Again? Another golf trip? Really?


We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.
honestly i didn't care when obama did it and i don't care when trump does. when those who have to deal with this on a daily basis care, they can do something about it.

til then this is just people looking for bullets and stupid.

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.
honestly i didn't care when obama did it and i don't care when trump does. when those who have to deal with this on a daily basis care, they can do something about it.

til then this is just people looking for bullets and stupid.

looking ?

Trump's a walking ammo factory, who needs to look for bullets?

hes armed too


We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.
No y'all complained about Bush golfing, but were silent when Obama went golfing all the time. We just reminded you about it. Please let me know when Trump goes to Vegas to golf right after 4 Americans die because of his negligence, and also lies about it.


“I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive"
Notice how conservatives now believe government is responsible for creating jobs. Corporations had nothing to do with it.

Do they look in the mirror and see anything? Their entire world is based on hypocrisy and unreality.
A Trump spokesperson said they created 50,000 coal jobs .. there aren't 50,000 coal workers in the country. :rolleyes:

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.
No y'all complained about Bush golfing, but were silent when Obama went golfing all the time. We just reminded you about it. Please let me know when Trump goes to Vegas to golf right after 4 Americans die because of his negligence, and also lies about it.

Wow, blaming Benghazi on Obama. Where was the lie there?

Furthermore, Mr Lying -sack-of-shit, Obama did not go to Vegas to golf on 9-12-12

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.
No y'all complained about Bush golfing, but were silent when Obama went golfing all the time. We just reminded you about it. Please let me know when Trump goes to Vegas to golf right after 4 Americans die because of his negligence, and also lies about it.


“I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive"

Now somebody go find this drive, if its out of bounds just kick it back in the short grass.
The Right tells us we need over 500k per month!

June 5, 2015
RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!
Only 219,000. Lol
Fox fake news.
Not only was the real Feb jobs report not 298k but 238K, it was revised DOWN to 219K a month later!

Employment Situation News Release
The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for January was revised down from +238,000 to +216,000, and the
change for February was revised down from +235,000 to +219,000.

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