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Aids strikes Porn industry

Originally posted by William Joyce
Those of us whites on the fringe see black-on-white pornography as a way to demoralize us.

If you weren't racist, for lack of a better word, you wouldn't see a whole lot of difference between a black and a white porn actor/actress. I mean there are white men in films like Cum Guzzling Bitches that one could argue are equally demoralizing to women!?
Originally posted by Big D
There should be a Surgeon Generals warning on black folks warning about the extreamly high risk of Aids one might get from having contact with these beings.

And if this were a perfect world, you would have been dropped on your head at birth(well, it is quite possible you were) and lost the power of speech. But it is not. And life is not fair.
Interesting to note, for you Reaganites, that he did not mention the Aaronym AIDS or HIV until the last year of his administration. Or maybe it was the second to last year.

Also interesting to note how a topic can digress, going form a discussion of AIDS in the Porn industry to bashing blacks. Way to go!
Flasher, you'll find that William Joyce and Big D rarely, if ever, have anything to say that doesn't involve bashing blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Asians, etc. WJ hates Jews as well, but Big D is Jewish, so he hates Arabs instead.

Anyway, that's about all you'll ever need to know about their posts. Feel free to put them on ignore (as I have) so you won't waste your time reading the same thing over and over again.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Flasher, you'll find that William Joyce and Big D rarely, if ever, have anything to say that doesn't involve bashing blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Asians, etc. WJ hates Jews as well, but Big D is Jewish, so he hates Arabs instead.

Anyway, that's about all you'll ever need to know about their posts. Feel free to put them on ignore (as I have) so you won't waste your time reading the same thing over and over again.

Oh wow, their posts are invisible on ignore? I'll have to consider that.
I knew about Big Dumbass, but Joyce living in the city and all I figured he'd be more tolerant.

In NYC, we're equal opportunity racists we all hate eachother and the smelly boats we rode in on :D Just kidding.

EDIT:man, be nice if I could get through one post without a spelling/usage mistake
Originally posted by Big D (above)

I'm relatively new here, so maybe I missed out. If so, please direct me to the proper thread.

Have you ever explained why you feel the way you do? Am curious
Originally posted by Joz
Originally posted by Big D

I'm relatively new here, so maybe I missed out. If so, please direct me to the proper thread.

Have you ever explained why you feel the way you do? Am curious
Moved To America
I grew up in a area of LA called the San Fernando Valley, as a kid I thought it was the greatest place ever to live. Lots of friends and family, leave your doors unlocked on you cars and homes, no crime or gangs.

At 18 I got a job with the City of L.A as a lineman, my apprenticeship was all in the city of Compton, South Central. and East L.A. I was part of the city's "diversity" training program where I worked on the streets of these city's every day. These areas of L.A are ALL black and hispanic areas. At the time I thought this was a great thing, I had learned in school just like everyone else about racism, slavery and segregation and how bad whites have always treated blacks. I felt the guilt of all this and looked forward to showing blacks and hispanics that I was not that way.

Well, being in a area of All blacks and hispanics it does not take long for anyone of any intelligence to realize that all the problems that blacks and hispanics have, are created by themselfs. I would come home from work, back to my all white neighborhood and tell all my friends and family about my new "racist" views. They responded much like alot of you, that I was "hateful, racist".

I debated for years weather I was racist or hateful, but I had to be honest with both myself and others, everyday the evidence of the differences betwen the different races was more apparent. During these same years I noticed the changes going on in my own neighborhood at home. Hispanics (illegal alians) were moving in at a alarming rate, more apartments and low income housing were being built to accommodate these people. Of course my friends and family and my girlfriend at the time all thought this was a great thing because now they had more chances to prove that they were not racist either.

At about my 7 year of working for the city of L.A we had the L.A riots, at first what I thought was a terrible thing turned out to be a blessing. Because I am white I could not work in these areas anymore because they knew my safety was in danger because of the color of my skin. I was transfered to work in the Valley, working in a white neigborhood things were totaly different, having to worry about my safety as I did for years in the ALL black and hispanic neighborhoods was no longer a issue.

Sadly these white neighborhoods started to change to hispanic and black neighborhoods. Even though it was very early in the change I knew of the things to come.

I began to tell my now pregnate wife that I wanted to move, and move far. Her and her family and my family hated the idea of us moving, lots of fights, and I am amazed that we are still together. When our little girl was born, I knew I had to do what was best for her, I forced the issue and quit my job.

I moved us to a little town in Idaho http://sandpoint.com/ got a job with the local power company bought a nice little house in town and I was happy. My wife hated it and me, her family hated me my family hated me, but I had to do what I thought was right.

We would go to L.A at least twice a year and visit family and friends, and every time we would visit the changes in this once great area and neigborhood became more and more apparant.
Graffti everywhere, gangs, crime, rape, murder were now out of control in the Valley. The hispanic population in the Valley became one of the largest in the country in the fastest time. The friends I had in the area were now themselfs moving. The friends and family that stayed put alarms and bars on there cars and homes and had to change there way of life as they had known.

It has been almost 11 years now since that move and things have changed quite a bit. We now have four children, three girls and a boy. I invented a few things that did quite well and my wife will graduate in July to be a pharmacist. We now have 18 acres with a family home and two guest homes we also board horses.
O yea, her family and mine have since then moved here and they love it, not a day goes by that I don't get the feeling of thanks from them all for doing what I did 11 years ago.

I wish I could end this story here but there is one last note.

One of my high school friends that never moved from the old neighborhood called me about 3 months ago, sadly his 12 year old daughter was raped by a gang of hispanics, as he cried on the phone I insisted that they come stay with us, they were here with in two days. The mother and daughter have been here since, my friend has gone back to sell his house and quit his job. They want to move here and I am going to help them.

The other day I took the kids skiing, as we reached the top of the mountain my daughter pointed out a rainbow over the lake to all of us, it was the first time I had seen my friends daughter smile.
Originally posted by Big D
Todays News:

African-American women are 23 times as likely to be infected with the Aids virus as white women and account for 71.8% of new HIV cases among women in 29 US states, government research shows.


Maybe soon it will be a hundred times worse.
That would be great.

And racist white men like yourself (you're Jewish? wow you MUST be confused) are 23 times more likely to be struck by lightening. I don't have any links to back that up, but both God and Allah speak to me on a daily basis and assure me that it is true:D

Is that thunder I hear?
Originally posted by Joz

I'm relatively new here, so maybe I missed out. If so, please direct me to the proper thread.

Have you ever explained why you feel the way you do? Am curious

Joz... it can't really be that interesting of a story, can it?
Sorry, just got back.

Truthfully, I found D's story to be quite enlightening. It always helps to know where the other guy is coming from. I'm a strong believer in, "walk a mile in my shoes" theory.

I posted once, "the only people who don't have a problem with the police, are people who have never dealt wth the police." Meaning- our experiences shape our decisions/viewpoints/attitudes; thus being the result--Big D. You cannot fault him for how he feels, if he has never had a good experience with these races. It's like going to the dentist. If everytime you go, it hurts, you hate going to the dentist.

I am constantly subjected to men voicing their opinions about women & their only use. I cannot always retaliate (work place) and it can be difficult to take. It's very degrading, offensive, makes me feel bad. Sometimes, I just have to dismiss what's being said. Sometimes, I know exactly what they're saying, seeing the behavior of some women. But sometimes, I actually have the opportunity to prove them wrong.....by example.

I know a black man, who works for NASA, who doesn't believe in affirmative action. He believes a man should be judged for his own merits. He speaks well, works hard; has proven himself.....by example.

Many spout statistics; always trying to prove their point. I believe they are important. I also believe there are "lies, damn lies, & statistics." We must be careful. Imagine statistics being fudged to get school funding, research for a cause, elected. Go figure.

I don't think there is a solution. There will always be the poor, the hated, the sick. There will always be discrimination, crime, violence. We as a nation, as a world, are in serious times.
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I am constantly subjected to men voicing their opinions about women & their only use

What only use is that? I find women plenty useful and ive never even heard of any such thing before.
Originally posted by Joz
You cannot fault him for how he feels, if he has never had a good experience with these races. It's like going to the dentist. If everytime you go, it hurts, you hate going to the dentist.

Yes I can. His views are anti-American.
They are also rediculously ill-informed and too ignorant to even be called ignorant.

They are an insult to the concept of educated conversation and good will towards mankind. In fact, if he spoke in public the way he does here Ghandi would wanna give him a beat down.

The racism/dentist analogy does not fly with me.

Sometimes I want to kill my dentist, but I don't, and I would never speak of dentists the way Big D speaks of God's children--black, white, yellow,etc. and all.

Sorry, but that's the way I feel.

Peace, dude.

EDIT:Man, we're at war and it would be nice if we as country could get over this race issue and deal with things THAT REALLY MATTER. Stop your fucking crying and think outside of yourself.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
What only use is that? I find women plenty useful and ive never even heard of any such thing before.

Please, don't make me get graphic.
Joz, I for one do know what you mean. I am the CEO of an IT firm and when I joined it was a boys club. Since then that has all changed, I have no tolerance when it comes to this subject at the workplace. By creating an environment where women and men are equal, our companies productivity has gone way up, thanks in no small measure to the women that work there. I hold a very high opinion of my employees both male and female, and everyone is treated as equals, and will respect each other or the door will hit them on the ass on the way out.

I have created a team feeling at our company and we have prospered because of it !
It's nice to hear that some men can recognize the fact that women actually have something to contribute.
Originally posted by Joz
Sorry, just got back.

Truthfully, I found D's story to be quite enlightening. It always helps to know where the other guy is coming from. I'm a strong believer in, "walk a mile in my shoes" theory.

I posted once, "the only people who don't have a problem with the police, are people who have never dealt wth the police." Meaning- our experiences shape our decisions/viewpoints/attitudes; thus being the result--Big D. You cannot fault him for how he feels, if he has never had a good experience with these races. It's like going to the dentist. If everytime you go, it hurts, you hate going to the dentist.

I am constantly subjected to men voicing their opinions about women & their only use. I cannot always retaliate (work place) and it can be difficult to take. It's very degrading, offensive, makes me feel bad. Sometimes, I just have to dismiss what's being said. Sometimes, I know exactly what they're saying, seeing the behavior of some women. But sometimes, I actually have the opportunity to prove them wrong.....by example.

I know a black man, who works for NASA, who doesn't believe in affirmative action. He believes a man should be judged for his own merits. He speaks well, works hard; has proven himself.....by example.

Many spout statistics; always trying to prove their point. I believe they are important. I also believe there are "lies, damn lies, & statistics." We must be careful. Imagine statistics being fudged to get school funding, research for a cause, elected. Go figure.

I don't think there is a solution. There will always be the poor, the hated, the sick. There will always be discrimination, crime, violence. We as a nation, as a world, are in serious times.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Although I think Big D is misguided, it's obviously his experiences that have shaped his views. Having had similar experiences, it's easy to see how certain prejudices develop.

The only solution that I've seen succeed is for people on both sides of a stereotype rise up and show a different face. Like your friend at NASA- he's an example. Perhaps if he and more minorities were more visible (rather than the poor examples) and people of all types sought out others who were different, stereotypes would cease to exist and people of all races would mingle more and learn from each other.

Sadly, it's the fault of minorities as well. If they revered and emulated the ones who showed intelligence, manners, lawfullness instead of the criminals perhaps people's perceptions would change. But no, images the world over are of the criminal, gangster types who thumb their nose at society. The news is full of the minorities who kill the babies they had at 13. Why aren't the minorities trying to show the world what good they can do/be? Why aren't the families policing their own kids? Why do they let the buildings built for them become so destroyed? Why aren't their children learning in school? Why are their children killing for sneakers?

These questions need answers. And the answer cannot be the "man" made me do it or that their ancestors were slaves.
Originally posted by eric
Joz, I for one do know what you mean. I am the CEO of an IT firm
Hey everyone, I am a CEO, I am a CEO, I am a CEO, I am a CEO,I am a CEO, I am a CEO, I am a CEO, I am a CEO,I am a CEO, I am a CEO, I am a CEO, I am a CEO.

Hey Eric are you a CEO?

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