Agus/Cyclonus: Democracy v Capitalism {Paradox/Petroleum}


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
What is the real charm of TrumpUSA, a commerce-based society? Do we citizens of TrumpUSA care about the delicate/complex balancing of capitalism (competition-based economics) with democracy (teamwork-based governance)? Should the intricacies of TrumpUSA 'lobbies' inspire all kinds of 'patriotic folklore'?

What do you think?

Cheers (signing off),


Agus, the wily and heroic iron-robot and ace-pilot of the universe had landed on Earth's moon and began spying on human civilization ('TrumpUSA') on Earth in the 21st Century A.D. However, another robot, a diabolical terrorist named Cyclonus who transformed into a laser-jet, also landed on Earth's moon to spy on humanity ('TrumpUSA') and evaluate it anthropologically. Agus wanted to see if TrumpUSA was a beacon for the balancing of democracy and capitalism. However, Cyclonus wanted to see if any contradictions or hypocrisies in TrumpUSA warranted a colonization/invasion mission (to make humans slaves!). When Agus spotted Cyclonus, he wanted to debate with him about TrumpUSA and hopefully dissuade the Machiavellian 'prince' to depart and refrain from enslaving humans.

CYCLONUS: These humans are endearing little insects.
AGUS: Their American capitalism is one of commerce and arms.
CYCLONUS: If Trump can not leverage capitalism with democracy, he's puny!
AGUS: Well, capitalism-theory is not easily compatible with democracy.
CYCLONUS: Yes; capitalism is competition-based; democracy is teamwork-based.
AGUS: In theory then how would you and I balance capitalism with democracy?
CYCLONUS: So you want to see if we can come up with a solution (before enslaving man).
AGUS: Precisely; if we have a more ideal solution, we might decide colonization is poor.
CYCLONUS: Alright then; it seems to us that capitalism and democracy are at odds.
AGUS: So there are legislative/judicial branches that ensure power diffusion in America!
CYCLONUS: Yes, U.S. v Microsoft is one such anti-monopoly management case.
AGUS: Trump seems interested in marketing the complications of capitalism.
CYCLONUS: He's a former casino-mogul, so he understands power, prestige, and prosperity.
AGUS: If we look at the Gulf War (America-Iraq), fought over oil, we see insights, no?
CYCLONUS: Yes, that petroleum-based capitalism-war was forged to secure commerce.
AGUS: Western petroleum companies benefited from America's grand victory in that war!
CYCLONUS: What about the World Bank, a modern human institution of commercial peace?
AGUS: The purpose of the World Bank is to invest in development/growth worldwide.
CYCLONUS: It's an international body, suggesting that all peoples may benefit.
AGUS: Does Trump's administration care about America serving as 'Big Brother'?
CYCLONUS: It does seem that America leads the way in commercial negotiations!
AGUS: The World Bank must be able to negotiate commerce pacts between the Koreas.
CYCLONUS: North/South Korea vie for prestige; Trump saw them allied during the Olympics.
AGUS: Perhaps the Trump Administration cares about building trade-based axes...
CYCLONUS: Then humanity is controlling its passions; it does not require enslavement!

Agus was relieved to see that the diabolical Cyclonus was resolved that 'TrumpUSA' was indeed some kind of worthy 'beacon' of governance/civilization managing in earnest the complex contradictions between capitalism and democracy. Agus and Cyclonus agreed that the World Bank and various trade-oriented geopolitical negotiations between nation-states on Earth revealed America's prominent role as the world's leader in 'financing peace.' Cyclonus saw that 'TrumpUSA' had the technical 'features' to qualify it as a leadership-base for capitalism-control in human civilization and therefore decided not to colonize/invade Earth (with his various cunning robot-allies from his home planet of Cybertron!). Agus returned to his own robot-army fortress called RoboTech in a faraway galaxy called Xoom. TrumpUSA was miraculously cradled.


{Cyclonus & Agus}


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