AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

You are the shit ass piece of garbage that needs to be locked uyp.

You Tards sure are touchy here lately....

You are the one that needs to be locked “uyp”

Only a Tard like you could "Fluck" up the word up.....

And I spelled Fluck like that on purpose...

Tic Toc Tard.....

Trump is Kicking your ass........

He really kicked ass in the midterms. He got kicked in the ass.

What good has it done you Dumb Ass?

It is good to see Trump get his ass handed to him by the courts. Dumb Ass.

It means nothing you dumb ass Tard....

If it annoys you then it is worth it. Congress has ceded too much power to the White House and they need to take it back.

You are the dumb ass retarded Trump supporter. That is the only kind of person who supports Trump.
You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.

"that parts of the dossier was verified."

You are an idiot....

You have that title locked up.
You Tards sure are touchy here lately....

You are the one that needs to be locked “uyp”

Only a Tard like you could "Fluck" up the word up.....

And I spelled Fluck like that on purpose...

Tic Toc Tard.....

Trump is Kicking your ass........

He really kicked ass in the midterms. He got kicked in the ass.

What good has it done you Dumb Ass?

It is good to see Trump get his ass handed to him by the courts. Dumb Ass.

It means nothing you dumb ass Tard....

If it annoys you then it is worth it. Congress has ceded too much power to the White House and they need to take it back.

You are the dumb ass retarded Trump supporter. That is the only kind of person who supports Trump.

OK Tard lets go Dumb Ass for Dumb ass in the party we support....

Show me a republican dumb enough to think an island can “tump”

over like hank johnson.....

Name one.........

You support the party of Tards because you are a Tard....
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.

"that parts of the dossier was verified."

You are an idiot....

You have that title locked up.

You're the one that speaks Tard...Tard......…….
You are a liar who constantly lies, posting opinionated BS, again like this, as if it were fact, which it is NOT.

1. 'Raw' UNSUBSTANTIATED 'Intel' is NOT sufficient to request / acquire a FISA Court warrant. Rosenstein testified that it must be substantiated, that anyone who signs the document is attesting to the best of their knowledge that the information contained in the request is accurate / verified and that all information pertaining to the request / case must be provided.
-- The Dossier was NOT 'Intel' It was political opposition research purchased by by the intended target / target's team rival political opponent.
-- The Dossier was unsubstantiated Russian-authored propaganda...according to STEELE.
-- 'To the best of their knowledge': Evidence proves the FBI and Rosenstein were thoroughly briefed by Ohr BEFORE they chose to illegally use the Dossier that 1) Steele was a biased, Trump-hating foreign spy whose word could not be trusted and 2) the information in the Dossier was 'un-reliable', Unsubstantiated, and some was proven completely false.

2. 'Known Russian Spy Ring': You just can't help making it clear to everyone that you are a shameless liar who chooses to spew personal hate / opinion as reality.... 'NO COLLUSION', nut job....

You are so pathetic....

You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.
Which parts?
There was nothing illegal about Fast and Furious.

Giving thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels - resulting in the deaths of US citizens, in hopes of a body count so high it would allow Obama to go after gun ownership is perfectly legal...

It was so legal US AG Holder felt the need to ensure himself before Congress, earning a bipartisan Censure from Congress, making him the only Administration Cabinet member in US history to ever be Censured....



It was quite legal. A similar operation was done during the Bush Administration. It was called Operation Wide Receiver. The contempt vote was not bi-partisan as only 17 Democrats joined in. The DOJ IG stated that Holder was not aware of the operation until after it had been put into action.

(1) First and foremost, operation Wide Receiver did not result in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent or an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer. Fast and Furious did.

(2) Second, Wide Receiver, though flawed, was more of a gun-tracing operation than a gun-walking program. Gun-tracing involves putting specific safeguards in place to track firearms, such as RFID chips perhaps with video or aerial surveillance. Gun-walking is what happened in Fast and Furious, where ATF agents sold thousands of guns without a reliable way to recover them, apparently just hoping for the best.

(3) Speaking to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this month, Holder said that "three hundred guns" were allowed to "walk" (although note the difference between "tracing" and "walking" above) in Wide Receiver. While there is no evidence that suggests otherwise, the figure is dwarfed by the approximately 2,000 firearms that walked in Fast and Furious. Roughly 1,400 guns were lost and about 700 have been recovered in Mexico and at crime scenes like the sites of Terry and Zapata's murders.

(4) Perhaps the most convincing piece of evidence proving the two operations are separate from each other is the fact that Wide Receiver was shut down in 2007 shortly after it was clear the program was a failure. This was before Obama was even in office and nearly two years before Fast and Furious began.

Fast and Furious wasn't shut down until late 2010 after the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans, a border agent and an ICE officer.

(5) Unlike Fast and Furious, officials involved in Wide Receiver were reportedly in close contact with Mexican authorities during the operation, though how involved Mexican officials were is not entirely known.

What is known is that Mexican authorities were kept completely in the dark during Fast and Furious, according to the Mexican ambassador to the U.S. Mexico. He announced on June 1, 2012, that Mexico would be launching its own probe into Fast and Furious.
There was nothing illegal about Fast and Furious.

Giving thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels - resulting in the deaths of US citizens, in hopes of a body count so high it would allow Obama to go after gun ownership is perfectly legal...

It was so legal US AG Holder felt the need to ensure himself before Congress, earning a bipartisan Censure from Congress, making him the only Administration Cabinet member in US history to ever be Censured....



It was quite legal. A similar operation was done during the Bush Administration. It was called Operation Wide Receiver. The contempt vote was not bi-partisan as only 17 Democrats joined in. The DOJ IG stated that Holder was not aware of the operation until after it had been put into action.
There's nothing legal about forcing gun dealers to sell to known felons.
You're in no position to call other posters "pathetic", you lying piece of Russian shit.

1. The portions of the Steele Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application had been VERIFIED before they were used. Intel is which comes to light during opposition research is just as valid as information obtained by other means, IF the information used is true and has been verified.

2. The Dossier was unverified when Steele gave it to the FBI. That was in 2016. Since then EVERY MAJOR ITEM IN THE DOSSIER HAS BEEN VERIFIED EXCEPT THE PEE TAPE.

Most of your post is just lies, but there is the odd half truth in there.

You are the most vile piece of lying shit on this board. There is nothing you won't twist and turn to try to promote Trump and Putin.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.
Which parts?

And when? Verified after the fact doesn't mean anything.
He really kicked ass in the midterms. He got kicked in the ass.

What good has it done you Dumb Ass?

It is good to see Trump get his ass handed to him by the courts. Dumb Ass.

It means nothing you dumb ass Tard....

If it annoys you then it is worth it. Congress has ceded too much power to the White House and they need to take it back.

You are the dumb ass retarded Trump supporter. That is the only kind of person who supports Trump.

OK Tard lets go Dumb Ass for Dumb ass in the party we support....

Show me a republican dumb enough to think an island can “tump”

over like hank johnson.....

Name one.........

You support the party of Tards because you are a Tard....

Donald Trump is proof positive of the stupidity that exists in the Republican Party.

"I'll tell you, it's Big Business. If there is one word to describe Atlantic City, it's Big Business. Or two words—Big Business."

"'You do know you just attacked a Gold Star family?' one adviser warned Trump
Trump didn’t know what a Gold Star family was: 'What’s that?' he asked." —as reported by New York Magazine

"[Vladimir Putin] is not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not gonna go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down." —apparently unaware that Russia had already annexed Crimea in a 2014 intrusion into Ukraine that left thousands dead, July 31, 2016
You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.

"that parts of the dossier was verified."

You are an idiot....

You have that title locked up.

You're the one that speaks Tard...Tard......…….

You are the retard.
There was nothing illegal about Fast and Furious.

Giving thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels - resulting in the deaths of US citizens, in hopes of a body count so high it would allow Obama to go after gun ownership is perfectly legal...

It was so legal US AG Holder felt the need to ensure himself before Congress, earning a bipartisan Censure from Congress, making him the only Administration Cabinet member in US history to ever be Censured....



It was quite legal. A similar operation was done during the Bush Administration. It was called Operation Wide Receiver. The contempt vote was not bi-partisan as only 17 Democrats joined in. The DOJ IG stated that Holder was not aware of the operation until after it had been put into action.

(1) First and foremost, operation Wide Receiver did not result in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent or an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer. Fast and Furious did.

(2) Second, Wide Receiver, though flawed, was more of a gun-tracing operation than a gun-walking program. Gun-tracing involves putting specific safeguards in place to track firearms, such as RFID chips perhaps with video or aerial surveillance. Gun-walking is what happened in Fast and Furious, where ATF agents sold thousands of guns without a reliable way to recover them, apparently just hoping for the best.

(3) Speaking to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this month, Holder said that "three hundred guns" were allowed to "walk" (although note the difference between "tracing" and "walking" above) in Wide Receiver. While there is no evidence that suggests otherwise, the figure is dwarfed by the approximately 2,000 firearms that walked in Fast and Furious. Roughly 1,400 guns were lost and about 700 have been recovered in Mexico and at crime scenes like the sites of Terry and Zapata's murders.

(4) Perhaps the most convincing piece of evidence proving the two operations are separate from each other is the fact that Wide Receiver was shut down in 2007 shortly after it was clear the program was a failure. This was before Obama was even in office and nearly two years before Fast and Furious began.

Fast and Furious wasn't shut down until late 2010 after the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans, a border agent and an ICE officer.

(5) Unlike Fast and Furious, officials involved in Wide Receiver were reportedly in close contact with Mexican authorities during the operation, though how involved Mexican officials were is not entirely known.

What is known is that Mexican authorities were kept completely in the dark during Fast and Furious, according to the Mexican ambassador to the U.S. Mexico. He announced on June 1, 2012, that Mexico would be launching its own probe into Fast and Furious.

(1) Clearly this operation got out of control. It was much larger than Operation Wide Receiver.

(2) Now you are trying to split hairs. Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious were the same thing.

(3) Holder clearly did not know anything about this operation.

(4) The operation was run out of the ATF's Phoenix office not Washington DC\

(5) This was a ATF operation so the fault lies there.

You are a partisan hack. You try to clear Republicans for running a gun-walking operation and you want to hang Obama and Holder because they are Democrats.

You should thank Glenn Beck for that post. It came from The Blaze.
What good has it done you Dumb Ass?

It is good to see Trump get his ass handed to him by the courts. Dumb Ass.

It means nothing you dumb ass Tard....

If it annoys you then it is worth it. Congress has ceded too much power to the White House and they need to take it back.

You are the dumb ass retarded Trump supporter. That is the only kind of person who supports Trump.

OK Tard lets go Dumb Ass for Dumb ass in the party we support....

Show me a republican dumb enough to think an island can “tump”

over like hank johnson.....

Name one.........

You support the party of Tards because you are a Tard....

Donald Trump is proof positive of the stupidity that exists in the Republican Party.

"I'll tell you, it's Big Business. If there is one word to describe Atlantic City, it's Big Business. Or two words—Big Business."

"'You do know you just attacked a Gold Star family?' one adviser warned Trump
Trump didn’t know what a Gold Star family was: 'What’s that?' he asked." —as reported by New York Magazine

"[Vladimir Putin] is not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not gonna go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down." —apparently unaware that Russia had already annexed Crimea in a 2014 intrusion into Ukraine that left thousands dead, July 31, 2016


We all knew you would dodge the question....

Name one Republican as Dumb as hank johnson that thinks an island can "tump" over.....

Name one that thinks we put a flag on Mars.

Name one that thinks we have 57 states...

You Tards put Tards in office...….

Face it... You are all ignorant Dumb Asses....
Nothing in the Steele dossier has been verified, you lying piece of shit. Everything you post is a lie or it's wrong.

You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.
Which parts?

And when? Verified after the fact doesn't mean anything.
you imply that was the only information provided for the application.
Not enough, apparently.

Hard to believe they broke the law by knowingly putting fake information in the application just for giggles.

Break it down for us item by item, dope.
Show us what was fake.
Get more news sources. Huffpo isn't doing it for you.

The Steele Dossier isn't even verified by Steele, much less the FBI.

Therefore using it for a FISA warrant is illegal

Grow up and get back to me
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.

"that parts of the dossier was verified."

You are an idiot....

You have that title locked up.

You're the one that speaks Tard...Tard......…….

You are the retard.

The proof is in the pudding.....

You are a Tard the votes for Tards.....
There was nothing illegal about Fast and Furious.

Giving thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels - resulting in the deaths of US citizens, in hopes of a body count so high it would allow Obama to go after gun ownership is perfectly legal...

It was so legal US AG Holder felt the need to ensure himself before Congress, earning a bipartisan Censure from Congress, making him the only Administration Cabinet member in US history to ever be Censured....



It was quite legal. A similar operation was done during the Bush Administration. It was called Operation Wide Receiver. The contempt vote was not bi-partisan as only 17 Democrats joined in. The DOJ IG stated that Holder was not aware of the operation until after it had been put into action.

(1) First and foremost, operation Wide Receiver did not result in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent or an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer. Fast and Furious did.

(2) Second, Wide Receiver, though flawed, was more of a gun-tracing operation than a gun-walking program. Gun-tracing involves putting specific safeguards in place to track firearms, such as RFID chips perhaps with video or aerial surveillance. Gun-walking is what happened in Fast and Furious, where ATF agents sold thousands of guns without a reliable way to recover them, apparently just hoping for the best.

(3) Speaking to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this month, Holder said that "three hundred guns" were allowed to "walk" (although note the difference between "tracing" and "walking" above) in Wide Receiver. While there is no evidence that suggests otherwise, the figure is dwarfed by the approximately 2,000 firearms that walked in Fast and Furious. Roughly 1,400 guns were lost and about 700 have been recovered in Mexico and at crime scenes like the sites of Terry and Zapata's murders.

(4) Perhaps the most convincing piece of evidence proving the two operations are separate from each other is the fact that Wide Receiver was shut down in 2007 shortly after it was clear the program was a failure. This was before Obama was even in office and nearly two years before Fast and Furious began.

Fast and Furious wasn't shut down until late 2010 after the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans, a border agent and an ICE officer.

(5) Unlike Fast and Furious, officials involved in Wide Receiver were reportedly in close contact with Mexican authorities during the operation, though how involved Mexican officials were is not entirely known.

What is known is that Mexican authorities were kept completely in the dark during Fast and Furious, according to the Mexican ambassador to the U.S. Mexico. He announced on June 1, 2012, that Mexico would be launching its own probe into Fast and Furious.

(1) Clearly this operation got out of control. It was much larger than Operation Wide Receiver.

(2) Now you are trying to split hairs. Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious were the same thing.

(3) Holder clearly did not know anything about this operation.

(4) The operation was run out of the ATF's Phoenix office not Washington DC\

(5) This was a ATF operation so the fault lies there.

You are a partisan hack. You try to clear Republicans for running a gun-walking operation and you want to hang Obama and Holder because they are Democrats.

You should thank Glenn Beck for that post. It came from The Blaze.

Tell us, shit for brains, who runs the ATF?

There is no connection between the two operations.

You have to be supremely gullible to believe Holder and Obama didn't know about it.
You are the lying piece of shit. Everything you post is what is given to you by Trump to say.,
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.
Which parts?

And when? Verified after the fact doesn't mean anything.
you imply that was the only information provided for the application.
Not enough, apparently.

Hard to believe they broke the law by knowingly putting fake information in the application just for giggles.

Break it down for us item by item, dope.
Show us what was fake.
Get more news sources. Huffpo isn't doing it for you.

The Steele Dossier isn't even verified by Steele, much less the FBI.

Therefore using it for a FISA warrant is illegal

Grow up and get back to me

Unverified doesn't mean it's "fake", dope.
What part of the steel work of fiction has been verified?

Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.
Which parts?

And when? Verified after the fact doesn't mean anything.
you imply that was the only information provided for the application.
Not enough, apparently.

Hard to believe they broke the law by knowingly putting fake information in the application just for giggles.

Break it down for us item by item, dope.
Show us what was fake.
Get more news sources. Huffpo isn't doing it for you.

The Steele Dossier isn't even verified by Steele, much less the FBI.

Therefore using it for a FISA warrant is illegal

Grow up and get back to me

Unverified doesn't mean it's "fake", dope.
It pretty much does.
Comey testified before Congress that parts of the dossier was verified.
Which parts?

And when? Verified after the fact doesn't mean anything.
you imply that was the only information provided for the application.
Not enough, apparently.

Hard to believe they broke the law by knowingly putting fake information in the application just for giggles.

Break it down for us item by item, dope.
Show us what was fake.
Get more news sources. Huffpo isn't doing it for you.

The Steele Dossier isn't even verified by Steele, much less the FBI.

Therefore using it for a FISA warrant is illegal

Grow up and get back to me

Unverified doesn't mean it's "fake", dope.
It pretty much does.

Sure. That's why there were three renewals. Because it was "fake".


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