AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

One can see the hate here on the boards, vile name calling, flaming, dictating they are right. One can see the charateristics that are the worst in human nature displayed here.

It is alarming, their behavior is history repeating itself.

Do you have a point, or is this just more race hustling?
Your thread is race hustling?

Marxist, the worst in human nature, they had those they hated, sent them to the gulags, guilty without a trail.

NAZI's, or socialists, had those they hated, and tried, convicted, and killed.

You are the one who calls obama a Regime, you must be one racist son of a bitch, or is there a deeper point in your thread.

Sorry that my point about socialists and the type of people they are went right over your head.

NAZI, that was the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, just saying in case you reply with more ignorance that they were simply facists.

Have fun in your thread, idiot, you certainly were quick too assume much with zero understanding.
So are you on the DOJ payroll?
are you awaiting your "smart" meds?
Your thread is race hustling?

Marxist, the worst in human nature, they had those they hated, sent them to the gulags, guilty without a trail.

NAZI's, or socialists, had those they hated, and tried, convicted, and killed.

You are the one who calls obama a Regime, you must be one racist son of a bitch, or is there a deeper point in your thread.

Sorry that my point about socialists and the type of people they are went right over your head.

NAZI, that was the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, just saying in case you reply with more ignorance that they were simply facists.

Have fun in your thread, idiot, you certainly were quick too assume much with zero understanding.

Learn to convey a simple point and you won't be misunderstood.
Dumb it down for you, got it.

More like, catch up with the rest of us.
Catch up? Maybe in another 3000 posts, when you get to my count, you might realize this is an old story and there has been a thread on it. But hey you saw the drudge headline, bravo, and thought this was new, news.

Either way, you could check my profile, look at the threads I have started, and realized that I would of been on the same side as you, but instead you flamed my post, so I reply in kind. At that you cant suck it up in your iwn thread, so here we are, you the idiot, attacking everyone you dont understand.

Care for round 3?

If I misunderstood, you could have simply clarified. Calling me an idiot is no way to make friends.
Oh, okay, being condescending and demeaning as you were, is how one makes friends?? And once you get up to speed on your thread, you will se why I beat around the bush, the assholes, we will call Socialists, come out in full force attack. See, now you the idiot, is up to speed.
Learn to convey a simple point and you won't be misunderstood.
Dumb it down for you, got it.

More like, catch up with the rest of us.
Catch up? Maybe in another 3000 posts, when you get to my count, you might realize this is an old story and there has been a thread on it. But hey you saw the drudge headline, bravo, and thought this was new, news.

Either way, you could check my profile, look at the threads I have started, and realized that I would of been on the same side as you, but instead you flamed my post, so I reply in kind. At that you cant suck it up in your iwn thread, so here we are, you the idiot, attacking everyone you dont understand.

Care for round 3?

If I misunderstood, you could have simply clarified. Calling me an idiot is no way to make friends.
Oh, okay, being condescending and demeaning as you were, is how one makes friends?? And once you get up to speed on your thread, you will se why I beat around the bush, the assholes, we will call Socialists, come out in full force attack. See, now you the idiot, is up to speed.

I apologize if you took it that way.
Disagreeing with the alarmist mantra makes one a bigot in cricks world.. There are many here who do not understand they are nothing but, as Hitler called them, useful idiots.

I cant opine until much later on this topic as I have a real job which actually deals in climate matters.. Have fun with the useful idiots..
The tobacco companies knew tobacco caused serious health problems -- their own documents proved it -- and yet mounted a PR campaign to push the opposite view.

Exxon knew global warming was real -- their own documents proved it -- and yet mounted a PR campaign to push the opposite view

What's the difference? The tobacco companies were prosecuted for fraud and conspiracy. Exxon, having a pack of cult frauds so vigorously defending them, has managed to escape that so far.

So deniers, congratulations on defending more of your openly criminal pals. It's not as if your criminal nature needed confirmation, but this was yet another good confirmation of it.
We most definitely need to beware of this regime. They don't care how many laws they break to further their totalitarian communist agenda.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

toiletpaper://AG']']AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

Totally hilarious how you and the rightwingnut propaganda rag you cite here, 'The Blazing Retards', both equates the "fossil fuel industry" to "climate change deniers"....which is true, in a way, since the fossil fuel industry created and finances and controls the AGW denial movement and writes most of their fraudulent propaganda.....

....and also deceitfully tries to conflate the greedy fossil fuel industry executives -- who the AG was specifically referring to as being being under consideration for possible legal action, who knowingly misled the public and their shareholders, starting several decades ago, about the very real dangers of CO2 driven global warming and its consequent climate changes caused by their products, and who are now the targets of various state and federal investigations....and who are will probably eventually be tried for 'Crimes Against Humanity'....(as they should be!) -- with the ordinary run-of-the-mill, very ignorant, somewhat retarded, anti-science rightwingnut dupes, like you, WildBullKrap, who have been conned and bamboozled into denying the obvious, scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC that most sane people can clearly see, and dementedly upholding corporate profits over the welfare of the human race.....BUT who are not at all the target of the possible legal actions that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was referring to in her testimony to she very plainly said. YOUR PUPPETMASTERS ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOU DENIER CULT CLOWNS by twisting the meaning of the information they're citing - they're doing it right in front of your eyes - and you are too dense to see it. LOL. That's hilarious!
damn, where do I stand in line to get money for being a skeptic. i had no idea the industry was paying for people to tell the warmers to stop denying that nothing is happening. Holy crap.I do this for free.

BTW, you ever going to explain how less LWIR can warm the atmosphere?
One can see the hate here on the boards, vile name calling, flaming, dictating they are right. One can see the charateristics that are the worst in human nature displayed here.

It is alarming, their behavior is history repeating itself.

Do you have a point, or is this just more race hustling?
Your thread is race hustling?

Marxist, the worst in human nature, they had those they hated, sent them to the gulags, guilty without a trail.

NAZI's, or socialists, had those they hated, and tried, convicted, and killed.

You are the one who calls obama a Regime, you must be one racist son of a bitch, or is there a deeper point in your thread.

Sorry that my point about socialists and the type of people they are went right over your head.

NAZI, that was the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, just saying in case you reply with more ignorance that they were simply facists.

Have fun in your thread, idiot, you certainly were quick too assume much with zero understanding.

still trying to get out of it. Funny stuff, it's funny when the facts line up one's way and then you do all you can to get out of the way and then blame someone else. Stand up, brush yourself off, and think you are clever. But s0n, you failed. Nazi is socialism. plain and simple. Take away is the main objective of the dems. Take away what isn't yours. Democrats, and they never stop trying. Nazi Socialists.
The tobacco companies knew tobacco caused serious health problems -- their own documents proved it -- and yet mounted a PR campaign to push the opposite view.

Exxon knew global warming was real -- their own documents proved it -- and yet mounted a PR campaign to push the opposite view

What's the difference? The tobacco companies were prosecuted for fraud and conspiracy. Exxon, having a pack of cult frauds so vigorously defending them, has managed to escape that so far.

So deniers, congratulations on defending more of your openly criminal pals. It's not as if your criminal nature needed confirmation, but this was yet another good confirmation of it.
We most definitely need to beware of this regime. They don't care how many laws they break to further their totalitarian communist agenda.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

toiletpaper://AG']']AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

Totally hilarious how you and the rightwingnut propaganda rag you cite here, 'The Blazing Retards', both equates the "fossil fuel industry" to "climate change deniers"....which is true, in a way, since the fossil fuel industry created and finances and controls the AGW denial movement and writes most of their fraudulent propaganda.....

....and also deceitfully tries to conflate the greedy fossil fuel industry executives -- who the AG was specifically referring to as being being under consideration for possible legal action, who knowingly misled the public and their shareholders, starting several decades ago, about the very real dangers of CO2 driven global warming and its consequent climate changes caused by their products, and who are now the targets of various state and federal investigations....and who are will probably eventually be tried for 'Crimes Against Humanity'....(as they should be!) -- with the ordinary run-of-the-mill, very ignorant, somewhat retarded, anti-science rightwingnut dupes, like you, WildBullKrap, who have been conned and bamboozled into denying the obvious, scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC that most sane people can clearly see, and dementedly upholding corporate profits over the welfare of the human race.....BUT who are not at all the target of the possible legal actions that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was referring to in her testimony to she very plainly said. YOUR PUPPETMASTERS ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOU DENIER CULT CLOWNS by twisting the meaning of the information they're citing - they're doing it right in front of your eyes - and you are too dense to see it. LOL. That's hilarious!

First, you shoot the messenger, then you support government prosecution of people who don't buy into the global warming

Can you imagine what you sound like?

I debunked your idiotic propaganda neme OP in post #4. You are apparently much too stupid to understand how you are being duped, even though I spelled it out for you, fool.

No one is talking about prosecuting you dumbass bamboozled denier cult dimwits for your brainwashed denial of science and reality. They are considering going after the greedheads in the fossil fuel industry whose own scientists had warned them about CO2 driven global warming decades ago but who chose to finance anti-science denialist propaganda campaigns and astroturfed 'think tanks' and foundations as propaganda outlets.

Exxon Mobil on Hot Seat for Global Warming Denial
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman subpoenaed the oil and gas giant Wednesday evening.
U.S. News and World Report
By Alan Neuhauser
Nov. 5, 2015
The New York attorney general has launched an investigation into Exxon Mobil to determine whether the country's largest oil and gas company lied to investors about how global warming could hurt its balance sheets and also hid the risks posed by climate change from the public.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a subpoena to Exxon Mobil on Wednesday night seeking financial records, internal communications, climate studies, advertising materials and other documents, an official in the attorney general's office familiar with the investigation confirmed Thursday.

The probe spans two areas of the law: consumer protection – whether Exxon Mobil engaged in deceptive or misleading business practices – and New York's fraud and securities law, known as the Martin Act, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

Peabody Energy, the nation's largest coal producer, has also been under investigation for the past two years.

The dual investigations were first reported by The New York Times.

Schneiderman's subpoena comes just weeks after a probe by InsideClimate News revealed that despite Exxon funneling millions of dollars in past decades to advocacy groups to obscure how burning oil, gas and coal warms the environment, it had once been a global leader in climate change research.

As early as 1977 – roughly a decade before researcher James Hansen testified before Congress to alert the world to the dangers of climate change – a senior company scientist warned executives that "there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels," InsideClimate News reported.

Schneiderman's office began scrutinizing Exxon Mobil as early as last year, the office official tells U.S. News.

In the weeks since the debut of the InsideClimate package – which was followed shortly by another expose by the Los Angeles Times – the hashtag #ExxonKnew has been a trending topic on Twitter.

Schneiderman's subpoena could mark the opening salvo in a far broader effort by states to examine what fossil fuel companies knew about man-made climate change, when they knew it and what they may have done to hide its dangers from the public to protect company profits – a campaign that may resemble others that elicited billions of settlement dollars from tobacco companies. (Many of the same marketing figures who worked for the tobacco companies reportedly have more recently found work with climate-denial groups.)

Private lawsuits aimed at holding companies liable for damage they've caused to the world's climate have met with little success.

"New York's attorney general has shown great courage in holding to account arguably the richest and most powerful company on Earth," Bill McKibben, co-founder of the environmental group, said in a statement. "We hope that other state attorney general and the federal Department of Justice, and the Securities [and] Exchange Commission, will show similar fortitude."
Last edited:
We most definitely need to beware of this regime. They don't care how many laws they break to further their totalitarian communist agenda.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

toiletpaper://AG']']AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

Totally hilarious how you and the rightwingnut propaganda rag you cite here, 'The Blazing Retards', both equates the "fossil fuel industry" to "climate change deniers"....which is true, in a way, since the fossil fuel industry created and finances and controls the AGW denial movement and writes most of their fraudulent propaganda.....

....and also deceitfully tries to conflate the greedy fossil fuel industry executives -- who the AG was specifically referring to as being being under consideration for possible legal action, who knowingly misled the public and their shareholders, starting several decades ago, about the very real dangers of CO2 driven global warming and its consequent climate changes caused by their products, and who are now the targets of various state and federal investigations....and who are will probably eventually be tried for 'Crimes Against Humanity'....(as they should be!) -- with the ordinary run-of-the-mill, very ignorant, somewhat retarded, anti-science rightwingnut dupes, like you, WildBullKrap, who have been conned and bamboozled into denying the obvious, scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC that most sane people can clearly see, and dementedly upholding corporate profits over the welfare of the human race.....BUT who are not at all the target of the possible legal actions that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was referring to in her testimony to she very plainly said. YOUR PUPPETMASTERS ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOU DENIER CULT CLOWNS by twisting the meaning of the information they're citing - they're doing it right in front of your eyes - and you are too dense to see it. LOL. That's hilarious!

First, you shoot the messenger, then you support government prosecution of people who don't buy into the global warming

Can you imagine what you sound like?

I debunked your idiotic propaganda neme OP in post #4. You are apparently much too stupid to understand how you are being duped, even though I spelled it out for you, fool.

No one is talking about prosecuting you dumbass bamboozled denier cult dimwits for your brainwashed denial of science and reality. They are considering going after the greedheads in the fossil fuel industry whose own scientists had warned them about CO2 driven global warming decades ago but who chose to finance anti-science denialist propaganda campaigns and astroturfed 'think tanks' and foundations as propaganda outlets.

You defended fascism and that's all you did.
We most definitely need to beware of this regime. They don't care how many laws they break to further their totalitarian communist agenda.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

toiletpaper://AG']']AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

Totally hilarious how you and the rightwingnut propaganda rag you cite here, 'The Blazing Retards', both equates the "fossil fuel industry" to "climate change deniers"....which is true, in a way, since the fossil fuel industry created and finances and controls the AGW denial movement and writes most of their fraudulent propaganda.....

....and also deceitfully tries to conflate the greedy fossil fuel industry executives -- who the AG was specifically referring to as being being under consideration for possible legal action, who knowingly misled the public and their shareholders, starting several decades ago, about the very real dangers of CO2 driven global warming and its consequent climate changes caused by their products, and who are now the targets of various state and federal investigations....and who are will probably eventually be tried for 'Crimes Against Humanity'....(as they should be!) -- with the ordinary run-of-the-mill, very ignorant, somewhat retarded, anti-science rightwingnut dupes, like you, WildBullKrap, who have been conned and bamboozled into denying the obvious, scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC that most sane people can clearly see, and dementedly upholding corporate profits over the welfare of the human race.....BUT who are not at all the target of the possible legal actions that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was referring to in her testimony to she very plainly said. YOUR PUPPETMASTERS ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOU DENIER CULT CLOWNS by twisting the meaning of the information they're citing - they're doing it right in front of your eyes - and you are too dense to see it. LOL. That's hilarious!

First, you shoot the messenger, then you support government prosecution of people who don't buy into the global warming

Can you imagine what you sound like?

I debunked your idiotic propaganda neme OP in post #4. You are apparently much too stupid to understand how you are being duped, even though I spelled it out for you, fool.

No one is talking about prosecuting you dumbass bamboozled denier cult dimwits for your brainwashed denial of science and reality. They are considering going after the greedheads in the fossil fuel industry whose own scientists had warned them about CO2 driven global warming decades ago but who chose to finance anti-science denialist propaganda campaigns and astroturfed 'think tanks' and foundations as propaganda outlets.

You defended fascism and that's all you did.
Nope! You are just incredibly retarded and extremely gullible, WildBullKrap. Your OP was debunked in post #4 on this deranged thread of yours.
We most definitely need to beware of this regime. They don't care how many laws they break to further their totalitarian communist agenda.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

toiletpaper://AG']']AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

Totally hilarious how you and the rightwingnut propaganda rag you cite here, 'The Blazing Retards', both equates the "fossil fuel industry" to "climate change deniers"....which is true, in a way, since the fossil fuel industry created and finances and controls the AGW denial movement and writes most of their fraudulent propaganda.....

....and also deceitfully tries to conflate the greedy fossil fuel industry executives -- who the AG was specifically referring to as being being under consideration for possible legal action, who knowingly misled the public and their shareholders, starting several decades ago, about the very real dangers of CO2 driven global warming and its consequent climate changes caused by their products, and who are now the targets of various state and federal investigations....and who are will probably eventually be tried for 'Crimes Against Humanity'....(as they should be!) -- with the ordinary run-of-the-mill, very ignorant, somewhat retarded, anti-science rightwingnut dupes, like you, WildBullKrap, who have been conned and bamboozled into denying the obvious, scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC that most sane people can clearly see, and dementedly upholding corporate profits over the welfare of the human race.....BUT who are not at all the target of the possible legal actions that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was referring to in her testimony to she very plainly said. YOUR PUPPETMASTERS ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOU DENIER CULT CLOWNS by twisting the meaning of the information they're citing - they're doing it right in front of your eyes - and you are too dense to see it. LOL. That's hilarious!

First, you shoot the messenger, then you support government prosecution of people who don't buy into the global warming

Can you imagine what you sound like?

I debunked your idiotic propaganda neme OP in post #4. You are apparently much too stupid to understand how you are being duped, even though I spelled it out for you, fool.

No one is talking about prosecuting you dumbass bamboozled denier cult dimwits for your brainwashed denial of science and reality. They are considering going after the greedheads in the fossil fuel industry whose own scientists had warned them about CO2 driven global warming decades ago but who chose to finance anti-science denialist propaganda campaigns and astroturfed 'think tanks' and foundations as propaganda outlets.

Exxon Mobil on Hot Seat for Global Warming Denial
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman subpoenaed the oil and gas giant Wednesday evening.
U.S. News and World Report
By Alan Neuhauser
Nov. 5, 2015
The New York attorney general has launched an investigation into Exxon Mobil to determine whether the country's largest oil and gas company lied to investors about how global warming could hurt its balance sheets and also hid the risks posed by climate change from the public.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a subpoena to Exxon Mobil on Wednesday night seeking financial records, internal communications, climate studies, advertising materials and other documents, an official in the attorney general's office familiar with the investigation confirmed Thursday.

The probe spans two areas of the law: consumer protection – whether Exxon Mobil engaged in deceptive or misleading business practices – and New York's fraud and securities law, known as the Martin Act, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

Peabody Energy, the nation's largest coal producer, has also been under investigation for the past two years.

The dual investigations were first reported by The New York Times.

Schneiderman's subpoena comes just weeks after a probe by InsideClimate News revealed that despite Exxon funneling millions of dollars in past decades to advocacy groups to obscure how burning oil, gas and coal warms the environment, it had once been a global leader in climate change research.

As early as 1977 – roughly a decade before researcher James Hansen testified before Congress to alert the world to the dangers of climate change – a senior company scientist warned executives that "there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels," InsideClimate News reported.

Schneiderman's office began scrutinizing Exxon Mobil as early as last year, the office official tells U.S. News.

In the weeks since the debut of the InsideClimate package – which was followed shortly by another expose by the Los Angeles Times – the hashtag #ExxonKnew has been a trending topic on Twitter.

Schneiderman's subpoena could mark the opening salvo in a far broader effort by states to examine what fossil fuel companies knew about man-made climate change, when they knew it and what they may have done to hide its dangers from the public to protect company profits – a campaign that may resemble others that elicited billions of settlement dollars from tobacco companies. (Many of the same marketing figures who worked for the tobacco companies reportedly have more recently found work with climate-denial groups.)

Private lawsuits aimed at holding companies liable for damage they've caused to the world's climate have met with little success.

"New York's attorney general has shown great courage in holding to account arguably the richest and most powerful company on Earth," Bill McKibben, co-founder of the environmental group, said in a statement. "We hope that other state attorney general and the federal Department of Justice, and the Securities [and] Exchange Commission, will show similar fortitude."
holy shit is that stupid. Lawyers will have a heyday with this one. This is illegal. Too bad for the AG
We most definitely need to beware of this regime. They don't care how many laws they break to further their totalitarian communist agenda.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

toiletpaper://AG']']AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

Totally hilarious how you and the rightwingnut propaganda rag you cite here, 'The Blazing Retards', both equates the "fossil fuel industry" to "climate change deniers"....which is true, in a way, since the fossil fuel industry created and finances and controls the AGW denial movement and writes most of their fraudulent propaganda.....

....and also deceitfully tries to conflate the greedy fossil fuel industry executives -- who the AG was specifically referring to as being being under consideration for possible legal action, who knowingly misled the public and their shareholders, starting several decades ago, about the very real dangers of CO2 driven global warming and its consequent climate changes caused by their products, and who are now the targets of various state and federal investigations....and who are will probably eventually be tried for 'Crimes Against Humanity'....(as they should be!) -- with the ordinary run-of-the-mill, very ignorant, somewhat retarded, anti-science rightwingnut dupes, like you, WildBullKrap, who have been conned and bamboozled into denying the obvious, scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC that most sane people can clearly see, and dementedly upholding corporate profits over the welfare of the human race.....BUT who are not at all the target of the possible legal actions that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was referring to in her testimony to she very plainly said. YOUR PUPPETMASTERS ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOU DENIER CULT CLOWNS by twisting the meaning of the information they're citing - they're doing it right in front of your eyes - and you are too dense to see it. LOL. That's hilarious!

First, you shoot the messenger, then you support government prosecution of people who don't buy into the global warming

Can you imagine what you sound like?

I debunked your idiotic propaganda neme OP in post #4. You are apparently much too stupid to understand how you are being duped, even though I spelled it out for you, fool.

No one is talking about prosecuting you dumbass bamboozled denier cult dimwits for your brainwashed denial of science and reality. They are considering going after the greedheads in the fossil fuel industry whose own scientists had warned them about CO2 driven global warming decades ago but who chose to finance anti-science denialist propaganda campaigns and astroturfed 'think tanks' and foundations as propaganda outlets.

You defended fascism and that's all you did.
Nope! You are just incredibly retarded and extremely gullible, WildBullKrap. Your OP was debunked in post #4 on this deranged thread of yours.

You support prosecuting people for having a difference of opinion. That's pure National Socialism. We defeated you people during WW2.
We most definitely need to beware of this regime. They don't care how many laws they break to further their totalitarian communist agenda.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

toiletpaper://AG']']AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

Totally hilarious how you and the rightwingnut propaganda rag you cite here, 'The Blazing Retards', both equates the "fossil fuel industry" to "climate change deniers"....which is true, in a way, since the fossil fuel industry created and finances and controls the AGW denial movement and writes most of their fraudulent propaganda.....

....and also deceitfully tries to conflate the greedy fossil fuel industry executives -- who the AG was specifically referring to as being being under consideration for possible legal action, who knowingly misled the public and their shareholders, starting several decades ago, about the very real dangers of CO2 driven global warming and its consequent climate changes caused by their products, and who are now the targets of various state and federal investigations....and who are will probably eventually be tried for 'Crimes Against Humanity'....(as they should be!) -- with the ordinary run-of-the-mill, very ignorant, somewhat retarded, anti-science rightwingnut dupes, like you, WildBullKrap, who have been conned and bamboozled into denying the obvious, scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC that most sane people can clearly see, and dementedly upholding corporate profits over the welfare of the human race.....BUT who are not at all the target of the possible legal actions that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was referring to in her testimony to she very plainly said. YOUR PUPPETMASTERS ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOU DENIER CULT CLOWNS by twisting the meaning of the information they're citing - they're doing it right in front of your eyes - and you are too dense to see it. LOL. That's hilarious!

First, you shoot the messenger, then you support government prosecution of people who don't buy into the global warming

Can you imagine what you sound like?

I debunked your idiotic propaganda neme OP in post #4. You are apparently much too stupid to understand how you are being duped, even though I spelled it out for you, fool.

No one is talking about prosecuting you dumbass bamboozled denier cult dimwits for your brainwashed denial of science and reality. They are considering going after the greedheads in the fossil fuel industry whose own scientists had warned them about CO2 driven global warming decades ago but who chose to finance anti-science denialist propaganda campaigns and astroturfed 'think tanks' and foundations as propaganda outlets.

Exxon Mobil on Hot Seat for Global Warming Denial
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman subpoenaed the oil and gas giant Wednesday evening.
U.S. News and World Report
By Alan Neuhauser
Nov. 5, 2015
The New York attorney general has launched an investigation into Exxon Mobil to determine whether the country's largest oil and gas company lied to investors about how global warming could hurt its balance sheets and also hid the risks posed by climate change from the public.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a subpoena to Exxon Mobil on Wednesday night seeking financial records, internal communications, climate studies, advertising materials and other documents, an official in the attorney general's office familiar with the investigation confirmed Thursday.

The probe spans two areas of the law: consumer protection – whether Exxon Mobil engaged in deceptive or misleading business practices – and New York's fraud and securities law, known as the Martin Act, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

Peabody Energy, the nation's largest coal producer, has also been under investigation for the past two years.

The dual investigations were first reported by The New York Times.

Schneiderman's subpoena comes just weeks after a probe by InsideClimate News revealed that despite Exxon funneling millions of dollars in past decades to advocacy groups to obscure how burning oil, gas and coal warms the environment, it had once been a global leader in climate change research.

As early as 1977 – roughly a decade before researcher James Hansen testified before Congress to alert the world to the dangers of climate change – a senior company scientist warned executives that "there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels," InsideClimate News reported.

Schneiderman's office began scrutinizing Exxon Mobil as early as last year, the office official tells U.S. News.

In the weeks since the debut of the InsideClimate package – which was followed shortly by another expose by the Los Angeles Times – the hashtag #ExxonKnew has been a trending topic on Twitter.

Schneiderman's subpoena could mark the opening salvo in a far broader effort by states to examine what fossil fuel companies knew about man-made climate change, when they knew it and what they may have done to hide its dangers from the public to protect company profits – a campaign that may resemble others that elicited billions of settlement dollars from tobacco companies. (Many of the same marketing figures who worked for the tobacco companies reportedly have more recently found work with climate-denial groups.)

Private lawsuits aimed at holding companies liable for damage they've caused to the world's climate have met with little success.

"New York's attorney general has shown great courage in holding to account arguably the richest and most powerful company on Earth," Bill McKibben, co-founder of the environmental group, said in a statement. "We hope that other state attorney general and the federal Department of Justice, and the Securities [and] Exchange Commission, will show similar fortitude."
holy shit is that stupid. Lawyers will have a heyday with this one. This is illegal. Too bad for the AG

How nutty is that?

This is nothing but the prosecution under ex-post-facto law.
We most definitely need to beware of this regime. They don't care how many laws they break to further their totalitarian communist agenda.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

toiletpaper://AG']']AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers

Totally hilarious how you and the rightwingnut propaganda rag you cite here, 'The Blazing Retards', both equates the "fossil fuel industry" to "climate change deniers"....which is true, in a way, since the fossil fuel industry created and finances and controls the AGW denial movement and writes most of their fraudulent propaganda.....

....and also deceitfully tries to conflate the greedy fossil fuel industry executives -- who the AG was specifically referring to as being being under consideration for possible legal action, who knowingly misled the public and their shareholders, starting several decades ago, about the very real dangers of CO2 driven global warming and its consequent climate changes caused by their products, and who are now the targets of various state and federal investigations....and who are will probably eventually be tried for 'Crimes Against Humanity'....(as they should be!) -- with the ordinary run-of-the-mill, very ignorant, somewhat retarded, anti-science rightwingnut dupes, like you, WildBullKrap, who have been conned and bamboozled into denying the obvious, scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC that most sane people can clearly see, and dementedly upholding corporate profits over the welfare of the human race.....BUT who are not at all the target of the possible legal actions that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was referring to in her testimony to she very plainly said. YOUR PUPPETMASTERS ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOU DENIER CULT CLOWNS by twisting the meaning of the information they're citing - they're doing it right in front of your eyes - and you are too dense to see it. LOL. That's hilarious!

First, you shoot the messenger, then you support government prosecution of people who don't buy into the global warming

Can you imagine what you sound like?

I debunked your idiotic propaganda neme OP in post #4. You are apparently much too stupid to understand how you are being duped, even though I spelled it out for you, fool.

No one is talking about prosecuting you dumbass bamboozled denier cult dimwits for your brainwashed denial of science and reality. They are considering going after the greedheads in the fossil fuel industry whose own scientists had warned them about CO2 driven global warming decades ago but who chose to finance anti-science denialist propaganda campaigns and astroturfed 'think tanks' and foundations as propaganda outlets.

Exxon Mobil on Hot Seat for Global Warming Denial
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman subpoenaed the oil and gas giant Wednesday evening.
U.S. News and World Report
By Alan Neuhauser
Nov. 5, 2015
The New York attorney general has launched an investigation into Exxon Mobil to determine whether the country's largest oil and gas company lied to investors about how global warming could hurt its balance sheets and also hid the risks posed by climate change from the public.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a subpoena to Exxon Mobil on Wednesday night seeking financial records, internal communications, climate studies, advertising materials and other documents, an official in the attorney general's office familiar with the investigation confirmed Thursday.

The probe spans two areas of the law: consumer protection – whether Exxon Mobil engaged in deceptive or misleading business practices – and New York's fraud and securities law, known as the Martin Act, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

Peabody Energy, the nation's largest coal producer, has also been under investigation for the past two years.

The dual investigations were first reported by The New York Times.

Schneiderman's subpoena comes just weeks after a probe by InsideClimate News revealed that despite Exxon funneling millions of dollars in past decades to advocacy groups to obscure how burning oil, gas and coal warms the environment, it had once been a global leader in climate change research.

As early as 1977 – roughly a decade before researcher James Hansen testified before Congress to alert the world to the dangers of climate change – a senior company scientist warned executives that "there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels," InsideClimate News reported.

Schneiderman's office began scrutinizing Exxon Mobil as early as last year, the office official tells U.S. News.

In the weeks since the debut of the InsideClimate package – which was followed shortly by another expose by the Los Angeles Times – the hashtag #ExxonKnew has been a trending topic on Twitter.

Schneiderman's subpoena could mark the opening salvo in a far broader effort by states to examine what fossil fuel companies knew about man-made climate change, when they knew it and what they may have done to hide its dangers from the public to protect company profits – a campaign that may resemble others that elicited billions of settlement dollars from tobacco companies. (Many of the same marketing figures who worked for the tobacco companies reportedly have more recently found work with climate-denial groups.)

Private lawsuits aimed at holding companies liable for damage they've caused to the world's climate have met with little success.

"New York's attorney general has shown great courage in holding to account arguably the richest and most powerful company on Earth," Bill McKibben, co-founder of the environmental group, said in a statement. "We hope that other state attorney general and the federal Department of Justice, and the Securities [and] Exchange Commission, will show similar fortitude."
holy shit is that stupid. Lawyers will have a heyday with this one. This is illegal. Too bad for the AG

How nutty is that?

This is nothing but the prosecution under ex-post-facto law.
Wait until they show up for the court proceedings and they laugh this nut job out of the courtroom.

And I bet there will be a suit made against him as well as targeted prosecution.
Totally hilarious how you and the rightwingnut propaganda rag you cite here, 'The Blazing Retards', both equates the "fossil fuel industry" to "climate change deniers"....which is true, in a way, since the fossil fuel industry created and finances and controls the AGW denial movement and writes most of their fraudulent propaganda.....

....and also deceitfully tries to conflate the greedy fossil fuel industry executives -- who the AG was specifically referring to as being being under consideration for possible legal action, who knowingly misled the public and their shareholders, starting several decades ago, about the very real dangers of CO2 driven global warming and its consequent climate changes caused by their products, and who are now the targets of various state and federal investigations....and who are will probably eventually be tried for 'Crimes Against Humanity'....(as they should be!) -- with the ordinary run-of-the-mill, very ignorant, somewhat retarded, anti-science rightwingnut dupes, like you, WildBullKrap, who have been conned and bamboozled into denying the obvious, scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC that most sane people can clearly see, and dementedly upholding corporate profits over the welfare of the human race.....BUT who are not at all the target of the possible legal actions that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was referring to in her testimony to she very plainly said. YOUR PUPPETMASTERS ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN YOU DENIER CULT CLOWNS by twisting the meaning of the information they're citing - they're doing it right in front of your eyes - and you are too dense to see it. LOL. That's hilarious!

First, you shoot the messenger, then you support government prosecution of people who don't buy into the global warming

Can you imagine what you sound like?

I debunked your idiotic propaganda neme OP in post #4. You are apparently much too stupid to understand how you are being duped, even though I spelled it out for you, fool.

No one is talking about prosecuting you dumbass bamboozled denier cult dimwits for your brainwashed denial of science and reality. They are considering going after the greedheads in the fossil fuel industry whose own scientists had warned them about CO2 driven global warming decades ago but who chose to finance anti-science denialist propaganda campaigns and astroturfed 'think tanks' and foundations as propaganda outlets.

Exxon Mobil on Hot Seat for Global Warming Denial
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman subpoenaed the oil and gas giant Wednesday evening.
U.S. News and World Report
By Alan Neuhauser
Nov. 5, 2015
The New York attorney general has launched an investigation into Exxon Mobil to determine whether the country's largest oil and gas company lied to investors about how global warming could hurt its balance sheets and also hid the risks posed by climate change from the public.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a subpoena to Exxon Mobil on Wednesday night seeking financial records, internal communications, climate studies, advertising materials and other documents, an official in the attorney general's office familiar with the investigation confirmed Thursday.

The probe spans two areas of the law: consumer protection – whether Exxon Mobil engaged in deceptive or misleading business practices – and New York's fraud and securities law, known as the Martin Act, according to the official, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

Peabody Energy, the nation's largest coal producer, has also been under investigation for the past two years.

The dual investigations were first reported by The New York Times.

Schneiderman's subpoena comes just weeks after a probe by InsideClimate News revealed that despite Exxon funneling millions of dollars in past decades to advocacy groups to obscure how burning oil, gas and coal warms the environment, it had once been a global leader in climate change research.

As early as 1977 – roughly a decade before researcher James Hansen testified before Congress to alert the world to the dangers of climate change – a senior company scientist warned executives that "there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels," InsideClimate News reported.

Schneiderman's office began scrutinizing Exxon Mobil as early as last year, the office official tells U.S. News.

In the weeks since the debut of the InsideClimate package – which was followed shortly by another expose by the Los Angeles Times – the hashtag #ExxonKnew has been a trending topic on Twitter.

Schneiderman's subpoena could mark the opening salvo in a far broader effort by states to examine what fossil fuel companies knew about man-made climate change, when they knew it and what they may have done to hide its dangers from the public to protect company profits – a campaign that may resemble others that elicited billions of settlement dollars from tobacco companies. (Many of the same marketing figures who worked for the tobacco companies reportedly have more recently found work with climate-denial groups.)

Private lawsuits aimed at holding companies liable for damage they've caused to the world's climate have met with little success.

"New York's attorney general has shown great courage in holding to account arguably the richest and most powerful company on Earth," Bill McKibben, co-founder of the environmental group, said in a statement. "We hope that other state attorney general and the federal Department of Justice, and the Securities [and] Exchange Commission, will show similar fortitude."
holy shit is that stupid. Lawyers will have a heyday with this one. This is illegal. Too bad for the AG

How nutty is that?

This is nothing but the prosecution under ex-post-facto law.
Wait until they show up for the court proceedings and they laugh this nut job out of the courtroom.

And I bet there will be a suit made against him as well as targeted prosecution.

This is why they want to load up the Supreme Court with leftist nutjobs

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