Ah yes, FERAL BLACK SCUM beat, stomp man outside Washington Hilton

So the first thing is Blame Obama

and no talk of being scum on the white supremacists attacks.

I also think the OP video is fake.

You know how it goes with these ass clowns, if ONE black person commits a crime it's the fault of ALL black folks. Now if someone white commits a crime it's just a reflection on the ONE white person it has nothing to do with every other white person.

clearly, this messageboard has revealed opinion that it is a
matter of PERSPECTIVE. Some people even depend on
questionable stats-----and others claim "FAKE" and others
Obama stuffed this pig and sent it out.....God I wish someone would grow a pair and bring him up on charges of sedition and treason for the things he did....the media are not even curious about what he knew and when he knew it regarding the coup conducted by his national security team.....

Because there wasn't crime before Obama? Really?

Okay, let's get real. Anyone who is going out in an Urban Area at 1 AM in the morning is up to no good.

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