AG eases parenthood process for same-sex couples


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein announced that spouses of parents to children conceived through a surrogacy process overseas will be accorded parenthood status without the previous need for a lengthy and complex adoption process.

Instead, a court order will suffice.

The AG's statement followed several petitions to the Supreme Court by homosexual couples who demanded both fathers be registered as parents, though only one of them is the biological father through surrogate conception.

The new move by the AG is based on the Mor-Yosef Committee's recommendations, which examined whether single men or same-sex couples should be allowed to conceive via a surrogate mother.

Weinstein ruled that pending the finalization of proper legislation, family courts will be able to issue a court order recognizing the spouse's parenthood following a genetic test proving the parenthood of the biological father and other conditions to be further elaborated in future legislation.

"For the first time, the State doesn't require an adoption process, and couples will not have to wait for six months before the process starts, but can initiate it right after the child arrives in Israel," explained Alon, a lawyer who appealed the Supreme Court together with his spouse.

AG eases parenthood process for same-sex couples - Israel News, Ynetnews



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