AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

They found the Trump campaign gave the campaign strategy and internal polling data to a person with ties to Russian Intelligence. Barr hasn't even bothered to read the information that the Australian government provided. Barr doesn't seem to notice that the investigation was not started by the dossier. We know how corrupt Trump is.
Shut up fascist pig. You are the traitor. They had credible information from the Australian government.
Nice unhinged pathetic personal attack, liar.... Please, continue to demonstrate how the US IG and US AG closing in on the traitors have TRIGGERED you...

We all know what went on with the obozo deep state......

They used the IRS as a political weapon and they got caught.

They used the FBI, CIA and the DOJ to spy on and then try

and frame Trump after he kicked hillarie’s ass silly...

The proof is in the strzok/page text messages.

Tic Toc Tards......

Hardly. The IRS went after liberal organizations as well. 'progressive' was apparently a keyword as well and generally liberal organizations use the word progressive.

The FBI, CIA and DOJ did not spy on Trump or frame him. You are a sick little puppy who needs mental help.

You are full of Shit like all Tards...

You are the shit ass piece of garbage that needs to be locked uyp.

You Tards sure are touchy here lately....

You are the one that needs to be locked “uyp”

Only a Tard like you could "Fluck" up the word up.....

And I spelled Fluck like that on purpose...

Tic Toc Tard.....

Trump is Kicking your ass........
Warrants are granted for the purpose of gathering the facts, dope.

The three subsequent renewals show very clearly that not only was the warrant justified but produced results.
Each of the three renewals required proof that the previous warrant had garnered usable intel.

Rosenstein, ( Trump's own apointee),signed off on all of them.
The IG has already said the last three FISA warrants were illegal. The first was probably also illegal.

The IG has already said the last three FISA warrants were illegal. The first was probably also illegal.

The IG has issued no such report, dope.

The inspector general inquiry is expected to be completed in either late May or June, and diGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said Democrats on Capitol Hill are working overtime to investigate and discredit President Trump.

“They are doing that as a diversionary tactic away from the inevitable conclusions of the DOJ inspector general, Michael Horowitz, who, by the way, we have learned has concluded that the final three FISA extensions were illegally obtained,” diGenova said on Fox Business. “The only question now is whether or not the first FISA was illegally obtained.”

Crazy Joe DiGenova is hardly a credible source.
ROFL! He's far more credible than any fake news source, shit for brains.

Only in your garbage addled brain.
Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.

You are stupid beyond belief....

Ask yourself why wouldn’t the dnc turn over the servers

that were supposedly hacked by the Russians to the FBI?

The answer is it was an inside Job, the down load speed

was too high for it to have been done over the internet.

Can you say Seth Rich....

You Tards CHEAT and we all know it....

Just ask Crazy bernie......

They provided everything that was necessary. There is no doubt the DNC servers were hacked by Russians. It was not a inside job. Shut up, you have no clue what you are talking about. Seth Rich would not have access to everything on the DNC server. We also had the Podesta e-mails that were hacked as well and Rich was nowhere to be seen. Also in the French =residential elections, something similar happened to Macron who was facing a Russia backed candidate. Seth Rich was nowhere around that.

You are the CHEATER. You seem to think that Sanders should have gotten the nomination even though he was beaten in the primaries by 54% to 42. Or is that math too complicated for you.

You are an idiot without a clue.....

It may be genetic...

If you’re lucky it’s just from watching cnn and msnbctard...
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

They found the Trump campaign gave the campaign strategy and internal polling data to a person with ties to Russian Intelligence. Barr hasn't even bothered to read the information that the Australian government provided. Barr doesn't seem to notice that the investigation was not started by the dossier. We know how corrupt Trump is.
Manafort gave polling data to a Ukrainian. The phrase "with ties to Russian intelligence" is meaningless. The information provided by the Australian government only incriminates scum like Comey and Brennan.
Shut up fascist pig. You are the traitor. They had credible information from the Australian government.
Nice unhinged pathetic personal attack, liar.... Please, continue to demonstrate how the US IG and US AG closing in on the traitors have TRIGGERED you...


We don't have a US AG. He has sold out to Trump. The US IG recommended McCabe be prosecuted. but there is one problem. The DOJ has found no evidence to support it.

Tic Toc Tard.....

Unlike your Russian Bull Shit.....

You scum bag tards used the IRS,CIA,FBI and DOJ as political weapons...

President Donald J. Trump saved America from obozo’s banana republic....

Drop the mic.:fu:


No one used the IRS, CIA, FBI, and DOJ as political weapons. It is all in your sick little mind.

Trump is a crook who is being helped by Russia. The Russians were very upset when the Democrats won the House.

You are either Stupid or a Zealot...…..

Who did the reset button with the Russians?

Who told the Russians when he thought the mic was off

that he would blow Vlad after the election?

You Tards can't see the forest for the trees....

You RETARDS are so stupid. Obama wanted better relations with Russia but he got taken to the cleaners by Putin and his clothes were pressed and starched with him still in it. He did place sanctions on Russia.

You are one confused Tard....

When obozo wasn't giving Putin a BJ he was jacking him off.....
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

They found the Trump campaign gave the campaign strategy and internal polling data to a person with ties to Russian Intelligence. Barr hasn't even bothered to read the information that the Australian government provided. Barr doesn't seem to notice that the investigation was not started by the dossier. We know how corrupt Trump is.
Manafort gave polling data to a Ukrainian. The phrase "with ties to Russian intelligence" is meaningless. The information provided by the Australian government only incriminates scum like Comey and Brennan.

Telling us your wet dreams again.
We all know what went on with the obozo deep state......

They used the IRS as a political weapon and they got caught.

They used the FBI, CIA and the DOJ to spy on and then try

and frame Trump after he kicked hillarie’s ass silly...

The proof is in the strzok/page text messages.

Tic Toc Tards......

Hardly. The IRS went after liberal organizations as well. 'progressive' was apparently a keyword as well and generally liberal organizations use the word progressive.

The FBI, CIA and DOJ did not spy on Trump or frame him. You are a sick little puppy who needs mental help.

You are full of Shit like all Tards...

You are the shit ass piece of garbage that needs to be locked uyp.

You Tards sure are touchy here lately....

You are the one that needs to be locked “uyp”

Only a Tard like you could "Fluck" up the word up.....

And I spelled Fluck like that on purpose...

Tic Toc Tard.....

Trump is Kicking your ass........

He really kicked ass in the midterms. He got kicked in the ass.
Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.
AG Barr has no credibility. He is a corrupt hack and a joke.

You are just another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard.....

Get a clue, watch Fox and listen to Right Wing Radio for the TRUTH......

Fox News debunked the Uranium One story. Fox News occasionally does some honest reporting. Other than that it is propaganda. Talk radio wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face. All it shows is how stupid you have to sound to support Trump.

Hey Dumb Ass...

You are full of shit....

Obozo and hillary sold interest in Uranium to Russia.......

Now as far as our news media and your propaganda machines go

let’s look at the facts, I know this will be extremely hard if not impossible for you....

did dan rather not make up fake bull shit about Bush, then when it was proven

beyond a shadow of a doubt he made it all up you TARDS gave him an award.....

What about lying brian?

What about cnn doctoring 911 tapes to fit their agenda?

How about nbc faking blowing up trucks?

All of your FAKE NEWS outlets filled your heads full of shit about Trump.

I could go on and on but the sane among us all know you are full of SHIT...

Who won Rasmussen's Fake News Award? Fox News.

Shep Smith demolished the Uranium One accusations.
Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Dismantles Conspiracy Theories Behind Uranium One | Fox News

You don't have any news media. It is all right wing propaganda. Trump is full of shit and facts are facts whether you like them or not. You wouldn't know the facts if it hit you in the face. I don't need left or right to see that. You are Trump's talking parrot as is most of the right wing media who has sold all their values down the river for power.

You need to be in a straight jacket in a rubber room....
It is amazing just how far Democrats are willing to go to protect their ideology. Corruption of intelligence agencies to benefit one political party has the potential to completely ruin out country but they don't see to care at the moment. As long as it benefits them. Truly sad.

Lol thats hallarious coming from a Trumpster dupe.

Facts are facts, nothing to do with protecting anything.

If there is good evidence of FBI doing anything improper lets have it, so far there is nothing but hot air from Trumpsters.

Um, and a 2 year investigation by partisan lawyers found no evidence of collusion but that doesn't seem to stop the left. It is very clear that either Comey or Brennan lied about the dossier to the FISA court. It was funded by the Clinton campaign, which is a fact that can't be denied. Barr will uncover this, but you lefties will still deny it. The Obama administration was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime and that is saying something. We ALL know how corrupt the Clinton's are...that goes without saying.

Can you honestly say after reading the text messages between Strzok and Page that they were not biased?

They found the Trump campaign gave the campaign strategy and internal polling data to a person with ties to Russian Intelligence. Barr hasn't even bothered to read the information that the Australian government provided. Barr doesn't seem to notice that the investigation was not started by the dossier. We know how corrupt Trump is.
Manafort gave polling data to a Ukrainian. The phrase "with ties to Russian intelligence" is meaningless. The information provided by the Australian government only incriminates scum like Comey and Brennan.

It is very meaningful. The fact is that Michigan was mentioned. Guess where the pro-Trump Russian social media ads were placed Michigan.
Again you can't seem to stop talking about your wet dreams.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.
Russian espionage agents provided all the material in the so-called "dossier," moron.

You are the moron. Russia wanted Trump to win and Russian social media bots have continued to support Trump and Republicans. Russian media was devastated that Democrats took over the House.

Russian social media bots?????????????

You are a lost ball in high weeds.........

Tic Toc Tard.....

Unlike your Russian Bull Shit.....

You scum bag tards used the IRS,CIA,FBI and DOJ as political weapons...

President Donald J. Trump saved America from obozo’s banana republic....

Drop the mic.:fu:


No one used the IRS, CIA, FBI, and DOJ as political weapons. It is all in your sick little mind.

Trump is a crook who is being helped by Russia. The Russians were very upset when the Democrats won the House.

You are either Stupid or a Zealot...…..

Who did the reset button with the Russians?

Who told the Russians when he thought the mic was off

that he would blow Vlad after the election?

You Tards can't see the forest for the trees....

You RETARDS are so stupid. Obama wanted better relations with Russia but he got taken to the cleaners by Putin and his clothes were pressed and starched with him still in it. He did place sanctions on Russia.

You are one confused Tard....

When obozo wasn't giving Putin a BJ he was jacking him off.....

He was also placing sanctions on Russia.
It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.
AG Barr has no credibility. He is a corrupt hack and a joke.

You are just another Dumb Ass cnn watching Tard.....

Get a clue, watch Fox and listen to Right Wing Radio for the TRUTH......

Fox News debunked the Uranium One story. Fox News occasionally does some honest reporting. Other than that it is propaganda. Talk radio wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face. All it shows is how stupid you have to sound to support Trump.

Hey Dumb Ass...

You are full of shit....

Obozo and hillary sold interest in Uranium to Russia.......

Now as far as our news media and your propaganda machines go

let’s look at the facts, I know this will be extremely hard if not impossible for you....

did dan rather not make up fake bull shit about Bush, then when it was proven

beyond a shadow of a doubt he made it all up you TARDS gave him an award.....

What about lying brian?

What about cnn doctoring 911 tapes to fit their agenda?

How about nbc faking blowing up trucks?

All of your FAKE NEWS outlets filled your heads full of shit about Trump.

I could go on and on but the sane among us all know you are full of SHIT...

Who won Rasmussen's Fake News Award? Fox News.

Shep Smith demolished the Uranium One accusations.
Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Dismantles Conspiracy Theories Behind Uranium One | Fox News

You don't have any news media. It is all right wing propaganda. Trump is full of shit and facts are facts whether you like them or not. You wouldn't know the facts if it hit you in the face. I don't need left or right to see that. You are Trump's talking parrot as is most of the right wing media who has sold all their values down the river for power.

You need to be in a straight jacket in a rubber room....

Sorry I am in my right mind. You are not.
And if the dossier was the only piece of evidence used, I would agree with you. But it wasn't, so that article is a joke.

Get a clue you dumb ass cnn watching Tard.....

The FISA Warrant was based on the fake dossier provided by the RUSSIANS

that was bought and paid for by the hilda beast.....

There is your Russian Collusion.


It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.
Russian espionage agents provided all the material in the so-called "dossier," moron.

You are the moron. Russia wanted Trump to win and Russian social media bots have continued to support Trump and Republicans. Russian media was devastated that Democrats took over the House.

Russian social media bots?????????????

You are a lost ball in high weeds.........

Those weeds are your brain.

"Such is the focus on Russian meddling that congressional investigators are increasingly aggressive in asking the big tech companies to account for how their platforms became the staging grounds for an attack on American democracy. Early next month that scrutiny will intensify, with executives from Facebook, Google and Twitter formally invited to appear before the House intelligence committee on Capitol Hill in Washington.

What has now been made clear is that Russian trolls and automated bots not only promoted explicitly pro-Donald Trump messaging, but also used social media to sow social divisions in America by stoking disagreement and division around a plethora of controversial topics "

How Russia used social media to divide Americans
It was not provided by the Russians. The Russians wanted Trump to win.

You are ignorant because you have a closed mind and you watch

FAKE NEWS like cnn and msnbctard….

The information in the dossier was provided by the RUSSIANS....

hillary was the one in bed with the RUSSIANS you dumb ass...

Why else would the RUSSIANS pay bill millions for bull shit speeches?

Why did hillary and obozo sell the RUSSIANS uranium?

The clinton foundation was how they took in their pay to play money..

Ask yourself why did all the donations to the Clinton scam foundation

dry up after hillary lost?

Now ask yourself this....

How would you feel if TRUMP had did what Hillary did....

You TARDS are all either ignorant or ZEALOTS.

Trump got millions for holding a beauty pageant in Moscow. Russian oligarchs provided millions more to Trump through financing his projects. The Russians didn't hack the RNC, they hacked the DNC servers. Tell me how they wanted Clinton to win.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

You are the TARD and you are a typical member of the cult of Trump. You are weak-minded.

You are stupid beyond belief....

Ask yourself why wouldn’t the dnc turn over the servers

that were supposedly hacked by the Russians to the FBI?

The answer is it was an inside Job, the down load speed

was too high for it to have been done over the internet.

Can you say Seth Rich....

You Tards CHEAT and we all know it....

Just ask Crazy bernie......

They provided everything that was necessary. There is no doubt the DNC servers were hacked by Russians. It was not a inside job. Shut up, you have no clue what you are talking about. Seth Rich would not have access to everything on the DNC server. We also had the Podesta e-mails that were hacked as well and Rich was nowhere to be seen. Also in the French =residential elections, something similar happened to Macron who was facing a Russia backed candidate. Seth Rich was nowhere around that.

You are the CHEATER. You seem to think that Sanders should have gotten the nomination even though he was beaten in the primaries by 54% to 42. Or is that math too complicated for you.

You are an idiot without a clue.....

It may be genetic...

If you’re lucky it’s just from watching cnn and msnbctard...

You are too clueless to be a idiot. You clearly have a severe case of TDS.
We all know what went on with the obozo deep state......

They used the IRS as a political weapon and they got caught.

They used the FBI, CIA and the DOJ to spy on and then try

and frame Trump after he kicked hillarie’s ass silly...

The proof is in the strzok/page text messages.

Tic Toc Tards......

Hardly. The IRS went after liberal organizations as well. 'progressive' was apparently a keyword as well and generally liberal organizations use the word progressive.

The FBI, CIA and DOJ did not spy on Trump or frame him. You are a sick little puppy who needs mental help.

You are full of Shit like all Tards...

You are the shit ass piece of garbage that needs to be locked uyp.

You Tards sure are touchy here lately....

You are the one that needs to be locked “uyp”

Only a Tard like you could "Fluck" up the word up.....

And I spelled Fluck like that on purpose...

Tic Toc Tard.....

Trump is Kicking your ass........

He really kicked ass in the midterms. He got kicked in the ass.

What good has it done you Dumb Ass?

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