AGW High Priestess Great confirms "Climate Change" is all about economics


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
We've been saying for decades now that the Manmade Climate Change Movement is environmental Marxism, this was confirmed by the IPCC itself. Now one of the most brilliant and clearheaded leaders of the movement has come out and said the quiet part out loud.

Greta Thunberg: "It's time to overthrow the West's oppressive and racist capitalist system"

Moreover, in an age where even our understanding of gravity is being questioned, you cannot be a real scientist and say that "the science is settled"

Astrophysicists make observations consistent with the predictions of an alternative theory of gravity

Greta Thunberg: It's time to overthrow the West's oppressive and racist capitalist system

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore...." Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC
We've been saying for decades now that the Manmade Climate Change Movement is environmental Marxism, this was confirmed by the IPCC itself. Now one of the most brilliant and clearheaded leaders of the movement has come out and said the quiet part out loud.

Greta Thunberg: "It's time to overthrow the West's oppressive and racist capitalist system"

Moreover, in an age where even our understanding of gravity is being questioned, you cannot be a real scientist and say that "the science is settled"

Astrophysicists make observations consistent with the predictions of an alternative theory of gravity

Greta Thunberg: It's time to overthrow the West's oppressive and racist capitalist system

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore...." Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC

She's such a tool.

Wish I could be around when she realizes how she's been used.
One thing is certain.

Co2 has precisely nothing to do with earth climate change

You Morons.
We've known since pre-1900 that CO2 et al had alot to do with retaining heat.

AGW does not depend on a teenage "princess" but NASA, NOAA, and EVERY Other Science org in the WORLD.

Would any of you of the lowest of the low above like to tell us the Definition of 'Greenhous Gas.'

Normally "Thanks in advance" would be appropriate, but not for you 12 IQ MAGAts.

F*** you Morons.


You Morons.
We've known since pre-1900 that CO2 et al had alot to do with retaining heat.

AGW does not depend on a teenage "princess" but NASA, NOAA, and EVERY Other Science org in the WORLD.

Would any of you of the lowest of the low above like to tell us the Definition of 'Greenhous Gas.'

Normally "Thanks in advance" would be appropriate, but not for you 12 IQ MAGAts.

F*** you Morons.


Increasing CO2 from 280 to 400PPM might raise temperature out in the ten thousandths of a degree decimal. You can't post one single experiment show a 120PPM increase in CO2 having any measurable effect on temperature. Not once, not ever. You can spam all your "experiments" again but NONE of them show a 120PPM increase in CO2 raising temperature. Any sane person would realize your theory fails and needs to be replaced; a devoted Cult member would call me a DENIER!
The unfudged raw data from satellites and balloons show no warming in the atmosphere in highly correlated fashion during a period of rising co2

Any sane person would realize that once your theory fails, it needs to be replaced; a devoted Cult member however, will shout DENIER!
The founder of the IPCC, socialist ideologue Maurice Strong, is on the record saying that the goal is to deindustrialize the USA.

Leftists see the USA as the #1 enemy of a worldwide authoritarian socialist dictatorship.

You Morons.
We've known since pre-1900 that CO2 et al had alot to do with retaining heat.

AGW does not depend on a teenage "princess" but NASA, NOAA, and EVERY Other Science org in the WORLD.

Would any of you of the lowest of the low above like to tell us the Definition of 'Greenhous Gas.'

Normally "Thanks in advance" would be appropriate, but not for you 12 IQ MAGAts.

F*** you Morons.



You Morons.
We've known since pre-1900 that CO2 et al had alot to do with retaining heat.

AGW does not depend on a teenage "princess" but NASA, NOAA, and EVERY Other Science org in the WORLD.

Would any of you of the lowest of the low above like to tell us the Definition of 'Greenhous Gas.'

Normally "Thanks in advance" would be appropriate, but not for you 12 IQ MAGAts.

F*** you Morons.

GHG don’t retain heat. GHG slow the transfer of heat. GHG act like a choke.

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