Air Force said NO. 12K of them.

On January was. At least, the people that decided to hold a little insurrection garden party at the behest of the loser. And let's face it, you're all pretty much cut from the same cloth. You believe there was massive fraud that cost him the election. When nothing of the sort has bee proven.

I would vote for Biden again. Right now, he's playing janitor for the most part. Screwing up here and there, sure. And he should be called out for it. But Trump?? Was inept. Incompetent. Corrupt. Never demonstrated the slightest ability to grow into the job he was elected to do. And at the end of the day, wasn't interested in the job.

I don't consider Trump evil. Just unfit to hold the office. You don't consider Biden evil either. That's alt-right media talking. :)
No, Biden is not evil, he is brain damaged. And it was not an insurrection any more than the attack on the treasury building. Biden is the one who is incompetent and has no plan for anything except raising taxes and doing away with freedom.

Up to 12,000 Air Force personnel have rejected orders to get fully vaccinated against the coronavirus despite a Pentagon mandate and officials say it is too late for them to do so by Tuesday's deadline, posing a first major test for military leaders whose August directive has been met with defiance among a segment of the force.

The vast majority of active-duty airmen, 96.4%, are at least partially vaccinated, according to data from the Air Force. But officials have warned that, barring an approved medical or religious exemption, those who defy lawful orders to be fully immunized are subject to punishment, including possible dismissal from the service or they could be charged in the military justice system.

Mandates are not looking too slick these days.
Seems like fake news. Looks like the majority of Air force personnel have got at least one vaccine...

As of Monday afternoon, according to the Department of the Air Force's latest statistics, 93.9% of active-duty airmen and Guardians had received at least one shot, with 75.1% of those fully vaccinated.

Must be why the mandates have been halted as they are unconstitutional by the 4th and 14th amendments

Also must be why there are religious exemptions

They have not been halted for the military nor for Fed Employees
I doubt that anything you say is true based on your continued biased posting and lack of any original thought.

In case you haven't noticed, because is is inconvenient for you to notice, it is not just "rightwingers" not getting the shots. It is many on the left, especially those that are here illegally and not even directed to. This puts a term on your statement: bullshit.

If you are going to continue to lie ( which is all you know how to do) be consistent in your lies. You on the left are like Fauci, all over the place in your efforts to gain power.

BTW, those "facts" you put forth are not facts as many in the scientific community have now stated, they are thoughts only which are rapidly being proven wrong.

Wake up, idiot.
This incurable, pathetic nonsense is exactly why there is no point in responding to you.
Must be why the mandates have been halted as they are unconstitutional by the 4th and 14th amendments

Also must be why there are religious exemptions
Are you familiar with the difference between Military and civilian rights? In the Military, you agree to give up certain rights for the duration of your enlistment.
No they don't, stop spreading bullshit. Hundreds of millions of vaccine shots and you think FDA somehow missed heart attacks?

If what you are saying had any truth to it we would have a clear statistical spike in heart attacks since vaccination has begun and 200+ million Americans got the shots. There is nothing of the sort.

Are you familiar with the difference between Military and civilian rights? In the Military, you agree to give up certain rights for the duration of your enlistment.

Oh I'm very familiar. I know in basic they line you up and give you a bunch of shots, I know if you deploy overseas they give you an anthrax shot (check how many have had reactions from those), doesn't change the fact that every service member has a duty to disobey unlawful orders or orders that go against their own beliefs like in hacksaw ridge.
Oh I'm very familiar. I know in basic they line you up and give you a bunch of shots, I know if you deploy overseas they give you an anthrax shot (check how many have had reactions from those), doesn't change the fact that every service member has a duty to disobey unlawful orders or orders that go against their own beliefs like in hacksaw ridge.

Yes, every service member has a duty to disobey unlawful orders....but this order is not unlawful.

No, every service member does not have a duty to disobey orders that go against their own beliefs. The Military does not give a fuck about your beliefs.
Yes, every service member has a duty to disobey unlawful orders....but this order is not unlawful.

No, every service member does not have a duty to disobey orders that go against their own beliefs. The Military does not give a fuck about your beliefs.
Says you. Here's 4 examples
  • An order in direct violation of a previous order from a higher ranking individual (so a lieutenant attempts to countermand the orders of a general).
  • An order in direct violation of the UCMJ (for instance, in “A Few Good Men", the Marines were ordered to assault a peer. That is an unlawful order).
  • An order in direct violation of the Constitution (such as use of federal troops in a law enforcement role in the U.S.).
  • Personal favors. This could be anything from getting coffee to picking up dry cleaning, washing the general's car. It would not be unlawful to order someone to wash a Government Owned Vehicle, but it would be unlawful to order someone to wash a Privately Owned Vehicle.

Must be why Desmond Doss fought and won to not carry a weapon and why a Sikh captain fought and won the wearing of a beard and turban in uniform.
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This incurable, pathetic nonsense is exactly why there is no point in responding to you.
Yet you continue to respond with even more lies and idiocy added every time. You don't even pretend to have original thoughts at this point, having proven that you have none and only follow along with what you are told to say. Incurable disease you have there, liberalism with a strong side of stupidity.
Says you. Here's 4 examples
  • An order in direct violation of a previous order from a higher ranking individual (so a lieutenant attempts to countermand the orders of a general).
  • An order in direct violation of the UCMJ (for instance, in “A Few Good Men", the Marines were ordered to assault a peer. That is an unlawful order).
  • An order in direct violation of the Constitution (such as use of federal troops in a law enforcement role in the U.S.).
  • Personal favors. This could be anything from getting coffee to picking up dry cleaning, washing the general's car. It would not be unlawful to order someone to wash a Government Owned Vehicle, but it would be unlawful to order someone to wash a Privately Owned Vehicle.

And the order to get a vaccine does not fall under any of these. Unlike you who gets their information from movies, I spent 20 years in the Marine Crops. I refused an order to put an entry in a Flight Clearance log book to cover my own ass so my SNCOIC would not also get called out. I took my lumps for my mistake, but would not lie on an official record.
And the order to get a vaccine does not fall under any of these. Unlike you who gets their information from movies, I spent 20 years in the Marine Crops. I refused an order to put an entry in a Flight Clearance log book to cover my own ass so my SNCOIC would not also get called out. I took my lumps for my mistake, but would not lie on an official record.
I served and am 100 T&P, was also a recruiter on the civilian side so yeah tell me again I don't know jackass

And who said anything about lying on an official record besides you?
I served and am 100 T&P, was also a recruiter on the civilian side so yeah tell me again I don't know jackass
But of course you are. I suppose you will be like the other guy and refuse to offer anything to support your claim.

And who said anything about lying on an official record besides you?

I was giving a real life example of an unlawful order. Please do try and keep up
And the order to get a vaccine does not fall under any of these. Unlike you who gets their information from movies, I spent 20 years in the Marine Crops. I refused an order to put an entry in a Flight Clearance log book to cover my own ass so my SNCOIC would not also get called out. I took my lumps for my mistake, but would not lie on an official record.
No, ;you only lie on all public forums and insist that what you claim is the only truth allowable. Another lie.
No, ;you only lie on all public forums and insist that what you claim is the only truth allowable. Another lie.

still waiting for you to back up your claims....till then you are just a stolen valor loser.
But of course you are. I suppose you will be like the other guy and refuse to offer anything to support your claim.

I was giving a real life example of an unlawful order. Please do try and keep up
LOL sure let me doxx myself and post my DD214 to appease you. Or maybe my universal heat/AC card with DoD issue on it from AIT at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Maybe my army name tag from my time as a recruiter. Want my 100% award letter to from the VA, my VA card or my base access/commissary card?

And I also gave examples unless you think Desmond Doss wasn't a real person.

Go eat a box crayons Marine you can't think straight hungry

Up to 12,000 Air Force personnel have rejected orders to get fully vaccinated against the coronavirus despite a Pentagon mandate and officials say it is too late for them to do so by Tuesday's deadline, posing a first major test for military leaders whose August directive has been met with defiance among a segment of the force.

The vast majority of active-duty airmen, 96.4%, are at least partially vaccinated, according to data from the Air Force. But officials have warned that, barring an approved medical or religious exemption, those who defy lawful orders to be fully immunized are subject to punishment, including possible dismissal from the service or they could be charged in the military justice system.

Mandates are not looking too slick these days.

Failure to obey a direct order.

Probably discharge on less than honorable conditions.

800 Airmen and Guardians Refuse COVID Vaccine by Deadline​

Among those who remain unvaccinated, 1,634 have received medical exemptions; 232 have received administrative exemptions, such as separation or retirement; and 4,933 are pending a decision related to a request for religious exemption.

Another 2,753 unvaccinated individuals are categorized as “not started.” The Air Force said some of those individuals are deployed to overseas locations where vaccines are not readily available.


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