Again? Obama Off To Far East For Another Business Trip?,Last One In China Failed.

Oct 10, 2011

Remember the last time Obama sent all these planes with businessmen to China {it was China, right}? I think it was back in early 2011/late 2010. Anyhow, the 2 Billion dollar episode was supposed to create some business deals with the far east and create 10's of thousands of jobs here. Well? Has anyone seen these jobs yet? Unemployment hasn't changed at all.
And now Bambi is off to "Hawaii" and the Far East again to "Hopefully" work out some trade deals. Now, wouldn't we create a few million jobs by just repealing Pelosi-Care? and loosen up the new Obama Regulations on small business? What happens if this million dollar trip fails? Look at what happened to Solyndra {The Poster-Child For Job Creation}
and look at the timing, OWS Crappers are getting more and more violent and Obama goes on another million dollar vacation while we all suffer.
actually I believe he is off to Indonesia, maybe he will use his Moses Powers to stop the 2012 earthquakes.

and when will O'Bozo ever stop telling his Shitters to Stop The Violence? This is like Hitlers Army bombing Utah, and Hitler goes to Austria for vacation {where they speak French Canadian}
Still stuck on that debunked lie about the 2 billion dollar trip? Jesus, you people are complete idiots.
STFU ya brainwashed clueless Moonies. Change the channel and join the human race...LOL

I hope, Marie Antoinette, I mean Michelle Obama, came along too with her ENTIRE family, again, at taxpayer expense of course. Although mingling with commie filth wouldn't exactly be an American version of a good vacation.
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I wonder if Bambi sometimes brings his I-Pod Teleprompter with him when he takes a crap, you never know when some Foreign leader will call him.
At least we're no longer the laughingstock and ruiner of the world...though Pubs still are...Ty, Moonies...and prepare for your reward for listening to Rush, Murdoch, and Moon. 47% AT MOST.
I hope someone gets a photo of Chewbaba wolfing down three McDLTs at some Beijing McDonalds. I am sure it will be all over the news. Especially on PMS NBC
You'd think ignorance were a virtue. Change the channel, dittoheads. The world is aghast...

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