AHA! 9-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Kills Shooting Range Instructor with Uzi

I saw an article that said the instructor had her fire a few test shots on single fire first and she had done fine with it, but I've lost the link in the pile. I'll see if I can find it again.
I saw an article that said the instructor had her fire a few test shots on single fire first and she had done fine with it, but I've lost the link in the pile. I'll see if I can find it again.

From what I saw on the vid the instructor had her fire one round before letting her loose on full auto. If thats the case I find him negligent.
Of course we dont know what happened before for sure so I cant comment.
The idiot instructor deserved what he got for giving a child such a dangerous weapon. Such idiots should be removed from the gene pool.

You hate guns we get it gun grabber. It has nothing to do with the weapon. It has to do with the fact the instructor was an idiot.

The parents were insane for having their daughter do the training in the first place.

You and I normally see eye to eye. But in this case I have to disagree.
I will say this. If the girl had never received training before being allowed to fire the Uzi than yes the parents screwed up.
If she had been trained in smaller caliber weapons in the past than this is a tragic accident and nothing more.

An UZI is too big of weapon for a little girl.
The idiot instructor deserved what he got for giving a child such a dangerous weapon. Such idiots should be removed from the gene pool.

You hate guns we get it gun grabber. It has nothing to do with the weapon. It has to do with the fact the instructor was an idiot.

The parents were insane for having their daughter do the training in the first place.

You and I normally see eye to eye. But in this case I have to disagree.
I will say this. If the girl had never received training before being allowed to fire the Uzi than yes the parents screwed up.
If she had been trained in smaller caliber weapons in the past than this is a tragic accident and nothing more.

An UZI is too big of weapon for a little girl.

Absolutely not. The Uzi shoots a 9mm pistol round which is considered light even for a pistol round. In fact it's one of the smaller pistol rounds and is a perfect training round for a sub gun.
Next up would be the M-16 and even it has a very easy recoil.
This accident while tragic has nothing to do with the nine year old being able to handle the recoil but her lack of experience and or training.
Pretty sure you've never fired one or you'd understand what I'm talking about.
It really is easy to handle if you know what to expect.
If you lived in Texas I'd be more than happy to show you what I'm talking about.
She was surprised by the recoil,not overcome by it.
You know, I just don't see the point and, I LOVE guns. I've fired full auto weapons before, but you shouldn't teach your kid to drive a Corvette before the Prius for god sake.

The range should have been more careful before allowing a child to pray and spray. There is significant barrel lift on a piece of shit like that UZI.

I would't fire that miserable weapon much less put it in the hands of a child.
You know, I just don't see the point and, I LOVE guns. I've fired full auto weapons before, but you shouldn't teach your kid to drive a Corvette before the Prius for god sake.

The range should have been more careful before allowing a child to pray and spray. There is significant barrel lift on a piece of shit like that UZI.

I would't fire that miserable weapon much less put it in the hands of a child.

Again....if the nine year old had never fired a gun she shouldnt have been behind it.
If she had some experience it shouldnt have been a big deal.
Easy weapon to shoot.
I don't, necessarily, disagree, but I think it's generally more healthy for kids to be kids and not worry too much about UZI's.
I don't, necessarily, disagree, but I think it's generally more healthy for kids to be kids and not worry too much about UZI's.

My thoughts? If the girl had an interest in shooting the firearm I'm good with it.
If it was dads idea and she felt obligated than I have a problem with it.
You never force your kids into a sport just because you want it to happen.
It's no different than forcing your kid to play football if he/she doesnt want to.
The instructor was a human being, doing a job and trying to allow a young girl, an experienced shooter, some fun with a gun she may have never used before...he made a mistake that cost him his life...liberals think funny...

Mistake? He stood to the left of someone firing a right ejecting weapon for the first time full auto. That has nothing to do with being human.
According to your title you find that amusing. WTF is wrong with you? Two families are likely shattered and you're laughing.

What a dirtbag

It wasn't me who put that child in harms way, was it? It was the fucking, stupid, moron parents, wasn't it?

Yeah, blame the parents. Accidents are accidental, you know? Far more teens die driving cars than shooting guns, so are their parents stupid also for letting them drive a damned car?

You gun grabbing fascists are so fucking stupid, and thank God.
The instructor was a human being, doing a job and trying to allow a young girl, an experienced shooter, some fun with a gun she may have never used before...he made a mistake that cost him his life...liberals think funny...

Mistake? He stood to the left of someone firing a right ejecting weapon for the first time full auto. That has nothing to do with being human.

If he stood to the left and FRONT of the person, sure, but he didn't. He grossly underestimated the effect the gun would have on the girl. Mistake, not foolishness, unless you want to go into some sexist stereotypes now too.
There's nothing wrong with a 9 yo firing an Uzi. The problem is an inexperienced 9 yo firing an Uzi. The family was from New Jersey, a state known to be very anti. I suspect that may have been the first time the girl fired a gun at all. Going from nothing to a full auto submachine gun, especially such a small and light one, is not a good idea. It's going to rise, and any improper trigger finger placement is going to be magnified very quickly. She was probably pushing the trigger, not enough finger pad on it. This causes the gun to drift left for a rh shooter. Or, another way to think about it, looking down on gun from above, a counter-clockwise torque is being applied at the point of the trigger with the axis of rotation at the grip. Coupled with the force of the shots applying a torque above the axis of rotation parallel to the ground, the gun will drift up and to the left.
Remember...Guns dont kill people
No, poorly supervised 9 year olds do.
Yeah, and unsupervised shit hole teenagers.

Still upset about that time those Chicago Hookers rolled you, I see.

Ya know s0n.......Im realizing that your post totals may well be prolific in the annals the USMB. Almost 50K posts in under 3 years. HOLY FUCK.:boobies::wtf::boobies:.. Leands itself to a whole new meaning of the phrase, "He eats, sleeps and drinks _________". s0n......you eat, sleep, drink, shit and post AND THATS IT!!!


No wonder you are terrified about guns s0n.......you gotta get out a bit more. Desensitize yourself to your outdoor environment. Don't worry.....no houses falling from the sky s0n!!:up:
Spambot is sad no one pays attention to it.
Hey, now you come up as "Ignored member".... So no one even sees your posts, son.
According to your title you find that amusing. WTF is wrong with you? Two families are likely shattered and you're laughing.

What a dirtbag

My "title" was meant to display amazement at the criminal behavior of many gun-nuts who put their children in harms way and end up killing them!
My amazement comes from the epic stupidity that leads you to conclude that one guy acting stupidly means all 2nd Amendment supporters are stupid.

One guy acting stupidly is one too many... isn't it? It's all too common nowdays with so many freaking guns out there. Live by the gun, die by the gun or so it seems.

Thank God our home is a gun-free zone!

No it isn't, and that is irrelevent.. One guy doesn't make the whole group. YOU have been trying to say that and YOU are wrong.

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