Agenda 21: Mind Control And Smart Growth

Apples and atom bombs.

If you default upon your mortgage, your house gets foreclosed upon...If you ignore adhering to a UN edict/treaty, you can do so with impunity....The signatories to Kyoto who cheat are a prime example.

As an example of what's going on with Agenda 21, the IPCC's pseudo-scientific findings haven't had to be binding upon anyone, for their hoaxery to be seized upon and put into action by leftist control freak do-gooders...That's basically how Agenda 21 is being peddled and put into place on a piecemeal basis.

That you wish to live in denial of how the UN spreads its globalist central controller agenda around isn't my problem.
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Am laughing out loud at that. There is maybe a little more to the maligancy described as "smart growth" than some anti-UN nutball link. Anyone who believes smart growth doesn't take away property rights is a few bricks short of a load.

Go to google
Enter "smart growth" and you'll get some options...
About 1,930,000 results (0.20 seconds)

Okay, but to be clear there isn't anything documenting the plan in Tennessee to take away private property rights? That is what I'm having trouble with, what the OP claimed versus what I can find backing it up.

Herd the US populace into large Urban areas where they can be better controlled, monitored and taxed.
How would a nonbinding document herd anyone anywhere in the US?

Understood on the part in read.

As to the second part, there is a real internationalist movement that fake liberal human potential enthusiasts buy into that has more in common with Star Trek conventions than reality, and free market corporations are the biggest financial backers of that instinct.

Maryland, for example, has bought into it hook line and sinker at considerable cost to landowners.

It's one reason for my bailing on Maryland and coming home to West by God Virginia. Government is bad enough when it is merely trashing the currency and invading shit for brains oriental poohbates. Having clueless lowlife cocksuckers controlling my land isn't something tolerable.
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Planned communities were here before this country was founded. St. Augustine was our first planned community in 1565. Since then we have been building planned communities across the country. In every case, areas are tagged for various types development, single family, multifamily, commercial, and community services; and in every case, it's an infringement of private property rights.

When a new school is built, property rights are restricted to outlaw the sale of liquor in the neighborhood. Property gets zoned single family preventing property owners from building apartment complexes that would overtax roads and local services. Everyday private property is taken for roads, parks, and utilities. Infringement on property rights is a necessary part of community development.
Apples and atom bombs.

If you default upon your mortgage, your house gets foreclosed upon...If you ignore adhering to a UN edict/treaty, you can do so with impunity....The signatories to Kyoto who cheat are a prime example.
Wow did that point go way over your head. It has nothing to do with penalty for noncompliance, it has to do with whether it is what we say it is. Kyoto is binding regardless of whether someone cheats, and you coming in here claiming it is non-binding is a flat out lie. Again, just for you:

The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty that sets binding obligations on industrialised countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The UNFCCC is an environmental treaty with the goal of preventing "dangerous" anthropogenic (i.e., human-induced) interference of the climate system.[10] 190 countries (all UN members, except Afghanistan, Andorra, Canada, South Sudan and the United States), as well as the European Union are Parties to the Protocol.[11] The United States signed but did not ratify the Protocol and Canada withdrew from it in 2011.[2] The Protocol was adopted by Parties to the UNFCCC in 1997, and entered into force in 2005.[6]

As part of the Kyoto Protocol, many developed countries have agreed to legally binding limitations/reductions in their emissions of greenhouse gases in two commitments periods. The first commitment period applies to emissions between 2008-2012, and the second commitment period applies to emissions between 2013-2020. The protocol was amended in 2012 to accommodate the second commitment period,[12][13][14] but this amendment has (as of January 2013) not entered into legal force.[7]

Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development.

If you honestly can't see where you saying Kyoto is also non-binding is erroneous or at the very least quite misleading you are beyond help.

That you wish to live in denial of how the UN spreads its globalist central controller agenda around isn't my problem.
That you wish to live your life quivering in fear over anything you can imagine having nefarious intent it isn't my problem either, you're the one who's got to suffer.
Nothing went over my head.

The terms "binding" and "UN resolution/treaty" are mutually exclusive....They're comparable to no sort of contractual agreement in actual reality.

None of which addresses the fact that numerous parts of Agenda 21 are being codified into American law, by socialist/progressive control freak do-gooders, without it having to be binding upon anyone.

You clowns are willingly doing the bidding of the incompetent socialist nincompoops at the UN for them.
Locally planned communities like St. Augustine and Agenda 21 are on two different planets.

But thanks for the left-handed admission that you can't make such obvious distinctions.
You can sum up the whole the thing in one quote from the link "In the first instance, government should not be in the business of telling citizens where and how they should live." In other words communities should not be planned. Property owners would free to develop their property any way they wanted. Then developers would build wherever they want without regard to land use restrictions or zoning. A perfect plan for overcrowding, traffic problems, overloaded utility systems, environmental damage, and higher taxes. A developer is only interested in selling units. Once the units are sold, it's not his problem if the sewage system is inadequate, the city doesn't have the funds to put in adequate roads, or the owner of the adjacent property is putting in a paper mill. It's only through planning, government zoning, and land use restrictions that we can build communities that make sense.

The author, of the article, Kelleigh Nelson neglects to offer any proof the that the Agenda 21 conspiracy theory has anything to do with the regional development project.
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IOW, giving up American sovereignty to socialist central planners of other nations, who don't even live here and have to deal with the repercussions of their stupidity, is as idiotic an idea that there is...Little wonder that lolberals like you make excuses for doing so.
Nothing went over my head.
Sure it did, it is funny because fearful chicken littles like you have no problem spouting misinformation to further spread the fear you feed on, from you lying about the nature of Kyoto as a comparison to threadstarter saying private property rights being prohibited then being unable/unwilling to back it up.

Ask yourself when did you need to start lying to yourself and others to satisfy your urge to have others as irrationally fearful as you. It is sad.

You clowns are willingly doing the bidding of the incompetent socialist nincompoops at the UN for them.
The clown is the one who takes sensible community planning that would exist regardless of the UN and attributes it to a nonbinding (yeah I know you don't get that word) UN document. Aww, you scared? The big bad UN guys coming to take your shit?
I see politicians enacting Agenda 21 in America by pieces and parts....And doing so on purpose....Whether it's binding or not is irrelevant to the fact.

That's not paranoia, that's observation of the situation as it is in real life.

No lies involved, pinko peckerhead.
I see politicians enacting Agenda 21 in America by pieces and parts....And doing so on purpose....
Yup and the troops will be by to pick you up for the FEMA camp soon, as soon as they get your location using your smart meter.

Whether it's binding or not is irrelevant to the fact.
Says the guy who brought up Kyoto saying incorrectly it was also not binding.

That's not paranoia, that's observation of the situation as it is in real life.
Go to your local mental health facility, I'm sure you'll see other paranoid types who are quite convinced what they perceive is an observation of the situation as it is in real life.
"Do you cherish your God-given constitutional right to own property?"

Yes I do which is why I am against the foreign owned pipeline condemning private property for their privately owned pipeline.
I see politicians enacting Agenda 21 in America by pieces and parts....And doing so on purpose....Whether it's binding or not is irrelevant to the fact.

That's not paranoia, that's observation of the situation as it is in real life.

No lies involved, pinko peckerhead.
The part of Article 21 which addresses property development is sustainable development, Rio+10 (2002), or World Summit on Sustainable Development which is the Earth Summit 2002 agreed on plan.

The absence of the United States rendered the summit partially impotent. George W. Bush boycotted the summit and did not attend earning Bush praise in a letter from conservative organizations such as Americans for Tax Reform, American Enterprise Institute, and Competitive Enterprise Institute. This was the beginning of Article 21 conspiracy theory.

Conservatives are trying to attract attention to Agenda 21 by labeling it a secret conspiracy to create a one world government and ban property ownership. The fact is there is no secret and there is no conspiracy. Agenda 21 does nothing but provide countries and communities with a set of principles to grow communities smartly to fight overpopulation, pollution, poverty and resource depletion. Most of this has been a goal of urban planning in the US for 50 years.

If you look at the Article 21 closely, you will find it's a generalized set of goals for community development such as:

  • Limiting the size of communities to avoid overpopulation and depletion of resources
  • Planning for the future needs of basic human services such as utilities and transportation
  • Provisions for the availability of social services such education and healthcare
  • Creating communities which encourage the development of commercial services and job opportunities
  • Limiting impact on the environment

This is nothing more than a set of recommended goals for community development which has been a part of urban planing in the US for many years. The Article 21 conspiracy theory is all just part of the usual conservative rhetoric, one world government, world socialism, big government, etc, etc,......
Exactly. Not only is Agenda 21 not a treaty or contract and not legally binding, it doesn't even specify most of the things that get all the tin hatter spun up about like elimination of private property rights.
The chickenshit faked data about environmental cigarette smoke and Goebbels warming aren't binding either, but that hasn't stop pushy do-gooder idiots like you from buying into it and using them as a guide to form legislation and regulations, you pinhead.
Awww you scared of the big bad non-binding 20 year old document?

Try Xanax dude, it might help you with your irrational paranoia issues.

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