Agents found classified materials and notebooks with classified notes/papers strewn throughout the house. (Biden)


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
So, did the FBI take pictures? Have those pictures been plastered all across the world-wide media as they did with Trump?

This Biden classified documents case proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Trump prosecution over classified documents is a selective prosecution.

And don't forget, the guy assisting Biden in writing his [Biden's] memoirs deleted conversations when he found out that the Biden classified documents matter became public.

And, look at this. Did not have Biden's consent.


Every penny that scumbag and its family possess, every fucking penny of it, was stolen from the American people, and keep in mind as the liars sell the harmless, forgetful old man BS, some of these documents were in the form of SAP's provided by foreign agents to the USA at great personal risk to themselves and their families, and the psychopathic Biden clan was right there, providing that intel right back to the hostile foreign states those agents were at great risk providing us intel on!!!

Do you know what that means fascist democrat scum, do you even begin to suspect what that means? It means that Biden was selling those agents out for cash to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, ect, ect, wherever those agents hailed from, and Biden sold them out to their deaths for personal wealth, and of course he also sold out Americans national security to those same hostile foreign states!

The entire Biden family should be executed this very day as the evil fucking traitors they all are! :death:
So, Biden's people, the MSM, Democrats in general, are attacking Hur for saying Biden is a doddering fool, while celebrating Hur giving Biden a pass because he's a doddering fool.


Are they arguing for Biden being charged so he can prove he's of sound mind? Sounds like it.
Below is an article from fascist Fox covering fascist CNN legal analyst take on these matters, in the latter portion of the article he states that ""Joe Biden is correct that Trump's conduct was worse," Honig said!"

See how the fascist liars roll, see that? No, Trump's conduct was NOT worse, Trump's conduct was entirely LAWFUL & LEGAL, he possessed the "absolute authority" to possess and declassify those documents, that is something the traitorous Biden never possessed, he had absolutely NO AUTHORITY whatsoever to be in possession of those documents, Trump did, yet they continue to brazenly lie that he somehow broke law!

Its all a lie.....
What board Dimwingers want us to believe is that for DECADES Biden stole hundreds, if not thousands, of classified documents from SCIFs without knowing it, and his staff planted all of them in his various offices, homes, and garages......WITHOUT HIM KNOWING IT.

Sounds legit.

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