Airlines threaten illegal actions against travelers who opt out of groping


Apr 23, 2009
Can you get your money back if you opt out of the TSA’s assault on your freedom? Yes, but airlines don’t want to admit that. (That’s nothing new.) You may have to put up a fight.
Here’s what’s happening, and what you can do:
With National Opt-Out Day coming up, travel journalist Christopher Elliott contacted several airlines to see how they would handle requests for refunds from ticketed passengers who aren’t allowed to fly because they opt out of being x-rayed or groped.
Disturbingly, several airlines (American, Southwest, United/Continental, and US Airways) told Elliott that they would not give refunds to such passengers holding nonrefundable tickets.
Airlines can’t just make up new rules governing tickets and refunds after tickets are issued. Those rules are published in airlines’ tariffs and conditions of carriage, as filed with the Department of Transportation.
Almost all airlines’ conditions of carriage provide that, if an airline refuses to transport you, you are entitled to a fuall and unconditional “involuntary refund” of all fares, fees, and charges, even if the fare at which your ticket was issued is otherwise completely nonrefundable.

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Do you realize that you refusing to allow the government to usurp your civil rights is not the same as a carrier refusing to allow you to fly? One is an act outside thier control, for which they are not liable, and the other is a decision they make which cancels their contract with you, for which they are liable. I will leave it to you to figure out which is which.
So what happens when the bombers figure out how to make a bomb in the form of "junk"? What then? A naked search? Then when they shove the bomb up their ass, you going to submit to a starfish search? Man, you guys should just admit it, the terrorists are winning! Just give up. Give them back Israel, you're done.

we all must make some sacrifices ... as if Osama will hide in my underpants.

And of course the little parcel with some plastique is flying the same machine, but gets no grope....

ze germanguy

we all must make some sacrifices ... as if Osama will hide in my underpants.

And of course the little parcel with some plastique is flying the same machine, but gets no grope....

ze germanguy

Tell me: why did you guys try to take Russia? Now THAT was insane.
Don't you realise that all these body scanning machines are making money for criminals?? Look at it this way, how convenient was it for the "Underpants Bomber" to come along so that Michael Chertoff can go all around the country hawking his machines, while stuffing his pockets.



There are cheaper alternatives. Why aren't we using them?

Here's more proof about Chertoff's scheme:


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