Airspace closed in Northern Montana for defense reasons

I don't know what is going on there but I watched multiple YouTube videos this week of a train going through there that hundreds of tanks on it, multiple Bradley fighting vehicles and all kinds of other military hardware on it.
I guess that could be part of our latest installment of donations to Ukraine being staged for shipment but it doesn't explain what the hell is going on in our airspace over Montana. This current government has gone full-surreal...
We are living the beginning of a crazy movie.

Who do you guys think actually knows what the fuck is going on?
My money would be on Susan Rice and the Tan Messiah. If you could actually force one of them to tell the truth, they could explain it all.
Super Bowl, Super Bowl
Going to watch the Super Bowl
Drankin’ more than we can hold
Going to watch the Super Bowl
My money would be on Susan Rice and the Tan Messiah. If you could actually force one of them to tell the truth, they could explain it all.

The Tan Messiah? :auiqs.jpg:

I dont recall hearing that monniker for Barry before. Funny stuff.
Suddenly they are shitting balloons from the northwest......LOL

Is this an admission from Biden that they previously missed this many and now are looking to the skies?


Are we shooting down a 4th UFO?

This is bananas.


They are lying and trying to cover up for something else. Nordstream, the Chinese Spy debacle, something.

Next up: more lockdowns "for our safety".

I don't trust them for a second.
I think they are now saying this was a false alarm.

Who knows what the truth iis anymore. We all know we cannot trust ANYTHING pur government tells us.

What a shame. I have lost all trust and faith in all of our institutions.

Name any part of government we can trust.
It is quite possible WWIII has begun, however it is very unlikely at this time. Then again, who knows up from down? These days sideways is backwards and so on.
For all I know that video could have been a clip of a movie with sound over of people saying where they were. Multiple different video makes that less possible but kinda strange any way ya shake it. My MO is not going to change. Charter season is a month away I am preparing for business as usual.
I guess that could be part of our latest installment of donations to Ukraine being staged for shipment but it doesn't explain what the hell is going on in our airspace over Montana. This current government has gone full-surreal...
What can you or I do to effect what is going on. I am moving business as usual.
Business as usual.

After you enabled this shit show.
Lol, how did I enable this shit show? There were clips I found interesting. I shared that but am not going to freak out about it. If your retarded snow flake ass wants to panic about shit that's your prerogative!

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