Against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
What do enemies of the United States of America do? Fifth-grade question. Anyone? Show of hands? Really? Enemies of the US of A spy, they steal vital industrial, scientific and military secrets or sell them to foreign governments. Enemies of the US of A attack and attempt to destroy American infrastructure, private, government and commercial property and military assets. Enemies of the US of A kill American soldiers and civilians. Invading enemy armies would surely loot, rape, pillage and otherwise tear apart the fabric and structure of our society. Occupying enemy armies would disband and possibly execute to the last man our police forces, re-educate our young minds with propaganda supporting their own culture, religion, ideologies and philosophies. They would indoctrinate our youth into their own political ideologies, revise our history and such invading enemies would surely force the American people to kneel before their own nation's flag and perhaps religious symbols.

So please tell me who are the domestic enemies of the American people and American government and sovereignty at this very moment circa June 2020AD? Who is selling secrets to the Chinese? Who is indoctrinating our youth into anti-American ideological movements? Who is tearing down our historical statues and other monuments and attempting to rewrite our national history? Who is rampaging through our cities killing innocent, law-abiding citizens, destroying their property and defacing our most sacred symbols of history and freedom? Who is trying desperately to remove or end our Constitutional Rights? Who is telling us we cannot assemble in churches, synagogues, mosques and temples to worship according to our First Amendment right to do so? Who is attempting to forcibly prevent free speech, thoughts and ideas that do not align with BLM, social justice, political correctness or the radicalized far left? Who is calling for the defunding or dissolution of our nation's police forces? Who is defying Presidential orders to deploy guardsmen and regular military forces to reclaim the streets of our major cities? Who is spouting anti-American propaganda 24/7 on national cable news networks?

The domestic enemies of the United States of America, that's who . . .

Wake up America . . .

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