Ahhh, those tolerant educators..."Teacher Arrested For Asking Why Superintendent Got A Raise"

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Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
If someone asks a question you are uncomfortable answering, just have them forcibly escorted off the property....arrest them if necessary!

Teacher Arrested For Asking Why Superintendent Got A Raise

Filed Under:Arrested, Chris Melore, Local TV, Louisiana, superintendent, talkers, teacher, teachers, Vermilion Parish

CBS Local — A chaotic scene broke out at a Louisiana school board meeting after a teacher was arrested, apparently for questioning why the board’s superintendent was being given a $38,000 pay raise.

Deyshia Hargrave, a middle school teacher in the Vermilion Parish school system, was videotaped being escorted out of a room and then wrestled into handcuffs by a city marshal on Jan. 8. The disturbing incident took place after Hargrave asked school board members to justify the massive raise while teachers and school employees had reportedly gone without a pay hike in years.

“I have a serious issue with a superintendent or any person of leadership getting any type of raise,” Hargrave was seen saying in a YouTube video. “I feel like it’s a slap in the face to all the teachers, cafeteria workers and any other support staff we have. We work very hard, with very little, to maintain the salaries we have.”
To be fair, she was arrested because she was out of order. She did have the right to ask the question, but when the slimy cowards on the board didn't like the question, they told her to shut up. When she refused to stand down, she was arrested.

While the arrest was technically permissible, it was a complete bullshit incident all around.
This is NOT political in nature.

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