AGW Denial: Less popular than...


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
AGW Denial: Less popular than Roswell alien cover-up, 9-11 no-planers, and Chemtrail bleevers!
Which seems to be about the most relevant peer-group representatives I could find, though Elvis-Lives and Bat-Boy devotees did nearly make the list!
• A large majority of Americans (87%, down 5 percentage points since Fall 2012) say the president and the Congress should make developing sources of clean energy a “very high” (26%), “high” (32%), or medium priority (28%). Few say it should be a low priority (12%).
• Most Americans (70%, down 7 points since Fall 2012) say global warming should be a “very high” (16%), “high” (26%), or “medium priority” (29%) for the president and Congress. Three in ten (28%) say it should be a low priority.
• Majorities of Americans support:
• Providing tax rebates for people who purchase energy-efficient vehicles or solar panels (71%);
• Funding more research into renewable energy sources (70%);
• Regulating CO2 as a pollutant (68%);
• Requiring fossil fuel companies to pay a carbon tax and using the money to pay down the national debt (61%);
• Eliminating all subsidies for the fossil-fuel industry (59%);
• Expanding offshore drilling for oil and natural gas off the U.S. coast (58%);
• Requiring electric utilities to produce at least 20% of their electricity from renewable energy sources, even if it costs the average household an extra $100 a year (55%).
Of course, opinions and votes are often two different things, and should not be confused; but it does look like an uphill battle for those who are working to win many of these people’s votes when the levels of support for things their candidates are publically denouncing are so pronounced.
Still, as long as "K" St. owns more Senators and Congressmen than does the voters, nothing will be done. And we may already be at or even over the edge of the precipace. The professors in Chemistry and Geology that I have talked to at the university sure have no doubts as to the dangers that the warming is presenting.
Who cares?????

The policy makers couldnt care less about the polls or about the science.

Leaders of the EU met yesterday to discuss energy. At the end of the day, the consensus was, "Screw green energy......we cant be competitive and our economies will tank!!

Is Europe Giving Up on ?Green? Energy? | Power Line

You can fantasize all you want about this stuff but Realville will always come along and smack you right across the face......and hard too.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Exactly why the cllimate nutters are losing...........

[ame=]Silly Obama. Get ready for higher utility bills!! - YouTube[/ame]

Because "costs" never matter to them.

Thankfully, for the rest of the population, they are just a bit concerned about their elecricity rates doubling.:up:
Still, as long as "K" St. owns more Senators and Congressmen than does the voters, nothing will be done. And we may already be at or even over the edge of the precipace. The professors in Chemistry and Geology that I have talked to at the university sure have no doubts as to the dangers that the warming is presenting.

You mean the warming that is unexpectedly on hold while the carbon dioxide concentration continues to rise?
Still, as long as "K" St. owns more Senators and Congressmen than does the voters, nothing will be done. And we may already be at or even over the edge of the precipace. The professors in Chemistry and Geology that I have talked to at the university sure have no doubts as to the dangers that the warming is presenting.

Yeah, but you probably call the doctor when you're sick and the plumber when get a busted feedline, some seem to want to call things like that an appeal to authority; but then they obviously would not recognize a true logical fallacy from an excavated surface indention.

Still, as long as "K" St. owns more Senators and Congressmen than does the voters, nothing will be done. And we may already be at or even over the edge of the precipace. The professors in Chemistry and Geology that I have talked to at the university sure have no doubts as to the dangers that the warming is presenting.

Yeah, but you probably call the doctor when you're sick and the plumber when get a busted feedline, some seem to want to call things like that an appeal to authority; but then they obviously would not recognize a true logical fallacy from an excavated surface indention.


I don't call an anesthesiologist when my son has symptoms consistent with Encephalitis and I don't call a plumber when my septic tank backs up. I don't call a Climatologist with no background in statistics or software development if I want an accurate statistical computer model of climate.
The moonbats are losing the whole Great Climatic Googly-moogly thing...The models are all wrong....There has been no warming for over 15 years.

That alone says far more than some daffy rigged poll, taken by a bunch of lolberal Goebbels warming flacks from Yale and George Mason. :lol:
No warming in 15 years. Yet the last decade was the warmest on record. Hmmm...................

Note the strong La Nina in 2011, 2012, yet the running mean never got down to the highest means prior to 1998. And, in spite of a series of La Ninas, a moderate El Nino for the first half of 2010, matched the heat of the super El Nino of 1998.

People like you are so full of shit, you tongue is brown.
BBC: "Do you agree that from 1995 to the present there has been no statistically-significant global warming."

Phil Jones, CRU at East Anglia: "Yes..."
No warming in 15 years. Yet the last decade was the warmest on record. Hmmm...................

Note the strong La Nina in 2011, 2012, yet the running mean never got down to the highest means prior to 1998. And, in spite of a series of La Ninas, a moderate El Nino for the first half of 2010, matched the heat of the super El Nino of 1998.

People like you are so full of shit, you tongue is brown.

The fact that he tried to assert George Mason University as some sort of liberal bastion of education was more than sufficient to discredit any other remarks he made in his response.

That is the Koch brothers playground, home of the Mercatus Center (top-ranking conservative think-tank), third ranked most conservative university in the nation behind #1 (the Campus Crusade for Christ International's - King’s College) and #2 (Jerry Falwell's - Liberty University). George Mason University (GMU) has been a libertarian stronghold with close ties to K Street lobbyists since the 1980s. Koch Industries’ executive vice president for public policy, Rich Fink, heads two Koch programs at the school.

Regardless, these few, like the black-helicopter conspiracists of their heritage are the mere background noise whispers that are without significance in either the scientific or policy discussions that are relevant moving forward.
No warming in 15 years. Yet the last decade was the warmest on record. Hmmm...................

Note the strong La Nina in 2011, 2012, yet the running mean never got down to the highest means prior to 1998. And, in spite of a series of La Ninas, a moderate El Nino for the first half of 2010, matched the heat of the super El Nino of 1998.

People like you are so full of shit, you tongue is brown.

The fact that he tried to assert George Mason University as some sort of liberal bastion of education was more than sufficient to discredit any other remarks he made in his response.

That is the Koch brothers playground, home of the Mercatus Center (top-ranking conservative think-tank), third ranked most conservative university in the nation behind #1 (the Campus Crusade for Christ International's - King’s College) and #2 (Jerry Falwell's - Liberty University). George Mason University (GMU) has been a libertarian stronghold with close ties to K Street lobbyists since the 1980s. Koch Industries’ executive vice president for public policy, Rich Fink, heads two Koch programs at the school.

Regardless, these few, like the black-helicopter conspiracists of their heritage are the mere background noise whispers that are without significance in either the scientific or policy discussions that are relevant moving forward. are beyond gone.

Check out the policy discussion of the EU leaders this past week.......the "background noise". :fu::rock::fu::rock::fu:They dont give a rats ass about your religion crap.

Is Europe Giving Up on ?Green? Energy? | Power Line leaders are not about to shoot themselves in the face to appease a religion!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::D
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EU Leaders Want Common Energy Market
EU Leaders Want Common Energy Market | New Europe

...European Council President Herman Van Rompuy told a press conference after what he called a “brief but effective” summit that the 27 country leaders, who want to create a sustainable and affordable energy market, discussed four key points.

The first point is energy efficiency, which still has a huge potential.

The second point is turning 27 markets into a true European single energy market. “We reaffirmed the deadlines. We set ourselves in February 2011 to have all rules and standards in place by 2014 and no country left unconnected to the common grid by 2015. There is no time to lose, it would bring down prices and could save Europeans collectively each year up to 30 billion in both gas and electricity,” Van Rompuy said.

The third priority is investments - no less than one trillion by 2020 in infrastructure and R&D. “This is not just about money. Investors are ready to invest but to spend, let’s say, on pipelines today they need a sense of where we want to be in 10-20 years time. A more predictable energy and climate policy is vital,” the European Council President said.

The fourth and final priority is diversifying Europe’s energy sources. “Import-wise making sure no country relies on a single supplier or supply route and production-wise exploiting Europe’s energy potential to the full, Van Rompuy said, calling for boosting renewable energy and jobs. Countries could also develop safe and sustainable ways to tackle all the resources conventional and unconventional, including shale gas.
China becoming global climate change leader: study
China becoming global climate change leader: study

...China is rapidly assuming a global leadership role on climate change alongside the United States, a new study said Monday, but it warned greenhouse gas emissions worldwide continue to rise strongly...

...The study found that every major economy had policies in place to tackle the issue, but China was at the forefront in strengthening its response, "taking ambitious strides to add renewable energy to its mix".

"China is accelerating action," said Tim Flannery, the co-author and a key figure at the Climate Commission, which brings together internationally-renowned scientists, as well as policy and business leaders.
"China has halved its growth in electricity demand, dramatically increased its renewable energy capacity, and decelerated its emissions growth more quickly than expected.
"After years of strong growth in coal use, this has begun to level off. They are beginning to put in place seven emissions trading schemes that will cover quarter of a billion people," he said.
The report added that China, which this month agreed to work with the US to tackle global warming, wanted "to position themselves as the world's renewable energy leader".
"Whatever the reason, the results speak for themselves. China is quickly moving to the top of the leader board on climate change," said Flannery.
The report found that in 2012 alone China invested US$65.1 billion in clean energy, 20 percent more than in 2011. This was unmatched and represented 30 percent of the entire G20 nations' investment last year.
It pointed to new solar power capacity in China expanding 75 percent last year while the amount of electricity generated from wind in 2012 was 36 percent higher than 2011. The United States, which with China produces some 37 percent of world emissions, also significantly strengthened its climate change response, pumping US$35.6 billion into renewable energy last year, second only to Beijing...

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