It’s time for Biden to go — even Democrats think so

Maoist/DSA Democrats are closing ranks around him. They'd rather re-elect Biden, no matter how incompetent and corrupt he may be, then lose the White House.
I think Biden will not be renominated in 2024, and even his presence as the incumbent President will be a detriment to whomever the Dems nominate. I think the calculation will be that his resignation (for health reasons) and the elevation of Kamala to the Presidency will be less damaging, since a huge black voter turnout is essential their chances of winning.
I think Biden will not be renominated in 2024, and even his presence as the incumbent President will be a detriment to whomever the Dems nominate. I think the calculation will be that his resignation (for health reasons) and the elevation of Kamala to the Presidency will be less damaging, since a huge black voter turnout is essential their chances of winning.

Personally, I don't believe that Kamaltoe has the support of the Afro-American community. Obama was a one off. Although, Senator Scott (R-SC) may have much more appeal than Kamaltoe.
Then again I saw what Democrats did to Herman Cain during the 2012 presidential primaries.
Personally, I don't believe that Kamaltoe has the support of the Afro-American community. Obama was a one off. Although, Senator Scott (R-SC) may have much more appeal than Kamaltoe.
Then again I saw what Democrats did to Herman Cain during the 2012 presidential primaries.

Regardless , I don't see where the Democrats are going to be willing to knock VP Harris out of line for the Presidency, unless they have another black broad to take her place.

Or at the very least another "woman of color", like the squaw from Massachusetts.

The Democrat base certainly isn't going to stand by and have Harris' position usurped by a honky.
Regardless , I don't see where the Democrats are going to be willing to knock VP Harris out of line for the Presidency, unless they have another black broad to take her place.

Or at the very least another "woman of color", like the squaw from Massachusetts.

The Democrat base certainly isn't going to stand by and have Harris' position usurped by a honky.
There's always Mike Obama.
I haven't heard an opinion that delusional since perusing what passes for discourse over at

Yeah, don't recommend it - unless you're in it for the laughs.

And you've certainly scratched that particular itch.

That said, don't go quittin' your day job....
It's easy to be a rock star when the the opposition is a bunch of howler monkeys.
After the SOTU Biden is a rock star! If Trump challenges him, he's going to get thumped worse than in 2020.
I doubt Biden is going to run for a second term. If he does, I find it less likely he wins the nomination. People aren’t going to settle for an 82 year old man.
At this point, I don't see Biden going anywhere.
At this point, I think you should get used to him for another 6 years. That can change of course.

The more belligerent, unhinged, and hateful the right becomes, the easier his victory is going to be.
I though Biden was great. Nice to have some one with intelligence and love of country in the White House again after that criminal trump piece of shit, who cared only about himself. His January 6th stunt let proved that.
That's all I wanted. I'm no fan of the Democrats, but I wasn't asking for much in 2020. Just show me that America can be a more decent, intelligent, thoughtful place than I've been seeing since 2016. Demonstrate that we've not decayed into ignorant, paranoid cavemen, and then, after that, we can go from there on the issues.

That's it. That's how fuckin' low my standards had become.

So yeah, Biden has done that. At least temporarily. We'll see if it was a trend or a blip.
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It’s time for Biden to go — even Democrats think so

14 Feb 2023 ~~ By Mark Penn & Andrew Stein

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is in trouble. He likely won’t be the Democratic nominee, but he’s likely determined to put the Democratic Party through quite a roller-coaster ride before he and the party reach that conclusion. Most voters believe Biden should step aside and let someone new run — an AP-NORC poll out Tuesday found just 12% of Democrats want Biden to lead their party.
Until now, Biden has been allowed to avoid any serious media questioning. He did almost no interviews, answered questions sporadically and survived on the basis of the country’s close partisan split that held fast even as many in his own party questioned his leadership.
It wasn’t the surge in crime, rampant inflation, unchecked migration across the southern border or rising fuel prices that put Biden in trouble. Somehow even as those problems mounted during his presidency’s first two years and he was blamed for much of it, Democrats stuck together.
Instead, the administration’s first real questioning came over Document-gate, classified material that had been sitting in his offices and homes contrary to law for years. CBS News broke the story that classified documents were found in Penn Biden Center offices before the midterm elections — but was kept from the public.
More and more, Biden is also facing questions about his age and his fitness to hold on to the presidency well into his 80s. Gaffes are becoming more frequent, and the hope he would again face Donald Trump seems to be fading. Against a new Republican nominee, Biden would be forced to run an actual campaign compared to the cloaked effort in 2020 in which tech companies, debate commissions and the media made favorable decisions to end Trump’s reign.
In 2020, Democrats picked Biden because he was needed to keep the party from naming someone too far left to win. Now the party will need someone who can take on a next-generation Republican. That Democrat is not Joe Biden.

At this point, I don't see Biden going anywhere. Maoist/DSA Democrats are closing ranks around him. They'd rather re-elect Biden, no matter how incompetent and corrupt he may be, then lose the White House. And no matter what Democrats say in opinion polls, if he's the nominee Democrats will vote for him.
Biden will go down in history as one of the worst president in American history. He blames everyone else except himself for his poor incompetent decisions.
No one even Democrats believed Joe could destroy America in two years. Unfortunately Biden has proven them wrong
They should have listened to Robin Williams back in 2009....

So the NY Post thinks Biden should go...

Thanks but we kind of knew that before the article...

These are fuckwits that backed Trump, enough said..
That's all I wanted. I'm not a fan of the Democrats, but I wasn't asking for much in 2020. Just show me that America can be a more decent, intelligent, thoughtful place than I've been seeing since 2016. Demonstrate that we've not decayed into cavemen. That's it. That's how fuckin' low my standards had become.

So yeah, he has done that. At least temporarily. We'll see if it was a trend or a blip.
He has done a bit better than that...

The Ukraine War from the US side has been a masterclass in diplomacy, how many US presidents could have got Europe to unite like Biden, Not all him but he has a great way of not getting in the way.

He didn't give the rich more tax cuts..

Got the Infrastructure bill passed

Yes a lot of this looks not overwhelming but look at the place he is in... The Democrats and Moderates just have to hold on until MAGA boys eventually go clear OR the GOP Moderates finally say enough and agree to changing voting to cut their massive influence down to the size of their actual vote...

The reality is Reagan initially (but I don't thing maliciously) & Mitch McConnell (grab of power at all costs) that has the GOP and America where they are right now...
Reagan because he created the media bubbles, he placed too much trust that the News Media wouldn't be commoditised just like everything else. Now if the News doesn't tell you what you want hear just change the channel and there is a channel that will. This doesn't change reality or facts...
Mitch because he started the massive right wing swing to the base. He very much was apart of the tribal politics today. He created the redder the better idea, the more conservative you are the more loyal you are to the tribe. Then demonise the Blue tribe so that it is not about America but about the red tribe... Add that with the media bubble and I give you Trump, MTG, Gaetz,.... They just went red tribe and vilified any one even talking to the blue tribe. I think secretly Mitch regrets his actions, he has lost control of them. He now has more in common with Moderate Democrats than extremely tribal red tribers..
The Washington Post said the other day that the Democratic party was getting more comfortable with Biden running again. Perhaps brain dead failure is the new normal.
Biden gets lots of points just for not being Donald Trump! That's a lot for the Republicans to live down. If they run him again, they need to consider if it's even possible for Trump to get more votes than Biden, when he couldn't even get more votes than Hillary.

It’s time for Biden to go — even Democrats think so

14 Feb 2023 ~~ By Mark Penn & Andrew Stein

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is in trouble. He likely won’t be the Democratic nominee, but he’s likely determined to put the Democratic Party through quite a roller-coaster ride before he and the party reach that conclusion. Most voters believe Biden should step aside and let someone new run — an AP-NORC poll out Tuesday found just 12% of Democrats want Biden to lead their party.
Until now, Biden has been allowed to avoid any serious media questioning. He did almost no interviews, answered questions sporadically and survived on the basis of the country’s close partisan split that held fast even as many in his own party questioned his leadership.
It wasn’t the surge in crime, rampant inflation, unchecked migration across the southern border or rising fuel prices that put Biden in trouble. Somehow even as those problems mounted during his presidency’s first two years and he was blamed for much of it, Democrats stuck together.
Instead, the administration’s first real questioning came over Document-gate, classified material that had been sitting in his offices and homes contrary to law for years. CBS News broke the story that classified documents were found in Penn Biden Center offices before the midterm elections — but was kept from the public.
More and more, Biden is also facing questions about his age and his fitness to hold on to the presidency well into his 80s. Gaffes are becoming more frequent, and the hope he would again face Donald Trump seems to be fading. Against a new Republican nominee, Biden would be forced to run an actual campaign compared to the cloaked effort in 2020 in which tech companies, debate commissions and the media made favorable decisions to end Trump’s reign.
In 2020, Democrats picked Biden because he was needed to keep the party from naming someone too far left to win. Now the party will need someone who can take on a next-generation Republican. That Democrat is not Joe Biden.

At this point, I don't see Biden going anywhere. Maoist/DSA Democrats are closing ranks around him. They'd rather re-elect Biden, no matter how incompetent and corrupt he may be, then lose the White House. And no matter what Democrats say in opinion polls, if he's the nominee Democrats will vote for him.
Biden will go down in history as one of the worst president in American history. He blames everyone else except himself for his poor incompetent decisions.
No one even Democrats believed Joe could destroy America in two years. Unfortunately Biden has proven them wrong
They should have listened to Robin Williams back in 2009....

Find any president who had the support of 100% of their own party... impossible.

It’s time for Biden to go — even Democrats think so

14 Feb 2023 ~~ By Mark Penn & Andrew Stein

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is in trouble. He likely won’t be the Democratic nominee, but he’s likely determined to put the Democratic Party through quite a roller-coaster ride before he and the party reach that conclusion. Most voters believe Biden should step aside and let someone new run — an AP-NORC poll out Tuesday found just 12% of Democrats want Biden to lead their party.
Until now, Biden has been allowed to avoid any serious media questioning. He did almost no interviews, answered questions sporadically and survived on the basis of the country’s close partisan split that held fast even as many in his own party questioned his leadership.
It wasn’t the surge in crime, rampant inflation, unchecked migration across the southern border or rising fuel prices that put Biden in trouble. Somehow even as those problems mounted during his presidency’s first two years and he was blamed for much of it, Democrats stuck together.
Instead, the administration’s first real questioning came over Document-gate, classified material that had been sitting in his offices and homes contrary to law for years. CBS News broke the story that classified documents were found in Penn Biden Center offices before the midterm elections — but was kept from the public.
More and more, Biden is also facing questions about his age and his fitness to hold on to the presidency well into his 80s. Gaffes are becoming more frequent, and the hope he would again face Donald Trump seems to be fading. Against a new Republican nominee, Biden would be forced to run an actual campaign compared to the cloaked effort in 2020 in which tech companies, debate commissions and the media made favorable decisions to end Trump’s reign.
In 2020, Democrats picked Biden because he was needed to keep the party from naming someone too far left to win. Now the party will need someone who can take on a next-generation Republican. That Democrat is not Joe Biden.

At this point, I don't see Biden going anywhere. Maoist/DSA Democrats are closing ranks around him. They'd rather re-elect Biden, no matter how incompetent and corrupt he may be, then lose the White House. And no matter what Democrats say in opinion polls, if he's the nominee Democrats will vote for him.
Biden will go down in history as one of the worst president in American history. He blames everyone else except himself for his poor incompetent decisions.
No one even Democrats believed Joe could destroy America in two years. Unfortunately Biden has proven them wrong
They should have listened to Robin Williams back in 2009....

I'm fine with Biden. He's Republican's best chance of taking back the White House in 2024.
I though Biden was great. Nice to have some one with intelligence and love of country in the White House again after that criminal trump piece of shit, who cared only about himself. His January 6th stunt let proved that.
Wow, talk about a moron . No wonder you are a Biden supporter . Birds of a feather and all.
Biden gets lots of points just for not being Donald Trump! That's a lot for the Republicans to live down. If they run him again, they need to consider if it's even possible for Trump to get more votes than Biden, when he couldn't even get more votes than Hillary.
It is a tribal hate based game over in GOP, First tell them you are red tribe and the blue tribe want hurt you, they want to multiple evil things, if you support evil you are not part of the Red Tribe.. This includes their church, social gatherings.... Then their are people in the group that are more extreme in the red tribe and they act as enforcers to others in the group.. They are the informants in these social constructs for that the keep there place within the red tribe... Fall out and you could become shunned socially and possibly your business would suffer too..
There is a certain amount of fear(afraid to stand up) and ignorance (I don't want to know)...

Moderates & Liberals don't have such rigorous social constructs as they come from more urban/suburb environment were there is more options (still exists).
Regardless , I don't see where the Democrats are going to be willing to knock VP Harris out of line for the Presidency, unless they have another black broad to take her place.

Or at the very least another "woman of color", like the squaw from Massachusetts.

The Democrat base certainly isn't going to stand by and have Harris' position usurped by a honky.

Only if they can get someone tat checks the boxes. Look to see Michelle (Mike) Obama take the shoot.

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