Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

You proved me wrong.?? Are you serious ? I fear that you are which does not speak well for your relationship to reality. EXACTLY how did you prove me wrong?
With links to data which indisputably proves children do exponentially better in homes with a mother and a father.
Horseshit!!Where are those links.? I have a treasure trove of peer reviewed sties that say otherwise. I also know who all of the charlatans and quacks are who published bullshit studies. You can't win with me. I've been at this too long.
If you have single mothers, who have care of the children, raise them, house them, pay for them, comfort them, where are these childrens' fathers? Where are they? Off in some bar instead of giving baths, cuddling, telling bedtime stories.

If the women are there, doing these things day in and day out, where are the men?

You seem to have an axe to grind against males.

Only the ones who insist on acting like shitheads who use their gender to justify an unearned sense of entitlement, and who don't meet their commitments. It's all in how a person behaves.

You apparently didn't notice that this guy was yapping about "single motherhood." It's a case of who is in there slugging it out every day and who is not.

"Dear Diary:

I know Single Mothers are all heroes because the Overlords said so! They are all heroes slugging it out on their own while their no good loser Right Wing deadbeats are off wielding their testosterone at the bar! I hate men! Especially Right Wing Men in flyover country!!"

Too weird! Strange "diary" entries. "Overlords"...??? Flowing skirts??? You sound like you need help. A lot of it.
Yeah, I stopped reading her arrogant, condescending comments eons ago. Sue ain't worth the spit it would take to cuss her.

Sue definitely has, as we used to say, "a creative view of reality." Writing fictional "diary" entries in another person's voice really shows that her cheese is definitely slipping off her cracker.
Oh, shut up.
That’s what every left-wing lunatic says when they are proven wrong.

Assuming that you mean me to be a "left-wing lunatic," you still never proved me wrong. You were the one who continued to yap about a subject that you then said was off topic, and then lectured me. You have been extremely arrogant. Try taking personal responsibility.

A. You don’t need to be married to have two people in a home

B. LGBT’s can’t reproduce anyway

C. LGBT’s shouldn’t be allowed to adopt since it’s harmful to children

Sure they can. They can use surrogates (for the men) or donated sperm and a turkey baster (for the ladies.)

Cant' reproduce? So what? They can be and are parents!

Harmful to children? Bigoted and ignorant debunked bovine excrement.

Um, I was agreeing with you. It was Poodle who was saying stupid shit... because he's Poodle.
You can't win with me.
Oh we know that. There is no “winning” with left-wing lunatics who deny science, reason, reality, etc. The responses aren’t for partisan extremists like you. It’s for other people who are rational and reasonable.
I've been at this too long.
One would think you wouldn’t be so ignorant then.
It's a really good thread. No need to be nasty. But one would think...
You can't win with me.
Oh we know that. There is no “winning” with left-wing lunatics who deny science, reason, reality, etc. The responses aren’t for partisan extremists like you. It’s for other people who are rational and reasonable.
I've been at this too long.
One would think you wouldn’t be so ignorant then.
I'll be waiting for you "proof " that I am wrong about parenting, but not holding my breath. By the way, parenting is a separate issue from the topic of this thread,

A. You don’t need to be married to have two people in a home

B. LGBT’s can’t reproduce anyway

C. LGBT’s shouldn’t be allowed to adopt since it’s harmful to children

Sure they can. They can use surrogates (for the men) or donated sperm and a turkey baster (for the ladies.)

Cant' reproduce? So what? They can be and are parents!

Harmful to children? Bigoted and ignorant debunked bovine excrement.

Um, I was agreeing with you. It was Poodle who was saying stupid shit... because he's Poodle.
I know, my mistake. I dropped it in the wrong place.
It's a really good thread. No need to be nasty. But one would think...
Telling the truth isn’t “being nasty” (despite the left’s claims that it is).
Speaking of "truth" You stated that you had proof that parenting by same sex couples was bad for kids. I asked you to back that up. It has been-what 24hrs? No proof. Obviously you lie!
It's a really good thread. No need to be nasty. But one would think...
Telling the truth isn’t “being nasty” (despite the left’s claims that it is).
Speaking of "truth" You stated that you had proof that parenting by same sex couples was bad for kids. I asked you to back that up. It has been-what 24hrs? No proof. Obviously you lie!
I’ve posted it serval times in this thread already. You’ve seen it. You can’t pretend it away like you do with your gender and sexuality, snowflake.
It's a really good thread. No need to be nasty. But one would think...
Telling the truth isn’t “being nasty” (despite the left’s claims that it is).
Speaking of "truth" You stated that you had proof that parenting by same sex couples was bad for kids. I asked you to back that up. It has been-what 24hrs? No proof. Obviously you lie!
I’ve posted it serval times in this thread already. You’ve seen it. You can’t pretend it away like you do with your gender and sexuality, snowflake.
Hey. I'm not going to go back through 975 fucking posts to find something that may or not be there , and which is no doubt horseshit if it is there. Put up or shut up.

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