Air Muslim for Muslim passengers only?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Sorry guys, not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims.
Why we must endanger our life and fly together with morons who believe to gain a place in Paradise ( with lot of sex and wine ) by slaughtering of non-Muslims.
Would it not better and fair if admirers of Muhammad will fly islamic conform Airline with lot of Halal food, Burka stewardess, separate toilets, praying room, green color, with no gays, hated Christians, pork and dogs?But without hated infidels.
Instead of newspapers will be serviced Quran, Islamic TV and movies only.
Isn't it a great idea?
No terrorism anymore!
First of all, they are not called stewardess. They haven't been called that since the 80s. They are called flight attendants.

It's one of the dumbest ideas. Airlines like Emirates and Qatar Airways are Muslim owned airlines and in the top 5 best airlines in the world. They serve alcohol and their flight attendants aren't in burka. So Muslims wouldn't want what you are proposing. We want a great in flight experience like you.

You think all Muslims live in some kind of a Islamic shell. Muslim women wearing burka is actually in the minority. Even the headscarf is becoming less common. We watch the same mindless tv as you do. Yeah we don't eat pork but it's not good for you anyway ( actually most animal products aren't but that's for another topic. ) you are free to indulge in pork if you want. It's even available in many Muslim countries. Same for alcohol.
Will they have transgender toilets? If so then Nia can fly on them.

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