Again? Another golf trip? Really?

no time for golf. he's decorating the WH with his trophy's

White House defends Trump's visits to his golf club

Spicer pointed to Trump's meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, arguing that they were able to develop their relationship while playing golf.

“You saw him utilize this as opportunity with Prime Minister Abe to help foster deeper relationships in Asia and have a growing relationship that’s going to help U.S. interests,” Spicer told reporters.
“How you use the game of golf is something that he’s talked about.”

Used this golf trip to mix business with pleasure.............played golf with the Prime Minister of Japan...............

Trump, Abe express close bonds after North Korea reportedly launches missile

After North Korea reportedly launched a ballistic missile, the two leaders appeared for hastily prepared statements in a ballroom of Trump's south Florida estate. Abe spoke first and longest, though his statement was terse.

"North Korea's most recent missile launch is absolutely intolerable," Abe said through a translator. He added that the North must comply fully with relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions, but also noted that Trump had assured him that the U.S. supported Japan.

"President Trump and I myself completely share the view that we are going to promote further cooperation between the two nations. And also we are going to further reinforce our alliance," he said.

Yep, it was the golf. What's next, He & Vlad going on a pussy grabbing extravaganza at the local strip club?
still looking for they're balls.

You are confusing having balls with being a flaming asshole that blurts out shit 24/7. Name one thing that Trump has done that took balls - other than raping that 14 year old.
We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.

RealDouche, you're a minor league dumbfuck. I wasn't even behind Trump until just before the election because of how bed wetting moonbats like you foamed at the mouth over the possibility of his presidency.What he has dnevhas beenqyuite remarkable.

To see what he has done since then is remarkable, and parrots like you watch the puppet show in DC while he is getting shit done behind the scenes. All I cared about was hitlery loosing. If Bernie won I would still be happier. Watching Trump cut the balls off regressive prized pigs like the commie paris accord is so utterly delightful he can do nothing but golf for 8 more years. He has already proven to be better at managing the country than that meat puppet faggot you worship.
What he has done has been quite remarkable. Helped China move up in world leadership. Pissed off our allies. Take our country out of a major climate accord (Oh wait, you are a dumbass denier). Traded maintaining a one China policy for Trademarks in China. Used the Presidency to double membership dues at his gold course. Pulled out of the TPP costing American farmers billions & allowing China to fill the void. Bragged about saving air conditioner jobs that are gone. Killed our troops in an ill advised raid in Yemen. Now has a fued with Qatar that houses our troops in a key location in the fight against ISIS. Lied every freaking day of his Presidency. Claimed he sold a hundred billion dollar contract of military equipment to Saudi but he didn't. Incited bigots & racists into violence.Hired a NSA that had known ties to Russia. Obstructed justice.

It s quite remarkable that Trump did these things & you still slobber all over him.

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.

Trump works five months. Trump wins good stuff and dismantles bad stuff. Trumps benefits America. Trump golf okay.

Obama spoke eight years. Obama said or did nothing of merit. Obama shit on America. Obama golf bad.

I kept it in simple English for you. Do you now understand?
Trump has done squat. He watches Fox News all day & then Tweets late at night.
Signing papers telling people to do shit is not doing it.
No Jobs bill. No Infrastructure Bill. No healthcare reform. His budget sucked.

What the fuck has Trump won? Really, I want to know.

Obama did nothing? Your orange POS wishes he had Obama's jobs accomplishments.

By this time in the Obama administration he put the breaks on the monthly job losses, go us back to a growing economy from the last time a Republican was President.
The guy has been in office five months, yet once again, -

President Trump has signed more bills into law than last four presidents by this point: Report

t, once again-

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.

Trump works five months. Trump wins good stuff and dismantles bad stuff. Trumps benefits America. Trump golf okay.

Obama spoke eight years. Obama said or did nothing of merit. Obama shit on America. Obama golf bad.

I kept it in simple English for you. Do you now understand?
Trump has done squat. He watches Fox News all day & then Tweets late at night.
Signing papers telling people to do shit is not doing it.
No Jobs bill. No Infrastructure Bill. No healthcare reform. His budget sucked.

What the fuck has Trump won? Really, I want to know.

Obama did nothing? Your orange POS wishes he had Obama's jobs accomplishments.

By this time in the Obama administration he put the breaks on the monthly job losses, go us back to a growing economy from the last time a Republican was President.
still looking for they're balls.

You are confusing having balls with being a flaming asshole that blurts out shit 24/7. Name one thing that Trump has done that took balls - other than raping that 14 year old.

how about the 7th fleet holding a gun to that gooks head in N Korea. your "boy" was not born with balls. just a silver spoon up its ass. and you licked it shit for brains

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.

Trump works five months. Trump wins good stuff and dismantles bad stuff. Trumps benefits America. Trump golf okay.

Obama spoke eight years. Obama said or did nothing of merit. Obama shit on America. Obama golf bad.

I kept it in simple English for you. Do you now understand?
Trump has done squat. He watches Fox News all day & then Tweets late at night.
Signing papers telling people to do shit is not doing it.
No Jobs bill. No Infrastructure Bill. No healthcare reform. His budget sucked.

What the fuck has Trump won? Really, I want to know.

Obama did nothing? Your orange POS wishes he had Obama's jobs accomplishments.

By this time in the Obama administration he put the breaks on the monthly job losses, go us back to a growing economy from the last time a Republican was President.

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.

Trump works five months. Trump wins good stuff and dismantles bad stuff. Trumps benefits America. Trump golf okay.

Obama spoke eight years. Obama said or did nothing of merit. Obama shit on America. Obama golf bad.

I kept it in simple English for you. Do you now understand?
Trump has done squat. He watches Fox News all day & then Tweets late at night.
Signing papers telling people to do shit is not doing it.
No Jobs bill. No Infrastructure Bill. No healthcare reform. His budget sucked.

What the fuck has Trump won? Really, I want to know.

Obama did nothing? Your orange POS wishes he had Obama's jobs accomplishments.

By this time in the Obama administration he put the breaks on the monthly job losses, go us back to a growing economy from the last time a Republican was President.

give it break girly man. you don't have to be a prick every fuckin' day of of your miserable life

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.

Trump works five months. Trump wins good stuff and dismantles bad stuff. Trumps benefits America. Trump golf okay.

Obama spoke eight years. Obama said or did nothing of merit. Obama shit on America. Obama golf bad.

I kept it in simple English for you. Do you now understand?
Trump has done squat. He watches Fox News all day & then Tweets late at night.
Signing papers telling people to do shit is not doing it.
No Jobs bill. No Infrastructure Bill. No healthcare reform. His budget sucked.

What the fuck has Trump won? Really, I want to know.

Obama did nothing? Your orange POS wishes he had Obama's jobs accomplishments.

By this time in the Obama administration he put the breaks on the monthly job losses, go us back to a growing economy from the last time a Republican was President.


You're not real, Dave.
So far, so good: President Trump signed more bills into law than his four predecessors: report
President Trump has signed more bills into law than last four presidents by this point: Report
still looking for they're balls.

You are confusing having balls with being a flaming asshole that blurts out shit 24/7. Name one thing that Trump has done that took balls - other than raping that 14 year old.

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.

Trump works five months. Trump wins good stuff and dismantles bad stuff. Trumps benefits America. Trump golf okay.

Obama spoke eight years. Obama said or did nothing of merit. Obama shit on America. Obama golf bad.

I kept it in simple English for you. Do you now understand?
Trump has done squat. He watches Fox News all day & then Tweets late at night.
Signing papers telling people to do shit is not doing it.
No Jobs bill. No Infrastructure Bill. No healthcare reform. His budget sucked.

What the fuck has Trump won? Really, I want to know.

Obama did nothing? Your orange POS wishes he had Obama's jobs accomplishments.

By this time in the Obama administration he put the breaks on the monthly job losses, go us back to a growing economy from the last time a Republican was President.


You're not real, Dave.
You're not informed.
The fat ass needs relaxing time from all that TV watching he does all week long.

We all know you Trumpettes hate this. You bitched & bitched about Obama golfing for 8 years,.

Now your hero is golfing all the time.

You hate it. You know you hate it. But you have to pretend you don't care because to complain is admitting you elected a lying asshole.
No y'all complained about Bush golfing, but were silent when Obama went golfing all the time. We just reminded you about it. Please let me know when Trump goes to Vegas to golf right after 4 Americans die because of his negligence, and also lies about it.
how do you deal with it when the former FBI director proves youre a lying bitch ?

go spend $10 million taxpayer dollars on a long golf weekend.

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