As Biden vows monumental action on climate change, a fight with the fossil fuel industry has only begun


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
The big battle..these folks see their influence and power on the wane..and they're not liking it!

As Biden vows monumental action on climate change, a fight with the fossil fuel industry has only begun

Joe Biden had long promised to become the climate president, and on Wednesday he detailed far-ranging plans to shift the U.S. away from fossil fuels, create millions of jobs in renewable energy, and conserve vast swaths of public lands and water.
“This is not a time for small measures,” Biden said at the White House, adding that the nation had already wasted precious years
But as he detailed his plans, the gas, oil and coal industries were already mobilizing on all fronts. From an oil patch in Alaska to state capitals to the halls of Congress, the industries and their allies are aiming to slow Biden’s unprecedented push for climate action and keep profits from fossil fuels flowing. Republican attorneys general from six states wrote to the new president, warning him not to overstep his authority. GOP lawmakers attacked his executive orders as “job killers.” And the petroleum industry revived television ads promoting drilling on federal lands.
Industry executives expressed dismay at the scope, speed and direction in which Biden is heading, saying he is going much further than President Barack Obama ever did, while environmentalists said the danger that Earth faces is far more dire now than it appeared during Obama’s tenure and requires an extraordinary response. Last year essentially tied with 2016 as the hottest year ever recorded, and scientists say the planet is speeding toward irreversible damage.

In barely a week in office, Biden has moved to rejoin the Paris climate accord, halt the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, impose new limits on oil and gas production, and mandate climate change as a priority across every federal agency.
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$5 dollar gas coming your way. :D
$2.18gal today. There's an oil case you've not noticed..the only reason prices are as high as they are is speculation in the markets.

Oh..and some refinery cutback due to weather

I don't know where you live, but I've been buying gasoline under $2.00/gal until recently....
Idaho..usually among the highest..but not these days, i guess. we dipped below $2 this summer....
Biden has no problem with the fossil fuel industry.......just the American fossil fuel industry.

Exactly, which is why he's insisting we buy oil from the terror states he has backroom deals with, then have it sent here on CO2-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. The trained seals clap on cue, as you see below:

He had no problem with oil pipelines in Ukraine and Syria but stopped the U.S one on first day.
He wants the U.S to be reliant on other countries. I imagine for bribes.
The big battle..these folks see their influence and power on the wane..and they're not liking it!

As Biden vows monumental action on climate change, a fight with the fossil fuel industry has only begun

Joe Biden had long promised to become the climate president, and on Wednesday he detailed far-ranging plans to shift the U.S. away from fossil fuels, create millions of jobs in renewable energy, and conserve vast swaths of public lands and water.
“This is not a time for small measures,” Biden said at the White House, adding that the nation had already wasted precious years
But as he detailed his plans, the gas, oil and coal industries were already mobilizing on all fronts. From an oil patch in Alaska to state capitals to the halls of Congress, the industries and their allies are aiming to slow Biden’s unprecedented push for climate action and keep profits from fossil fuels flowing. Republican attorneys general from six states wrote to the new president, warning him not to overstep his authority. GOP lawmakers attacked his executive orders as “job killers.” And the petroleum industry revived television ads promoting drilling on federal lands.
Industry executives expressed dismay at the scope, speed and direction in which Biden is heading, saying he is going much further than President Barack Obama ever did, while environmentalists said the danger that Earth faces is far more dire now than it appeared during Obama’s tenure and requires an extraordinary response. Last year essentially tied with 2016 as the hottest year ever recorded, and scientists say the planet is speeding toward irreversible damage.

In barely a week in office, Biden has moved to rejoin the Paris climate accord, halt the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, impose new limits on oil and gas production, and mandate climate change as a priority across every federal agency.

Oil company execs need to get on board and help.. Zaki Yamani, the oil minister, said decades ago.. "The stone age didn't end because they ran out of stones".

We can do better.
The big battle..these folks see their influence and power on the wane..and they're not liking it!

As Biden vows monumental action on climate change, a fight with the fossil fuel industry has only begun

Joe Biden had long promised to become the climate president, and on Wednesday he detailed far-ranging plans to shift the U.S. away from fossil fuels, create millions of jobs in renewable energy, and conserve vast swaths of public lands and water.
“This is not a time for small measures,” Biden said at the White House, adding that the nation had already wasted precious years
But as he detailed his plans, the gas, oil and coal industries were already mobilizing on all fronts. From an oil patch in Alaska to state capitals to the halls of Congress, the industries and their allies are aiming to slow Biden’s unprecedented push for climate action and keep profits from fossil fuels flowing. Republican attorneys general from six states wrote to the new president, warning him not to overstep his authority. GOP lawmakers attacked his executive orders as “job killers.” And the petroleum industry revived television ads promoting drilling on federal lands.
Industry executives expressed dismay at the scope, speed and direction in which Biden is heading, saying he is going much further than President Barack Obama ever did, while environmentalists said the danger that Earth faces is far more dire now than it appeared during Obama’s tenure and requires an extraordinary response. Last year essentially tied with 2016 as the hottest year ever recorded, and scientists say the planet is speeding toward irreversible damage.

In barely a week in office, Biden has moved to rejoin the Paris climate accord, halt the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, impose new limits on oil and gas production, and mandate climate change as a priority across every federal agency.
I dont want to walk, ride the bus or a bicycle when I go someplace

and I dont want to pay $5 a gallon for gas either

we are becoming a disfunctional society and libs are to blame
The big battle..these folks see their influence and power on the wane..and they're not liking it!

As Biden vows monumental action on climate change, a fight with the fossil fuel industry has only begun

Joe Biden had long promised to become the climate president, and on Wednesday he detailed far-ranging plans to shift the U.S. away from fossil fuels, create millions of jobs in renewable energy, and conserve vast swaths of public lands and water.
“This is not a time for small measures,” Biden said at the White House, adding that the nation had already wasted precious years
But as he detailed his plans, the gas, oil and coal industries were already mobilizing on all fronts. From an oil patch in Alaska to state capitals to the halls of Congress, the industries and their allies are aiming to slow Biden’s unprecedented push for climate action and keep profits from fossil fuels flowing. Republican attorneys general from six states wrote to the new president, warning him not to overstep his authority. GOP lawmakers attacked his executive orders as “job killers.” And the petroleum industry revived television ads promoting drilling on federal lands.
Industry executives expressed dismay at the scope, speed and direction in which Biden is heading, saying he is going much further than President Barack Obama ever did, while environmentalists said the danger that Earth faces is far more dire now than it appeared during Obama’s tenure and requires an extraordinary response. Last year essentially tied with 2016 as the hottest year ever recorded, and scientists say the planet is speeding toward irreversible damage.

In barely a week in office, Biden has moved to rejoin the Paris climate accord, halt the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, impose new limits on oil and gas production, and mandate climate change as a priority across every federal agency.
So who the fuck did you fools elect? Biden or AOC
Biden has no problem with the fossil fuel industry.......just the American fossil fuel industry.

Exactly, which is why he's insisting we buy oil from the terror states he has backroom deals with, then have it sent here on CO2-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. The trained seals clap on cue, as you see below:

He had no problem with oil pipelines in Ukraine and Syria but stopped the U.S one on first day.
He wants the U.S to be reliant on other countries. I imagine for bribes.

Syria is a net importer of oil. they have very little and its rotten quality.
$5 dollar gas coming your way. :D
$2.18gal today. There's an oil case you've not noticed..the only reason prices are as high as they are is speculation in the markets.

Oh..and some refinery cutback due to weather

Foreigner Looking In.

marvin martian

You're right.. There is an oil glut. The trick now is to keep the ppb up so our domestic producers don't fail.

Keystone already has unused pipeline capacity all over the Midwest.. This is a boondoggle.
Biden has no problem with the fossil fuel industry.......just the American fossil fuel industry.

Exactly, which is why he's insisting we buy oil from the terror states he has backroom deals with, then have it sent here on CO2-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. The trained seals clap on cue, as you see below:

He had no problem with oil pipelines in Ukraine and Syria but stopped the U.S one on first day.
He wants the U.S to be reliant on other countries. I imagine for bribes.
U.S one??..It's a Canadian pipeline meant to ship their oil to Gulf Ports for export. Our gas prices have squat to do with it.
The big battle..these folks see their influence and power on the wane..and they're not liking it!

As Biden vows monumental action on climate change, a fight with the fossil fuel industry has only begun

Joe Biden had long promised to become the climate president, and on Wednesday he detailed far-ranging plans to shift the U.S. away from fossil fuels, create millions of jobs in renewable energy, and conserve vast swaths of public lands and water.
“This is not a time for small measures,” Biden said at the White House, adding that the nation had already wasted precious years
But as he detailed his plans, the gas, oil and coal industries were already mobilizing on all fronts. From an oil patch in Alaska to state capitals to the halls of Congress, the industries and their allies are aiming to slow Biden’s unprecedented push for climate action and keep profits from fossil fuels flowing. Republican attorneys general from six states wrote to the new president, warning him not to overstep his authority. GOP lawmakers attacked his executive orders as “job killers.” And the petroleum industry revived television ads promoting drilling on federal lands.
Industry executives expressed dismay at the scope, speed and direction in which Biden is heading, saying he is going much further than President Barack Obama ever did, while environmentalists said the danger that Earth faces is far more dire now than it appeared during Obama’s tenure and requires an extraordinary response. Last year essentially tied with 2016 as the hottest year ever recorded, and scientists say the planet is speeding toward irreversible damage.

In barely a week in office, Biden has moved to rejoin the Paris climate accord, halt the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, impose new limits on oil and gas production, and mandate climate change as a priority across every federal agency.
I dont want to walk, ride the bus or a bicycle when I go someplace

and I dont want to pay $5 a gallon for gas either

we are becoming a disfunctional society and libs are to blame


So are you a commie? Do you want to nationalize oil so you can have it cheap?

You know you can go back to 1950 when gas was about 16 cents a gallon.. In today's money that would be $3.70 a gallon. Gas is still a bargain. It hasn't kept up with housing, healthcare, groceries, the cost of education or the cost of automobiles.
The big battle..these folks see their influence and power on the wane..and they're not liking it!

As Biden vows monumental action on climate change, a fight with the fossil fuel industry has only begun

Joe Biden had long promised to become the climate president, and on Wednesday he detailed far-ranging plans to shift the U.S. away from fossil fuels, create millions of jobs in renewable energy, and conserve vast swaths of public lands and water.
“This is not a time for small measures,” Biden said at the White House, adding that the nation had already wasted precious years
But as he detailed his plans, the gas, oil and coal industries were already mobilizing on all fronts. From an oil patch in Alaska to state capitals to the halls of Congress, the industries and their allies are aiming to slow Biden’s unprecedented push for climate action and keep profits from fossil fuels flowing. Republican attorneys general from six states wrote to the new president, warning him not to overstep his authority. GOP lawmakers attacked his executive orders as “job killers.” And the petroleum industry revived television ads promoting drilling on federal lands.
Industry executives expressed dismay at the scope, speed and direction in which Biden is heading, saying he is going much further than President Barack Obama ever did, while environmentalists said the danger that Earth faces is far more dire now than it appeared during Obama’s tenure and requires an extraordinary response. Last year essentially tied with 2016 as the hottest year ever recorded, and scientists say the planet is speeding toward irreversible damage.

In barely a week in office, Biden has moved to rejoin the Paris climate accord, halt the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, impose new limits on oil and gas production, and mandate climate change as a priority across every federal agency.

Oil company execs need to get on board and help.. Zaki Yamani, the oil minister, said decades ago.. "The stone age didn't end because they ran out of stones".

We can do better.
The West is fine. It's China and India that is poisoning us.
Same with the plastic in the water.....It's China and India mainly.
Same with all these Viruses......It's China.
The West are the saps who keep have to keep cleaning up and paying for this mess.
It's not the Chinese looking for solutions. There's no profit for them in cleaning the ocean of plastic.

The spot price for light sweet crude /bbl is $52.00 as of today... If there is a glut that will bring down pricing to $30.00/bbl. That's good for the people.... Actually governments in Europe will be proped up by their increase in profits....

What's hilarious is that MOST oil wells and shale in the US are heavy crude. Light Crude is hard to find but heavy is all over the friggin place. Light Crude costs less to make a gallon of gas is why it's so sought after. But Heavy Crude is also used but the productions costs are higher. Much of the ME oil is light crude so it's going to be sought after long after the heavy crude backs up like it has. As long as the light crude is 52 bucks a barrel (over 50) it means that heavy crude can be used for gasoline production on a competitive nature.

The only reason sweet crude isn't 100 bucks or more a barrel right now is that Heavy can be used in it's place. To give you an idea, the Canadian Tar Sand pits are like a super, super heavy crude. The garbage that was supposed to come down the Keystone Pipeline is equivalent to our own Shale Oil and we have a gazillion equiv gallons of oil just laying around all over the place in the Western States. And it's being used, but not at anywhere near capacity.

The 52 bucks is an average of both types. For instance, the ME oil which is light sweet crude is hovering right around an average of 56 bucks. But US Heavy averages out at right around 49. Canadian oil is dirtier and hovers right around 42. But you can get US Heavy crude for as low as 39 bucks a barrel which means it's more economical to use Heavy Crude than it is Light Crude for gasoline and diesel fuel production. It just takes more Coke, heat and time.

Oil Price Charts

Notice the price differences. The Chart is a bit misleading but if the price is right around 55 bucks a barrel it's going to be Light Crude. If it's less than 50, it's one of the variations of Heavy. And the usable oil contents of Heavy varies so does the price.

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