Ahmaud Arbery Judge Used Defendants' Comments Against Them in Handing Down Life Sentences

How is it justice when two of the three perpetrators who killed no one, get life sentences exactly as the murderer did?

They will get to argue that in court BUT I will note, our laws have long held accomplices to the same standard as the one pulling the trigger when engaged in an illegal act. You can argue for a change of that law but it doesn't happen without the two of them at least.
That's so nice for you...

Um, you seriously need to pull your head out of whatever ass it rammed up.

I have never taken the position that the police and the DA initially involved in this case should not be held legally accountable.


Please post a link to the post in which I express that opinion...

So you agree that justice has not been fully served yet but for some reason you feel this need to argue with those of us who have taken that position.
So you agree that justice has not been fully served yet but for some reason you feel this need to argue with those of us who have taken that position.

Smarten the fuck up.

Ahmaud Arbery is dead.

The three men who killed him are going to die in prison.

That's "justice" served on a silver platter...
Smarten the fuck up.

Ahmaud Arbery is dead.

The three men who killed him are going to die in prison.

That's "justice" served on a silver platter...

I and others disagree. We have explained why. You do not seem capable of explaining where we are wrong.

Those who cover up a crime are guilty also.
I and others disagree. We have explained why. You do not seem capable of explaining where we are wrong.

I simply disagree with you.

Why are you so needy? It seems as though you need me to argue with you, instead of being an adult and simply accepting that no one is always going to agree with you.

You're acting like a fucking child...

Those who cover up a crime are guilty also.


Jesus Fucking Christ, how thick-headed are you?

Perhaps you'd have been happier if we just left the three rednecks in jail, untried, and left Arbery in a bag in the morgue until the others meet their fate...
I simply disagree with you.

Why are you so needy? It seems as though you need me to argue with you, instead of being an adult and simply accepting that no one is always going to agree with you.

You're acting like a fucking child...

You can disagree but it was you that asked why it is we feel full justice has not been served yet. Still if you disagree in a forum like this you should be able to state why you disagree.'


Jesus Fucking Christ, how thick-headed are you?

Perhaps you'd have been happier if we just left the three rednecks in jail, untried, and left Arbery in a bag in the morgue until the others meet their fate...

Nope, still not an explanation.
You can disagree but it was you that asked why it is we feel full justice has not been served yet.

I believe I stated my opinion that justice had been served in this case.

But, if I asked you why you felt it wasn't, and you've explained your opinion, why do you need me to tell you you're wrong?

Still if you disagree in a forum like this you should be able to state why you disagree.'

I should be able to expect to engage with people who aren't so emotionally needy, yet here you are...

Nope, still not an explanation.

And the fact that you're insisting on one is probably the most sure-fire way to guarantee that I don't give you one...
They will get to argue that in court BUT I will note, our laws have long held accomplices to the same standard as the one pulling the trigger when engaged in an illegal act. You can argue for a change of that law but it doesn't happen without the two of them at least.
Many murderers and racists don’t get life sentences in our country. Neither of these men committed murder.
Yes I get that. However life sentences are unjustified.

Opinions differ.

I could see the death penalty for Travis McMichael. I always took the position that Greg McMichael should get life without parole. He's the one who instigated the entire affair; he was the catalyst.

Roddie just strikes me as someone who got smacked in the head with a phone book regularly as a child. He just seems dopey. I thought he might get 25 years, so life with the possibility of parole after 30 is palatable...
Many murderers and racists don’t get life sentences in our country. Neither of these men committed murder.

Well, maybe they should've lived someplace else in this country because, in Georgia, they can be convicted for murder for doing what they did...
I believe I stated my opinion that justice had been served in this case.

But, if I asked you why you felt it wasn't, and you've explained your opinion, why do you need me to tell you you're wrong?

I should be able to expect to engage with people who aren't so emotionally needy, yet here you are...

And the fact that you're insisting on one is probably the most sure-fire way to guarantee that I don't give you one...

You started the discussion by asking why some were not satisfied.

Physician, heal thyself.
Before announcing the life sentences for all three defendants: Travis and Gregory McMichael and William "Roddie" Bryant, Judge Timothy Walmsley spoke about previous comments they made before, during and after the fatal shooting of Arbery.

"In my opinion, Greg McMichael very early on in this tried to establish a narrative. He made comments Ahmaud Arbery 'was trapped like a rat,'" Walmsley said. "[He] effectively admitted that he wasn't sure what Ahmaud Arbery had done wrong. 'I don't think the guy has actually stolen anything out there or if he did it was early in the process but he keeps going back over and over again into this damn house.'"

Walmsley continued, "getting back to the narrative, he told Travis 'you have no choice.'"

Walmsley then went on to discuss past comments made by Travis McMichael saying that he claimed he was in shock after the shooting but "talks about his concerns for his child and his own well-being, part of this was while the victim laying there in the street."

"Commented, 'this is the worst day of my life' and I think it's been touched on here today, there were other individuals that were impacted," the judge said. "Mr. Bryant. He joined in after calling to the McMichael's 'ya'll got him?' Claimed he didn't know what was going on but obviously wanted to know if this individual who was running through the neighborhood, who he didn't know, had been caught in some way."

Walmsley also noted that Bryant previously said, 'if this guy would have stopped, this would have never happened.'"

Travis and Greg McMichael were both sentenced to life in prison without parole, while Bryant was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole. The three were previously convicted in the murder of Arbery in November of last year.

This is how the Justice System is actually supposed to work. Too bad we don't have many Judges like this one, maybe there is hope for the Justice System in this country after all.

They deserved it
Well, maybe they should've lived someplace else in this country because, in Georgia, they can be convicted for murder for doing what they did...
Yes but that’s a dumb law and might be unconstitutional. It certainly cruel and unusual punishment.
He wasn't in a corner, dumbass.
I was just quoting Greg McMichael, dumbass.

“He was trapped like a rat,” Greg McMichael said, according to a transcript of their recorded interview Nohilly read in court. “I think he was wanting to flee and he realized that something, you know, he was not going to get away.”
I've done it many times.

See, when there are organizations like the United Negro College Fund and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, there's simply no valid argument to be made that those words are racist. Smart black people understand that...

Nope, I've never owned a Confederate flaf, and I haven't owned a pick-up in 20 years...

Because it's the most positive outcome. I sure the fuck wouldn't sully the memory of my son by continuously bitching about how some rednecks were willing to let some other rednecks get away with murder...

Yeah, what a fucking coward you are (like most negroes). Those posts are easy to find, moolie...

Shut up. You were challenged and failed. You're just another negro failure...

Meh, like I could give a shit. When I'm met with abject racism; such as what comes from monkeys like you, I'll respond in kind. Too fuckin' bad if you don't like it...
Look shit for brains everyone is happy that these 3 murderers are on there way to prison, 2 of them for life without parole. The point that is being made is how the system covers up for those they want to cover for. Had the video not come out these 3 guys would have walked.

George Barnhill, one of the prosecutors who first handled the case, defended the actions of the McMichaels and Bryan, who recorded a video of the shooting. In a letter recusing himself, addressed to a Glynn County police captain, Barnhill said the three had "solid first hand probable cause" to pursue Arbery, a "burglary suspect," and stop him. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that the letter was issued April 3.

Jackie Johnson and George Barnhill should be in jail also. These are the folks who are elected to uphold the law and they both worked to sweep this under the rug.
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“He was trapped like a rat,” Greg McMichael said, according to a transcript of their recorded interview Nohilly read in court. “I think he was wanting to flee and he realized that something, you know, he was not going to get away.”
Exactly, that's probably why Arbery attacked Travis. Arbery knew he was caught and the police were on there way. That's why he attempted to hijack a truck and steal a shotgun, thus earning his Darwin award.

Arbery, who was already on probation, just didn't want to go back to jail again.
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For the racist right, being black alone is justification for murder.

Arbery was subject to a presumption of guilt for no other reason than his race.
Yep and these are the same people who tell us how they never see race.

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