Against the law to take down confederate statues in Florida

The Civil war solved that issue that wasn't addressed in the US Constitution.

I'm more wondering if today they other States or the feds would have the actual gumption to try to stop it.

And your side is destroying it in the short sighted assault on your political opponents.
The idiocy of states seceding in today's world is only advocated by idiots.
Let the the old confederacy states go. They have to have their own military, their own social services, pay for their own infrastructure. Would not have all of the support the federal government provides them now.
They have to for their own government and fund everything.
Go for it.
One thing we can always depend upon the Leftest assholes to do. That is to destroy history if it doesn't further the Socialist agenda.

We see it all the time.
You seem to be the one confused on US history.
Please point out any errors in history proclaimed on this site?
Educate yourself

The Constitution makes no provision for secession.
But:Texas v. White (1869), the Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional,

Interesting side bar the confederates didn't want anyone to do what they illegally tried.
The CONFEDERATE CONSTITUTION said States once a member of the Confederacy cannot secede without the consent of the others

The Civil War began when Southern troops bombarded Fort Sumter, South Carolina.
The confederacy started the civil war.

Of course it's unconstitutional. But that changes nothing. The south didn't have to abide by the US constitution if they were going to break off from the USA.
One thing we can always depend upon the Leftest assholes to do. That is to destroy history if it doesn't further the Socialist agenda.

We see it all the time.
they sure do and minipulate it to in history books.
Also notice that Robert E Lee and his huge forces were close to Washington DC on the way to Gettysburg yet did not fire on DC nor attempt to capture the seat of the Union?
The history above is accurate. Democrats do not like accurate posts. Sorry but their replies show this is true.
Why is it the only Democrats today's Republicans like are the old slaving Democrats? 😄
The Constitution makes no provision for secession.
But:Texas v. White (1869), the Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional,

Interesting side bar
The CONFEDERATE CONSTITUTION said States once a member of the Confederacy cannot secede without the consent of the others
The Constitution makes no provision for secession, as you say. Now remind me what the 10th Amendment says.
Of course it's unconstitutional. But that changes nothing. The south didn't have to abide by the US constitution if they were going to break off from the USA.
The southern states specifically put in their constitution that any states that join the confederacy cannot break away without appoval from all the member states.
Of course it's unconstitutional. But that changes nothing. The south didn't have to abide by the US constitution if they were going to break off from the USA.
Stay up with the posts.
This was in answer to your MAGA buddies saying they had a right to break away. There was no obligation not to.

They seceded. They were traitors. They were a bunch of immoral people who didn't want anyone tell them they could not own slaves.

They are very similar to MAGA. That is why all of you MAGA clowns argue they had every right to secede.
The Constitution makes no provision for secession, as you say. Now remind me what the 10th Amendment says.
Oh my. I am doing my duty of educating the uneducated. I already explained this.

10th ammendment
The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn't listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.Apr 27, 2023

The federal government had the right to ban slavery per article 1 and 2 of the constitution. The states have no right to secede because of a duly elected President and duly elected legislation, that banned slavery.
That is why the SCOTUS determined secession is not allowed because of the 10th ammendment.

What does Article 1 of the Constitution say?
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
What is Article 2 Constitution?
The Executive Branch: Article II of the Constitution establishes the executive branch of the national government, headed by a single President.
Stay up with the posts.
This was in answer to your MAGA buddies saying they had a right to break away. There was no obligation not to.

They seceded. They were traitors. They were a bunch of immoral people who didn't want anyone tell them they could not own slaves.

They are very similar to MAGA. That is why all of you MAGA clowns argue they had every right to secede.

Do you understand what being a free country means? Texas broke away and they didn't get forced into a war.

Also there's this.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,
Oh my. I am doing my duty of educating the uneducated. I already explained this.

10th ammendment
The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn't listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.Apr 27, 2023

So the Federal Government has no power with regards to secession, which you've already admitted. And since secession is nowhere prohibited to the states by the Constitution, by the 10th Amendment that power belongs to the states.
Do you understand what being a free country means? Texas broke away and they didn't get forced into a war.

Also there's this.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,
That is news to me. I thought they were a USA state. Are they their own country or did they join Mexico.
Do you understand what being a free country means? Texas broke away and they didn't get forced into a war.

Also there's this.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,
Free country or a free state?

There are 335 million people in the US. Who decides if the country has become destructive enough to have a revolution?
I hope it is not the extreme left whackso or the extreme right whackos. They are both a small minority but they both bitch and whinelike spoiled children.
Free country or a free state?

There are 335 million people in the US. Who decides if the country has become destructive enough to have a revolution?
I hope it is not the extreme left whackso or the extreme right whackos. They are both a small minority but they both bitch and whinelike spoiled children.

I'm independent and have been called both extreme right and extreme left (for some stupid reason)
The Confederacy never tried to “overthrow” the entire union
First, the fighting war was started by the South.

Lincoln was much smarter than those who thought it would not be a problem for the Souith to secede.
The number of democracies throughout the world increased substantially after the success of the US.
Lincoln was a big thinker and did big things. There are small thinkers like the confederacy and MAGA,. Small people but they do big damage.

"Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time - to both future Americans and the world - that a government of the people could not survive." Abraham Lincoln
Why is it the only Democrats today's Republicans like are the old slaving Democrats? 😄
What have modern Democrats done for you? IF you say, civil rights laws!!! Sure, but check out what Ike had done when he was president.
Republicans took away the slaves. Pisses you off one supposes.
What have modern Democrats done for you? IF you say, civil rights laws!!! Sure, but check out what Ike had done when he was president.
Republicans took away the slaves. Pisses you off one supposes.
At least they aren't actively attacking Black voting rights like modern day Republicans. But why should that surprise us? The population of mutant bigot whites who voted against civil rights (southern white conservatives) are still trying to deny black citizens equality.
First, the fighting war was started by the South.

Lincoln was much smarter than those who thought it would not be a problem for the Souith to secede.
The number of democracies throughout the world increased substantially after the success of the US.
Lincoln was a big thinker and did big things. There are small thinkers like the confederacy and MAGA,. Small people but they do big damage.

"Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time - to both future Americans and the world - that a government of the people could not survive." Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was our greatest president, or at least the president I admire the most

And yes, hotheads in the South fired the first shot

But they NEVER intended to overthrow the US government in the northern states

Thats a damn lib lie
Lincoln was our greatest president, or at least the president I admire the most

And yes, hotheads in the South fired the first shot

But they NEVER intended to overthrow the US government in the northern states

Thats a damn lib lie
Who gives a shit? Them shooting at American soldiers like a bunch of Bingos is really the least of their deplorableness. We're talking about unrepentant slavers after all.

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