Air Force said NO. 12K of them.

I never said any such thing, I merely stated a fact. I am sorry that triggered you so very much

If you do not wish to the get the vaccine I support that 100% and I do not think the Govt should force you unless you happen to work for them.
I agree with that assessment, however if a company is concerned about employee's being possible candidates for Corona virus spread, otherwise if not vaxed or even if vaxed, then they should offer the employee's various options in order to confirm their status by them submitting an anti-bodies test result once every six months, yet all depending on the occupation worked, otherwise if they are in specific job occupations (i.e. high risk employment where contagions are easily transferred to a larger group of co-workers that might work in tight quarters together, such as crowded plants, crowded construction jobs or various other industries that may qualify due to crowded conditions), then help each other to come to a consensus on the matter.

Maybe offer the employee the vaccine via on sight service's or set them up with an appointment if they desire that method to be vaccinated in a private medical practice that does such a thing, and of course paid for by the company as the incentive.

What company wouldn't offer up incentives to get it's workers vaccinated if the workers choose to do so at the companies wish ??

Talk to a friend today, who said he got vaccinated about two months prior to having severe exhaustion symptoms come upon him afterwards...He said that he had just a general feeling of ill health for the two months long after the vaccination. I've heard a wide array of symptoms by those who had been vaccinated, and some were severe needing various therapeutics that are out there in order to help them through.

Anyways, companies, and their employee's don't need to be at war with one another. Let the politician's fight, but leave the companies and American workers out of it. It's bad enough that the industries are suffering as it is, so it don't need government messing it all up any further.
Various ribbons tell the story, but you have none.

You said the DD214 had duty stations, now you are talking about ribbons? Dude, just give it up.

Even an incompetent assholes like you would receive something if they actually served.

I have a whole list of are the ones that fit in the box on the DD-214


So, now show us yours and I will show you the rest of mine that did not fit in the box.

BTW, what happened to you when you said you would no longer communicate with me?

I changed my mind. I cannot help myself, I have to point out stolen valor where ever I see it. And you are a classic case of it, you thought that the DD-214 listed duty stations..... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It's not 1% of the entire population of the US you fucktard.

God damn you're stupid. Learn what the fuck the 1% number comes from before you make an idiot out of yourself.
If you don't know that everyone will catch Covid-19 at some point then you don't know wtf is going on.
If you don't know that everyone will catch Covid-19 at some point then you don't know wtf is going on.
No, it appears that you don't know what is going on, because their are hundreds upon hundreds of thousands that haven't gotten it yet (after almost two years of it), and they are still not showing any signs of getting it. They are probably immune naturally from a virus of this sort, and then for those who got it, they have aquired the natural immunity also.

Now how long immunity will last depends on the individual, because some folk's are just better at getting over things, and then becoming immune from it than others. Then we have the naturally immune that will never get the virus, and are those whom we know of already.
Check out this exchange...

Talk about a deflecting Fauci leftist Democrat looking Kamala Harris giggling uncontrollably shill this Walensky is... Wow.

Unbelievable how these witnesses deflect and lie, uhhhhh is simply amazing to watch.
No, it appears that you don't know what is going on, because their are hundreds upon hundreds of thousands that haven't gotten it yet
...there are 320 million people in US...hundreds upon hundreds of thousands is what...0.1%? I'm not dealing with brightest bulb here.

But that's beside that point. I said AT SOME POINT and you are talking about YET. Yes, not everyone got it YET, but everyone WILL, just as surely as everyone will catch influenza.
...there are 320 million people in US...hundreds upon hundreds of thousands is what...0.1%? I'm not dealing with brightest bulb here.

But that's beside that point. I said AT SOME POINT and you are talking about YET. Yes, not everyone got it YET, but everyone WILL, just as surely as everyone will catch influenza.
Dr. Faucci is that YOU?
...there are 320 million people in US...hundreds upon hundreds of thousands is what...0.1%? I'm not dealing with brightest bulb here.

But that's beside that point. I said AT SOME POINT and you are talking about YET. Yes, not everyone got it YET, but everyone WILL, just as surely as everyone will catch influenza.
Haven't had the flu since I was a child, so natural immunity is a real thing duh.... I'm well over 60 now, and have never had the flu shot.
I have no idea where these people got the idea the military gave you list of vaccine and you got to agree to them all
Try being clear-headed.Our Military had suffered many probems related to
all those mandatory shots required to go to war.Starting with the Gulf War.
The VA managed to sweep those problems further under the rug when Obama
got into office.There was a VA Scandal in the Obama Adm. Where Vets were treated
very shoddily.Neglected and not tended to when in serious medical and mental
conditions.Doctor visits for Vets were stalled and meds not made available.At least
not important meds.The Army is famous for dispensing huge gobs of pills.
Most not related to any condition.
Obama blew off most concerns about the VA under his lackadaisical watch.
UNTIL ... News broke that under Obama the VA was running 2 sets of books.
One legit and one made-up to look like things were normal.A contrived set
of books.
You said the DD214 had duty stations, now you are talking about ribbons? Dude, just give it up.

I have a whole list of are the ones that fit in the box on the DD-214

View attachment 560397
So, now show us yours and I will show you the rest of mine that did not fit in the box.

I changed my mind. I cannot help myself, I have to point out stolen valor where ever I see it. And you are a classic case of it, you thought that the DD-214 listed duty stations..... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You are a classic moron and a want to be bully along with a proven liar.

You changed your mind because you just can't help but to show how much of an idiot you are4, y ou tell lies and when called on them never admit it or resort to telling the truth.

You are what we used to call the abortion of a syphilitic pygmy grudge fuck waiting to eat yourself.

Once again, you make demands that I have already stated I will not comply with as you have and never have had any authority recognized by anyone with a brain. Of course you claim to be a marine so that may explain that.
You are a classic moron and a want to be bully along with a proven liar.

You changed your mind because you just can't help but to show how much of an idiot you are4, y ou tell lies and when called on them never admit it or resort to telling the truth.

You are what we used to call the abortion of a syphilitic pygmy grudge fuck waiting to eat yourself.

Once again, you make demands that I have already stated I will not comply with as you have and never have had any authority recognized by anyone with a brain. Of course you claim to be a marine so that may explain that.
Gator don't waste your time on this lying moron.
Gator don't waste your time on this lying moron.
ever hear of the pot and the kettle? It takes an idiot who may be brain damaged to say something like this when he has and provide proof of his claims.

And who is the moron?
You are a classic moron and a want to be bully along with a proven liar.

You changed your mind because you just can't help but to show how much of an idiot you are4, y ou tell lies and when called on them never admit it or resort to telling the truth.

You are what we used to call the abortion of a syphilitic pygmy grudge fuck waiting to eat yourself.

Once again, you make demands that I have already stated I will not comply with as you have and never have had any authority recognized by anyone with a brain. Of course you claim to be a marine so that may explain that.

I have supported every claim I have made, you have supported zero claims you made.

Everyone on this forum sees you for what you are, a stolen valor loser.

All of your 12 year old name calling will not change the fact you have been wrong about what is on a DD124 and lied about when you went to boot camp.
But, THEY want THIS 'shot' IN you.. No matter what.. Got to wonder,, Why?
Yes, it's very strange on the way that they've gone about it all.... Look, I don't trust a leftist ever... Period.

To much has gone on, and their nefarious political ways have been found out.
The 12,000 has already melted away to near zero who won't be either vaccinated or will have to submit to testing.
The number of protesters has become insignificant already.

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