Airlines are packing flights to near full capacity! So much for social distancing.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
I just picked my nephews up from the airport today. They told me that one of the two flights was packed to 90% capacity and they were shoulder to shoulder with strangers! How can this be? I thought airlines were flying reduced capacity to insure that wouldn't happen! I guess it all comes down to the profit. And yes, for the first time, I wore a mask on the ride home.
Oh well, flying is a personal choice.

Next time, take your car...

I just picked my nephews up from the airport today. They told me that one of the two flights was packed to 90% capacity and they were shoulder to shoulder with strangers! How can this be? I thought airlines were flying reduced capacity to insure that wouldn't happen! I guess it all comes down to the profit. And yes, for the first time, I wore a mask on the ride home.

Yep, there was a doctor who went viral with a tweet last week he posted of a United flight he took from San Francisco to New York and it was packed full like a sardine can. This is why I'm skeptical about the whole social distancing nonsense.
This doesn't surprise me when people travel in such a way for so many different not to mention important reasons. Can you imagine how the picture would look if the powers that be tried to place a label on who they think should have a guaranteed seat on the planes and who got placed on stand by or kicked to the curb completely? Pure pandemonium.

God bless you always!!!

I just picked my nephews up from the airport today. They told me that one of the two flights was packed to 90% capacity and they were shoulder to shoulder with strangers! How can this be? I thought airlines were flying reduced capacity to insure that wouldn't happen! I guess it all comes down to the profit. And yes, for the first time, I wore a mask on the ride home.
Travel has cut back so much that flights have been cancelled all over the place. Limited flights, more people on them. It costs money, yes, to put a bird in the air and fly it where you want to go. Besides their business being drastically cut, you expect them to run flights with half the passengers to keep passengers "safe?" There's nothing "safe" about being in one of those tin cans breathing that canned air for however many hours. The airlines are requiring masks now, I hear. At least some of them. But people gotta take those off to drink their cocktail and eat their pretzels, right? Anyone who is flying right now unless it's life or death is crazy, anyway.

This is as bad as during the Recession when my Dad was on his death bed 700 miles away. There were so few flights out of Bangor that I was able to drive there just as fast as get a flight and fly. Things had improved a lot. Now we're back to limited flights.
This doesn't surprise me when people travel in such a way for so many different not to mention important reasons. Can you imagine how the picture would look if the powers that be tried to place a label on who they think should have a guaranteed seat on the planes and who got placed on stand by or kicked to the curb completely? Pure pandemonium.

God bless you always!!!

The other part of the story is that their original flight was cancelled and they were moved to an earlier flight which doubled the number of people on the flight. Like I said it's all about the money.
This doesn't surprise me when people travel in such a way for so many different not to mention important reasons. Can you imagine how the picture would look if the powers that be tried to place a label on who they think should have a guaranteed seat on the planes and who got placed on stand by or kicked to the curb completely? Pure pandemonium.

God bless you always!!!

The other part of the story is that their original flight was cancelled and they were moved to an earlier flight which doubled the number of people on the flight. Like I said it's all about the money.

Without money ... there are no airlines. There are no hospitals. There are no doctors, nurses, masks, vaccines, cars, electricity, and literally everything else we rely on for our daily lives.

Without money ... there are to taxes for government to take from citizens to to give these things to other citizens (and non-citizens).

So, saying, "it's all about money" is like saying breathing is all about the oxygen.
I just picked my nephews up from the airport today. They told me that one of the two flights was packed to 90% capacity and they were shoulder to shoulder with strangers! How can this be? I thought airlines were flying reduced capacity to insure that wouldn't happen! I guess it all comes down to the profit. And yes, for the first time, I wore a mask on the ride home.

The profit margin is bare minimum as it is you knucklehead. unless people suddenly wants to start paying double the amount that each ticket...the airlines are not in the air to go out of business.

Oh well, flying is a personal choice.

Next time, take your car...

View attachment 336582
So is a haircut, but that's too risky for the blue state dictators

There is a very scientific formula used to determine which businesses are deemed "essential" and those that can be left to rot in the current hysteria.

If a business is large enough to have political clout, it gets to stay open. Businesses that can't afford to lawyer up and buy political influence ... they are dangerous to the public health.
This is, once again, a failure of the Trump administration to lead on regulation. They could have put a cap on the number of passengers per plane, and made that a condition of the bailouts! All middle seats should be empty, for one thing!!!
Oh well, flying is a personal choice.

Next time, take your car...

View attachment 336582
So is a haircut, but that's too risky for the blue state dictators

There is a very scientific formula used to determine which businesses are deemed "essential" and those that can be left to rot in the current hysteria.

If a business is large enough to have political clout, it gets to stay open. Businesses that can't afford to lawyer up and buy political influence ... they are dangerous to the public health.

The local convenience store remained open. The national chain clothing store next to him was closed.
This is, once again, a failure of the Trump administration to lead on regulation. They could have put a cap on the number of passengers per plane, and made that a condition of the bailouts! All middle seats should be empty, for one thing!!!
Nope .... He could not do it.
At 75% capacity they don't brake even.
It would in affect be a grounding order.

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This is, once again, a failure of the Trump administration to lead on regulation. They could have put a cap on the number of passengers per plane, and made that a condition of the bailouts! All middle seats should be empty, for one thing!!!
Nope .... He could not do it.
At 75% capacity they don't brake even.
It would in affect b a grounding order.

That very well may be the case, but they should be nationalized if they don't play ball after being bailed out.
This is, once again, a failure of the Trump administration to lead on regulation. They could have put a cap on the number of passengers per plane, and made that a condition of the bailouts! All middle seats should be empty, for one thing!!!
Yes, they should. The airlines are allowing passengers to BUY the middle seat next to them if they wish.....

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