Ain’t diversity and inclusion wunnerful? South Africa is a failed state

The argument for a meritocracy is stronger than what DEI has to offer

South Africa is a warning sign for America

They had a chance to reconcile, and the people at the time were the ones to do it. Now all the ones who tried to share power are dead or retired, and the next generation has decided to go the route of the past, the failed African States past.
They had a chance to reconcile, and the people at the time were the ones to do it. Now all the ones who tried to share power are dead or retired, and the next generation has decided to go the route of the past, the failed African States past.
Reportedly both skilled whites and blacks are fleeing South Africa, which accelerates the decline
Since the whites are out, does the Western civilization still trade and buy from the black folks now or did they haul ass.

The one thing keeping South Africa afloat economically is it's possession of strategic minerals.

But even that can only hold things together for so long.
The one thing keeping South Africa afloat economically is it's possession of strategic minerals.

But even that can only hold things together for so long.
Because of not enough energy South Africa cant even dig up minerals to sell

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