Ah shucks, Tijuana an unwelcome place for the entitled


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
And of course the entitled are NOT families as reported, or there are few of them. So progressives lied.

They're men seeking work and/or entitlements etc. etc. They're not seeking asylum, which again, the progressives lie. Bodes well for the snowflake, they've been seeking asylum themselves since Trump was elected. No safe space is too safe. Progressives take much joy applying false labels anyway. At least they're consistent.

Tijuana afforded them shelter to some degree, but that's not good enough for the entitled, and violence erupted. And of course the progressives lie, because "Tijuana didn't do enough".

They'll come to our border expecting the mother-lode of handouts, because the Democrats promised to make all of their dreams come true. Just as Democrats lie to U.S. citizens who are losing a standard of living and middle class, partially because of illegals.

If I were running shit we'd march them back home where they came from. This just in..........everyone is an individual, but people south of the border commit far more crime than U.S. citizens. Gee, I wonder why there's so much crime in the USA (HELLO CALIFORNIA)? Even stupid shit is unsafe. I mean really, if they needed a can opener or sprinkler gun that badly I'd have given them away. But no, they feel better to swipe them and save a quarter, because they think it's cute. It's how they were raised, and it's what progressives desire.

Migrants get cool reception in Mexican border town
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These illegal hordes should respect the Law!

Mexico and the US had enough of them!

Do they have a death wish? what's wrong with their IQ?

go back to where you came from , people!
These illegal hordes should respect the Law!

Mexico and the US had enough of them!

Do they have a death wish? what's wrong with their IQ?

go back to where you came from , people!

How can you say that about future Dem voters?
These illegal hordes should respect the Law!

Mexico and the US had enough of them!

Do they have a death wish? what's wrong with their IQ?

go back to where you came from , people!

At this point the blame falls on Democrats and the government they came from. Heck, if I were one of them I might have joined them. After all, Nancy Pelosi is their Tooth Fairy.

Yes the USA and Russia helped to screw things up decades ago. But it's not as though a country has never rebuilt itself, and we've provided them lots of money. They're just incompetent. It's almost a shame we don't put "our" guy in charge over these places. If we already do we're doing it wrong.

They could argue asylum because where they come from crime is HIGH as heck. I tell no lies to say many were raised this way, anything from quarter theft to murder. But about anyone on Earth can claim asylum because of crime, and why invite it here.
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