Air Force Base To Host Drag Queen Show

At the rate we are going we will be lucky to have any good cops or military left in five years. All the good cops will have quit and the cities will be hiring felons to enforce the laws. Living in a bIg city will be like living in the jungle.
I agree. Good point.

The military will be taught our nation is so evil it is not worth giving your life for.
I don't know if the military will be taught that but it is true anyway. The US is so evil that it is not worth giving your life for.
..... Essentially the Chinese think a "real man" is someone who smokes and spits on the floor.
I haven't been to China but I have been to Nepal and your description is exactly correct. And also putting their thumb over one nostril and blowing like a bull in anger so wet snot flies all over the place.
our enemies are terrified now ! View attachment 504245
Funny thing is Xi is trying to make Chinese men harder, by doing nonsense.

He thinks having more male teachers will make kids grow into "real men".

Essentially the Chinese think a "real man" is someone who smokes and spits on the floor.
The progressives running china screwed up their male-female balance with the decades long One Child Policy

It seems that everyone in china wanted a boy and a lot of little girls were murdered in DIY 4th trimester abortions

It hasnt yet been announced that communist china is the homosexual capital of the world

But it seems only a matter of time before they do
At the rate we are going we will be lucky to have any good cops or military left in five years. All the good cops will have quit and the cities will be hiring felons to enforce the laws. Living in a bIg city will be like living in the jungle.
I agree. Good point.

The military will be taught our nation is so evil it is not worth giving your life for.
I don't know if the military will be taught that but it is true anyway. The US is so evil that it is not worth giving your life for.
The US has changed a lot in my 75 year lifetime.

It seems to have been taken over by a cabal of intelligence agencies who work to gain profit for the military industrial complex and in return profit from their efforts.

For example a lot of people made a fortune during our war in Iraq and especially during the nation rebuilding phase. Of course there are fair questions about if that war was really necessary to begin with. Out intelligence agencies told us Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction but we didn’t find any. Perhaps our intelligence agencies had their own agenda. Perhaps they felt the military industrial complex needed a nice dirty little war to profit from.

Plus it seems the politicians we elect are busy selling their influence to the highest bidder. Hillary Clinton had her Clinton Foundation and Joe Biden had his son Hunter landing lucrative deals all over the globe without any background in the business. Now Hunter is painting pictures and selling them to anonymous buyers for a fortune despite the fact he has no history of selling art before.

So perhaps you are right and our nation has deteriorated to the point that it is not worth joining the military and losing your life for.

If so we need to elect some people who care less about their personal fortune and more about our nation. Perhaps a group of true patriots can restore our nation to what it once was.

The problem is how to find them and convince them to run. The political establishment will attack any true patriots just like they attacked Trump.
At the rate we are going we will be lucky to have any good cops or military left in five years. All the good cops will have quit and the cities will be hiring felons to enforce the laws. Living in a bIg city will be like living in the jungle.
I agree. Good point.

The military will be taught our nation is so evil it is not worth giving your life for.
I don't know if the military will be taught that but it is true anyway. The US is so evil that it is not worth giving your life for.
The US has changed a lot in my 75 year lifetime.

It seems to have been taken over by a cabal of intelligence agencies who work to gain profit for the military industrial complex and in return profit from their efforts.

For example a lot of people made a fortune during our war in Iraq and especially during the nation rebuilding phase. Of course there are fair questions about if that war was really necessary to begin with. Out intelligence agencies told us Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction but we didn’t find any. Perhaps our intelligence agencies had their own agenda. Perhaps they felt the military industrial complex needed a nice dirty little war to profit from.

Plus it seems the politicians we elect are busy selling their influence to the highest bidder. Hillary Clinton had her Clinton Foundation and Joe Biden had his son Hunter landing lucrative deals all over the globe without any background in the business. Now Hunter is painting pictures and selling them to anonymous buyers for a fortune despite the fact he has no history of selling art before.

So perhaps you are right and our nation has deteriorated to the point that it is not worth joining the military and losing your life for.

If so we need to elect some people who care less about their personal fortune and more about our nation. Perhaps a group of true patriots can restore our nation to what it once was.

The problem is how to find them and convince them to run. The political establishment will attack any true patriots just like they attacked Trump.
Your reply is deeply motivated and it would take more than this little response of mine to respect your post fully. So, let me make a short reply and maybe go into detail later.

I do not think "the US has changed a lot" in my 74 year lifetime. I am a Vietnam Veteran and the corrupt 'military-industrial complex' (as you rightly point out) was already in full force back then just as it is today. Washington was fully aware that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. Proof? The proof is in the decision to invade Irak knowing very well that Saddam had nothing to with Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden or the attack on 9/11. The proof is in the fake satellite photos showing WMDs in Irak. The proof is in the fabricated telephone conversation stating there were WMDs in Irak. The proof is in the CIA spy saturation of the first UN inspection team to plant false evidence, causing the UN to form a new team headed by Hans Blix. This shortlist of lies and deceptions are not the signs of an organization that had been dupped or misinformed. No. They are the signs/proof of an organization determined to carry out an illegal invasion and occupation of Irak's oil fields.
Who cares? I assume that those who wanted to attend this show did so and those who did not want to attend didn't go.

I don't know that drag shows involve sex, having only seen the film "Bird Cage" (Gene Hackman was hilarious) and seen one singer In a DC bar, even though some of you seem to contend that they are sex shows, but I do remember seeing clips of USO shows in the Vietnam era, and some of them were pretty steamy.
At the rate we are going we will be lucky to have any good cops or military left in five years. All the good cops will have quit and the cities will be hiring felons to enforce the laws. Living in a bIg city will be like living in the jungle.
I agree. Good point.

The military will be taught our nation is so evil it is not worth giving your life for.
I don't know if the military will be taught that but it is true anyway. The US is so evil that it is not worth giving your life for.
The US has changed a lot in my 75 year lifetime.

It seems to have been taken over by a cabal of intelligence agencies who work to gain profit for the military industrial complex and in return profit from their efforts.

For example a lot of people made a fortune during our war in Iraq and especially during the nation rebuilding phase. Of course there are fair questions about if that war was really necessary to begin with. Out intelligence agencies told us Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction but we didn’t find any. Perhaps our intelligence agencies had their own agenda. Perhaps they felt the military industrial complex needed a nice dirty little war to profit from.

Plus it seems the politicians we elect are busy selling their influence to the highest bidder. Hillary Clinton had her Clinton Foundation and Joe Biden had his son Hunter landing lucrative deals all over the globe without any background in the business. Now Hunter is painting pictures and selling them to anonymous buyers for a fortune despite the fact he has no history of selling art before.

So perhaps you are right and our nation has deteriorated to the point that it is not worth joining the military and losing your life for.

If so we need to elect some people who care less about their personal fortune and more about our nation. Perhaps a group of true patriots can restore our nation to what it once was.

The problem is how to find them and convince them to run. The political establishment will attack any true patriots just like they attacked Trump.
Your reply is deeply motivated and it would take more than this little response of mine to respect your post fully. So, let me make a short reply and maybe go into detail later.

I do not think "the US has changed a lot" in my 74 year lifetime. I am a Vietnam Veteran and the corrupt 'military-industrial complex' (as you rightly point out) was already in full force back then just as it is today. Washington was fully aware that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. Proof? The proof is in the decision to invade Irak knowing very well that Saddam had nothing to with Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden or the attack on 9/11. The proof is in the fake satellite photos showing WMDs in Irak. The proof is in the fabricated telephone conversation stating there were WMDs in Irak. The proof is in the CIA spy saturation of the first UN inspection team to plant false evidence, causing the UN to form a new team headed by Hans Blix. This shortlist of lies and deceptions are not the signs of an organization that had been dupped or misinformed. No. They are the signs/proof of an organization determined to carry out an illegal invasion and occupation of Irak's oil fields.
I think the big mistake was Truman’s creation of the the CIA which he later regretted.

..... Essentially the Chinese think a "real man" is someone who smokes and spits on the floor.
I haven't been to China but I have been to Nepal and your description is exactly correct. And also putting their thumb over one nostril and blowing like a bull in anger so wet snot flies all over the place.

Oh, yeah, they love that one. And coughing indiscriminately in any direction, but they prefer it is someone's in front of them, or there are vegetables around.

I do not think "the US has changed a lot" in my 74 year lifetime. I am a Vietnam Veteran and the corrupt 'military-industrial complex' (as you rightly point out) was already in full force back then just as it is today. Washington was fully aware that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. Proof? The proof is in the decision to invade Irak knowing very well that Saddam had nothing to with Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden or the attack on 9/11. The proof is in the fake satellite photos showing WMDs in Irak. The proof is in the fabricated telephone conversation stating there were WMDs in Irak. The proof is in the CIA spy saturation of the first UN inspection team to plant false evidence, causing the UN to form a new team headed by Hans Blix. This shortlist of lies and deceptions are not the signs of an organization that had been dupped or misinformed. No. They are the signs/proof of an organization determined to carry out an illegal invasion and occupation of Irak's oil fields.
I think the big mistake was Truman’s creation of the the CIA which he later regretted.
The first step in the wrong direction? Might be. Probably was.

..... Essentially the Chinese think a "real man" is someone who smokes and spits on the floor.
I haven't been to China but I have been to Nepal and your description is exactly correct. And also putting their thumb over one nostril and blowing like a bull in anger so wet snot flies all over the place.

Oh, yeah, they love that one. And coughing indiscriminately in any direction, but they prefer it is someone's in front of them, or there are vegetables around.
They really are disgusting. Notice also how they twist themselves into difficult shapes to get their feet as close to their face as possible, squatting on a stool barefoot and bending their spine down, down, down so their face is only a few centimeters from their toes. And doing their business in public. What is wrong with those people?


..... Essentially the Chinese think a "real man" is someone who smokes and spits on the floor.
I haven't been to China but I have been to Nepal and your description is exactly correct. And also putting their thumb over one nostril and blowing like a bull in anger so wet snot flies all over the place.

Oh, yeah, they love that one. And coughing indiscriminately in any direction, but they prefer it is someone's in front of them, or there are vegetables around.
They really are disgusting. Notice also how they twist themselves into difficult shapes to get their feet as close to their face as possible, squatting on a stool barefoot and bending their spine down, down, down so their face is only a few centimeters from their toes. And doing their business in public. What is wrong with those people?

It's a nongmin thing, farmers, village people. They grew up in absolute poverty, and now they're living in first world cities, only they don't feel like changing the way they do things.
They really are disgusting. Notice also how they twist themselves into difficult shapes to get their feet as close to their face as possible, squatting on a stool barefoot and bending their spine down, down, down so their face is only a few centimeters from their toes. And doing their business in public. What is wrong with those people?

It's a nongmin thing, farmers, village people. They grew up in absolute poverty, and now they're living in first world cities, only they don't feel like changing the way they do things.

Ok. I'll accept that and forgive them .... just a little.
At the rate we are going we will be lucky to have any good cops or military left in five years. All the good cops will have quit and the cities will be hiring felons to enforce the laws. Living in a bIg city will be like living in the jungle.

The military will be taught our nation is so evil it is not worth giving your life for. The majority of new soldiers will be males in the process of becoming females and wanting the government to play for the final operation. If we have a war with Jamaica they will kick our asses.

Both my Son and my Daughter were in the Navy. Son was a fire control officer and Daughter was a lawyer with JAG. Both have now left the military and both have told me "Dad, this is not the military that you grew up in and served yourself - you would NOT recognize it now and it would make you cry".

This country will not make it another 50 years. It's a damned shame what is happening to this once great nation.
That was a TV SitCom. Now our military is becoming a TV SitCom.

Some of the earliest shows on TV were SitComs about the military. "The Phil Silver's Show", "F-Troop", "Cleaver and the Colonel", "Gomer Pyle"... the list goes on.

This is because, as anyone who served can attest, the military is full of ludicrous and outrageous situations and character types that, are hilarious.

The US Military has always been rich fodder for comedy and I'm glad to see the latest generation is keeping up that proud tradition...


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