Against the law to take down confederate statues in Florida

So don't "honor" the statues. Just walk right on by them. Give them a dirty look when as you go by. (If it'll help your bleeding heart)
Not on government money. Why don't you put one up on tour property. Private land no problem. You could honor the confederacy, Naziism and MAGA. Three peas in a pod.
Not on government money. Why don't you put one up on tour property. Private land no problem. You could honor the confederacy, Naziism and MAGA. Three peas in a pod.

The three are only related in your SJW addled puddle pudding mind.
They were doing it, until the north sent down Troops to get the war started.

One thing you got way wrong, is that they were not trying to overthrow an existing government. They didn't care what the north did. The north would've been free to continue it's government as they seen fit. The left just wanted to leave that government and start their own.
It would've have take a war. But a war is what Lincoln wanted.
Educate yourself

The Constitution makes no provision for secession.
But:Texas v. White (1869), the Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional,

Interesting side bar the confederates didn't want anyone to do what they illegally tried.
The CONFEDERATE CONSTITUTION said States once a member of the Confederacy cannot secede without the consent of the others

The Civil War began when Southern troops bombarded Fort Sumter, South Carolina.
The confederacy started the civil war.
People who love our country would not want to honor to those who tried to over throw the US government.
Florida will start building statues to honor Nazis.
Have you ever heard of the Civil War? The Southern states weren't trying to overthrow anything. They simply tried to leave the US and form their own country. That's not overthrowing the US government, that's just doing what the Founding Fathers did to Britain. Note that the British government wasn't changed at all by the Revolutionary War.
That comment is bat shit crazy.

My great grandfather (3) served in the 9th Florida Regiment. He wrote almost two hundred letters and they are in the archives at University of Florida. Go read them if you want to know why men fought for the Confederacy. Spoiler - it is probably not what you were taught in Jr High School from books written by the winner.

He was a farmer/rancher in Polk County and mostly a Libertarian. Did not own any slaves. He joined the army after that shithead Lincoln said he was going to raise an army of 75,000 thugs to kill Americans.

He joined to protect his homeland. He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the goddamn Negros from the 54th Negro Regiment came to Florida to kill Floridians. Later he fought at Cold Harbor when the Union shitheads were invading Virginia to kill Americans.

Both the battles he fought in were great victories for the good guys.

Too bad his side lost. We would be a lot better off today if it had.

Before making more stupid uneducated comments you should read up on some real history.

Florida should honor the brave Patriots that fought against the death and destruction the filth ass Union was bringing upon Americans.
Your relative may have felt he was right but he was not. History has proved he was on the wrong side of the Civil War and the wrong side of history.
The confederacy tried to secede to protect the right to have slaves. It was against our Constitution and against morality.
You mean like the goddamn Negros and Communists that had a six month insurrection that burned, looted, destroyed and murdered in over 200 American cities?
This sounds like the rant of an angry white racist.
Anyone in any riot who breaks the law should be held accountable. Our justice department is prosecuting those who burnt down businesses in riots and thos who attacked police and tried to stop our government from doing what it is constitutionally mandated to.
Have you ever heard of the Civil War? The Southern states weren't trying to overthrow anything. They simply tried to leave the US and form their own country. That's not overthrowing the US government, that's just doing what the Founding Fathers did to Britain. Note that the British government wasn't changed at all by the Revolutionary War.
Do you think it would be OK for Florida, Alabama and Georgia banned together and seceded from the US because they are mad that Roe vs Wade was over turned. You do not have a country if a state secedes everytime they do not want to comly with Federal Laws.

"Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time - to both future Americans and the world - that a government of the people could not survive." Abraham Lincoln
How many socialist revolutions and countries have turned on themselves?
Good point. We don't want to be a socialist country. They never last. We want a country that will last and the founding fathers created just such a country.
Have you ever heard of the Civil War? The Southern states weren't trying to overthrow anything. They simply tried to leave the US and form their own country. That's not overthrowing the US government, that's just doing what the Founding Fathers did to Britain. Note that the British government wasn't changed at all by the Revolutionary War.
We were a colony of the British Empire we were not an entity that had any input in the government.
I cannot believe you did not know that. Brush up on your history.

the confederates didn't want anyone to do what they illegally tried.
The CONFEDERATE CONSTITUTION said States once a member of the Confederacy cannot secede without the consent of the others
Have you ever heard of the Civil War? The Southern states weren't trying to overthrow anything. They simply tried to leave the US and form their own country. That's not overthrowing the US government, that's just doing what the Founding Fathers did to Britain. Note that the British government wasn't changed at all by the Revolutionary War.
Lincoln gave the reasons for not allowing secession, that is why the Confederates put it in their constition.
Lincoln was right as he was about so many things. With your thinking there would not be a USA, Your thinking, today, is a threat to our country. A threat that is being neutered, like so many threats through history.

"Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time - to both future Americans and the world - that a government of the people could not survive." Abraham Lincoln
Do you think it would be OK for Florida, Alabama and Georgia banned together and seceded from the US because they are mad that Roe vs Wade was over turned. You do not have a country if a state secedes everytime they do not want to comly with Federal Laws.

"Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time - to both future Americans and the world - that a government of the people could not survive." Abraham Lincoln

Good point. We don't want to be a socialist country. They never last. We want a country that will last and the founding fathers created just such a country.

The Civil war solved that issue that wasn't addressed in the US Constitution.

I'm more wondering if today they other States or the feds would have the actual gumption to try to stop it.

And your side is destroying it in the short sighted assault on your political opponents.
People who love our country would not want to honor to those who tried to over throw the US government.
Florida will start building statues to honor Nazis.
Nobody then a confederate tried to overthrow the US Government. In order to keep the peace, confederates simply said no thanks to statehood in the union and yes to managing their own states.
What about the traitor Washington as the Brits know him? This crap show is promoted and enacted by nutty democrats.
Yet you play one on this board.

You hit all the proper SJW/Antifa/BLM tropes like the good little lemming you are.
You idiots don't know what socialism is. You morons think globalists are socialists. They're capitalists, by the way you stupid Bingo. It wealthy capitalists in first world countries that want to exploit third world labor. That's all globalism is you stupid stupid morons. 😄
Have you ever heard of the Civil War? The Southern states weren't trying to overthrow anything. They simply tried to leave the US and form their own country. That's not overthrowing the US government, that's just doing what the Founding Fathers did to Britain. Note that the British government wasn't changed at all by the Revolutionary War.
Also notice that Robert E Lee and his huge forces were close to Washington DC on the way to Gettysburg yet did not fire on DC nor attempt to capture the seat of the Union?
The history above is accurate. Democrats do not like accurate posts. Sorry but their replies show this is true.
The Civil war solved that issue that wasn't addressed in the US Constitution.

I'm more wondering if today they other States or the feds would have the actual gumption to try to stop it.

And your side is destroying it in the short sighted assault on your political opponents.
The USA survives because the two sides coming together and compromising.

The dumbass extreme left and the dumbass extreme right, led by MAGA, don't compromise.
With 350 million people there has to be compromise.

I would like to take the dumbass extremists from both sides and ship them to an island.
One thing we can always depend upon the Leftest assholes to do. That is to destroy history if it doesn't further the Socialist agenda.

We see it all the time.

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