The only question now is whether or not the first FISA was illegally obtained.”

Crazy Joe DiGenova is hardly a credible source.
ROFL! He's far more credible than any fake news source, shit for brains.

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