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Mr.Conley said:
No, that was aweful, but do you think its justiication for moving a half a million people from there homes? Cause it appears to me that you and GunnyL would love that

BTW, stop making stuff up. I've never said that NO had a low crimerate. I've said be don't have a couple dozen voodoo murders every week. If you can't respond, then don't make stuff up.

As for your skin color comment, you might be from LA, but your not from NO. You should't walk around the projects at night in NO, or anywhere else for that matter, but that doesn't make the whole city crappy.

Well, I guess we found one of the other three people who can't recognize an amazing culture when they see it. I don't really care though. Go have a good time at McDonalds.

If the culture of New Orleans was so damn great, why didn't the people of New Orleans demand it be protected BEFORE Katrina ? You knew full well that your politicians were pocketing the cash that was meant to protect your "culture" .

Never, ever did I say "throw 500,000 people - including your 94-year old grandmother - out of their homes" - not for any reason. But, for one thing, their homes are GONE, are they not? Nobody's being thrown out of anyplace. It's a question of rebuilding now. And I think that many Americans are more than a little frustrated at the prospect of their tax dollars possibly going toward restoring New Orleans to the crime-ridden, corrupt bastion of the entitlement mentality that disgraced this nation before last summer. One wishes that, while we're speaking of improvements to N.O.'s physical infrastructure, we might address the spiritual rot that essentially made elected officials the full-time distributors of welfare checks, and the police department a sty of corruption that would dazzle third world countries. No one in America begrudges N.O. the help in rebuilding, I'm sure. But let's build something that WORKS this time.
dilloduck said:
If the culture of New Orleans was so damn great, why didn't the people of New Orleans demand it be protected BEFORE Katrina ? You knew full well that your politicians were pocketing the cash that was meant to protect your "culture" .
The levees should have held Katrina back. It was a Catagory 3 when it reached NO. The Corps said that the levees could hold that kind of storm. We thought that that was the best they could do.
Plus your underestimating the establishment here. Both sides are/were completely corrupt. People did ask for more protection, but the politicians didn't act.
musicman said:

Never, ever did I say "throw 500,000 people - including your 94-year old grandmother - out of their homes" - not for any reason. But, for one thing, their homes are GONE, are they not? Nobody's being thrown out of anyplace. It's a question of rebuilding now. And I think that many Americans are more than a little frustrated at the prospect of their tax dollars possibly going toward restoring New Orleans to the crime-ridden, corrupt bastion of the entitlement mentality that disgraced this nation before last summer. One wishes that, while we're speaking of improvements to N.O.'s physical infrastructure, we might address the spiritual rot that essentially made elected officials the full-time distributors of welfare checks, and the police department a sty of corruption that would dazzle third world countries. No one in America begrudges N.O. the help in rebuilding, I'm sure. But let's build something that WORKS this time.
That's what we doing. That's why Nagin was elected. He isn't a part of the establishment. For the police, Katrina was good. It rooted out all the bad cops who ran away. Nagin, for all his public mistakes, is the first real mayor to address the corruption problem. He has a lot to do, and he could go faster, but it's more then we've seen from anyone else. Already, hundreds of thousands of people have moved back to the city, many are already in their homes, others are working on rebuilding. Despite what the news tells you, NO is rebuilding. If you tell them all to leave now, then not only will the past 9 months have been a complete waste, but most of these people will lose their jobs. Since no one could live in the city anymore, their homes would be literally worse than worthless. A lot of these homes still have value too. The only places to not see any real rebuilding are the projects like the 9th ward. It's not the welfare people you speak of, but its the decent hardworking people who will hurt. Those are the people, dilloduck, who will get hit, they will literally lose everything if the city is closed. New Orleans had a huge amount of poverty, but if you close the city, you will only keep the already poor down and add the working class of NO to their numbers.
Mr.Conley said:
I'm sorry that they are other people's problems now, but I'm not going to lie. I'm really enjoy being able to go around without really being worried about getting mugged.

And to think some librulls were saying GWB blew up the NOLA levees to kill black people and perform a cleansing of the lower economic class in NOLA. And here we have you saying that "oh well, it's a nice side effect to Katrina's devastation." How nice this must be for you.

Mr.Conley said:
Also for the record, I think the Corp owes it to NO to rebuild. When Katrina hit the city, the storm had fallen to a Catagory 3. The corp said that the levees could handle a Catagory 3. Obviously that didn't happen. Had the hurricane been a Catagory 4 or 5, or had the water levels topped the levees, the city would have understood, after all, the Corp said how much the levees could handle. The problem is that Katrina reached NO as a Catagory 3, something the levees should have been able to handle according to the core, and the water didn't top the levees; the levees broke. If it hadn't been for that, then I could understand not rebuilding the levees, but the Corp let us down. The levees didn't work as advertised. If the Corp had done a good job, then maybe the city could be abandoned. The Corp failed though, and I feel that they owe the city, one of America's most important cultural landmarks, the decency to do the job right this time.
Quit your bitching and moaning. NOLA should be scrapped, its port moved up-river and the Mississippi channel dredged to preserve river traffic. How obtuse can you be Conley? "The levees didn't work as advertised." What a crock of dodging responsibility.... NOLA is on the coast and below sea level. How stupid does one have to be to believe that a levee system can "hold back" Mother Nature when she gets pissed? Hell, it's been a forseeable event for a long time, and yet NOLA blithely went on her merry way, ignoring the inevitable. And it's mental states such as yours Conley, which helped exacerbate the problem by ignoring it.

Here's an idea Conley, do the smart thing and MOVE!
Mr.Conley said:
No, that was aweful, but do you think its justiication for moving a half a million people from there homes? Cause it appears to me that you and GunnyL would love that

BTW, stop making stuff up. I've never said that NO had a low crimerate. I've said be don't have a couple dozen voodoo murders every week. If you can't respond, then don't make stuff up.

As for your skin color comment, you might be from LA, but your not from NO. You should't walk around the projects at night in NO, or anywhere else for that matter, but that doesn't make the whole city crappy.

Well, I guess we found one of the other three people who can't recognize an amazing culture when they see it. I don't really care though. Go have a good time at McDonalds.

No, I happen to agree with the reality and logic of "WHAT homes?" I also agree with the logic of building on higher ground.

I spent half my life living at sea level. It never once occurred to me when we had hurricanes or other bad storms to demand a bail-out from the Federal government. I chose to live there. The responsibility was MINE.

It's all fine and dandy that you think NO is some cultural mecca, but in reality, it is not. I don't want my tax dollars spent rebuilding what was for the most part a crime-ridden slum, nor to bail out people who CHOSE to live below sea level. I mean geez, do you lefties EVER believe in personal accountability beyond applying it to all Republicans/conservatives?
CockySOB said:
And to think some librulls were saying GWB blew up the NOLA levees to kill black people and perform a cleansing of the lower economic class in NOLA. And here we have you saying that "oh well, it's a nice side effect to Katrina's devastation." How nice this must be for you.
So you think I should be sad that I haven't been mugged recently. I'm sorry, but I'm not suicidal or anything.
I don't know about you, but I'm rather happy that NO gangs have been scattered to the four corners. They're a greater threat to society together in groups. This threat has been greatly reduced because now they are on their own. Unless you want more people to die...
CockySOB said:
Quit your bitching and moaning. NOLA should be scrapped, its port moved up-river and the Mississippi channel dredged to preserve river traffic. How obtuse can you be Conley? "The levees didn't work as advertised." What a crock of dodging responsibility.... NOLA is on the coast and below sea level. How stupid does one have to be to believe that a levee system can "hold back" Mother Nature when she gets pissed? Hell, it's been a forseeable event for a long time, and yet NOLA blithely went on her merry way, ignoring the inevitable. And it's mental states such as yours Conley, which helped exacerbate the problem by ignoring it.

Here's an idea Conley, do the smart thing and MOVE!
Sure you could do that, you'll end up spending a lot more money, but you could do it. Move everyone out, compensate every property owner in the city, put everyone out of work until they can find jobs again, build an entire new port system. Good luck.

That's the thing, they did not work as the Corps said they would. I've already listed how. The corps said to trust them and we did, we didn't have any other option but to do so and they screwed us.

As for holding back Mother Nature, see "The Netherlands, the entire country of"

We have known that it would come for some time, and we did prepare, most people had flood insurance, 90% of the population left, everyone else with half a brain got to the highground. We trusted the Corps and the failed us, that was the reason Katrina was a disaster.

Mental states like mine>? How so? You mean my idea of, "building stronger levees," will cause Mother Nature to smite us again? How about, have the Corp do the job we paid our taxes so they could do it? Will that cause another tragedy? Your the one who wants to throw most of this city into poverty, maybe it's your head that needs to be examined...

My house is 12 ft above sea level. My Dad's house is 7 feet below, but built on an 8ft foundation. I'm prepared. Plus I really don't live hear anymore. I'm at school or doing internships most of the year.
GunnyL said:
No, I happen to agree with the reality and logic of "WHAT homes?" I also agree with the logic of building on higher ground.
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. A huge percentage of the city is already back, many are already rebuilding or have rebuilt their homes [/quote]
GunnyL said:
I spent half my life living at sea level. It never once occurred to me when we had hurricanes or other bad storms to demand a bail-out from the Federal government. I chose to live there. The responsibility was MINE.
Yea, because the Federal government had no involvement in evacuating and rebuilding from Rita.
GunnyL said:
It's all fine and dandy that you think NO is some cultural mecca, but in reality, it is not. I don't want my tax dollars spent rebuilding what was for the most part a crime-ridden slum, nor to bail out people who CHOSE to live below sea level. I mean geez, do you lefties EVER believe in personal accountability beyond applying it to all Republicans/conservatives?
Thet's what I'm preaching. The Corp needs to take responsibility for its mistake and build a real levee this time. The Corp said they'd do it, so let them.
Mr.Conley said:
So you think I should be sad that I haven't been mugged recently. I'm sorry, but I'm not suicidal or anything.
I don't know about you, but I'm rather happy that NO gangs have been scattered to the four corners. They're a greater threat to society together in groups. This threat has been greatly reduced because now they are on their own. Unless you want more people to die...

Yeah, I ESPECIALLY appreciate the fact that one of the first cities down I10 they came to was San Antonio. Nothing like throwing YOUR trash in MY lawn.

Sure you could do that, you'll end up spending a lot more money, but you could do it. Move everyone out, compensate every property owner in the city, put everyone out of work until they can find jobs again, build an entire new port system. Good luck.

There you go, always with the handout. Do ANY of you libs EVER do anything on your own, or does the Fed hold your hand cradle to grave?

That's the thing, they did not work as the Corps said they would. I've already listed how. The corps said to trust them and we did, we didn't have any other option but to do so and they screwed us.

Let's just overlook the fact that the only TRUE test was a -- you guessed it -- Cat 3 hurricane. If you have that much blind faith in structural engineers, you obviously don't know any.

As for holding back Mother Nature, see "The Netherlands, the entire country of"

If the Netherlands floods, I won't be surprised, and not one person in that country should.
We have known that it would come for some time, and we did prepare, most people had flood insurance, 90% of the population left, everyone else with half a brain got to the highground. We trusted the Corps and the failed us, that was the reason Katrina was a disaster.

Katrina was a disaster because your local and state politicians are incompetent, and y'all geniuses reelected one of them. Kudos to you. LOL.

Mental states like mine>? How so? You mean my idea of, "building stronger levees," will cause Mother Nature to smite us again? How about, have the Corp do the job we paid our taxes so they could do it? Will that cause another tragedy? Your the one who wants to throw most of this city into poverty, maybe it's your head that needs to be examined...

My house is 12 ft above sea level. My Dad's house is 7 feet below, but built on an 8ft foundation. I'm prepared. Plus I really don't live hear anymore. I'm at school or doing internships most of the year.

Why does the Federal government have to foot the bill and repair what is obviously a local problem for YOU? LA should be footing the bill, and putting all those poor, unfortunate unemployed "victims" to work hauling cement.
Jillian said:
Oh...we had equal and better meals, but never a better caesar salad.
Did you go to Galatoises?
jillian said:
And yeah, the guy went to Tulane. Loved it.
Great school. My dad loves teaching there. You know they actually had an pretty big increase in the number of applicants for the coming schoolyear? I read in the local newpaper that a lot of the applicants wanted to come rebuild the city as well as get an education.
Mr.Conley said:
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. A huge percentage of the city is already back, many are already rebuilding or have rebuilt their homes

Of course I don't. Typical liberal mindset. I don't agree; therefore, I either don't understand, or don't know what I'm talking about. Why don't you bring a few of those buses that sat vacant throughout the evacuation and hurricane on down I10 and pick up a few more of your residents?

Yea, because the Federal government had no involvement in evacuating and rebuilding from Rita.

Thet's what I'm preaching. The Corp needs to take responsibility for its mistake and build a real levee this time. The Corp said they'd do it, so let them.[/QUOTE]

No, Louisiana needs to take responsibility for its own damned levees and stop trying to share your damned woes and financial problems with the rest of us.
By Timothy Gardner

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Al Gore hopes to train 1,000 messengers he hopes will spread out across the country and present a slide show about global warming that captures the essence of his Hollywood documentary and book.

The former vice president, a Democrat, said on Monday that by the end of the summer he would start a bipartisan education campaign to train 1,000 people to give a version of his slide show on global warming featured in the film "An Inconvenient Truth" and book of the same name.

"This moment cannot be allowed to pass," Gore told reporters in New York. "I have seen and heard times before when the awareness of the climate crisis has peaked and then a few months later it's gone. I think this time is different, but I have to say I'm not certain of that."

The book is an expanded version of the film. Both are based on a slide show he has given more than 1,000 times over the past 30 years on the dangers of global warming. He says climate change is a crisis that has become a moral issue.

Most scientists believe carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat in the atmosphere leading to stronger storms and rising sea levels that could swamp low-lying islands by 2100.

Gore said all the profits from his film and the book will be donated to train the messengers. He said the carriers of the message will give the slide show at high schools and rotary clubs in the United States and around the world.

Gore said on Monday, as he has consistently, that he had no plans to run for president in 2008. He added that he would continue to give the slide show even as the messengers give their


Sorry that bolded line cracks me up:teeth:
Conley, care to explain why any more Federal tax dollars should go into NOLA when the funds which had been sent in years past for levee maintenance and strengthening were diverted to other "development" projects by your ELECTED politicians? Congress has consistently provided funds to the State of Louisiana, but the State of Louisiana has FAILED CONTINUOUSLY to spend the money properly (including diverting monies AWAY from ACOE projects). But I guess providing funding for the casinos and riverfront development was more important, eh?

BTW, if you had the courage of your rhetoric (I refuse to call your tripe "convictions") you'd be in NOLA rebuilding right now. Instead, you claim not to be around much and that your house is high and dry at 12 ft above sea level. How typically librull of you....
CockySOB said:
Conley, care to explain why any more Federal tax dollars should go into NOLA when the funds which had been sent in years past for levee maintenance and strengthening were diverted to other "development" projects by your ELECTED politicians? Congress has consistently provided funds to the State of Louisiana, but the State of Louisiana has FAILED CONTINUOUSLY to spend the money properly (including diverting monies AWAY from ACOE projects). But I guess providing funding for the casinos and riverfront development was more important, eh?
So you would screw over 500,000 people to get back at the state politicians who I've been saying should have been gone 50 years ago? That's nice.
CockySOB said:
BTW, if you had the courage of your rhetoric (I refuse to call your tripe "convictions") you'd be in NOLA rebuilding right now. Instead, you claim not to be around much and that your house is high and dry at 12 ft above sea level. How typically librull of you....
Tricky, tricky of you. First you try to put me down for not planning ahead, and when you find out your wrong, you try to flip it and try to make me seem like the devil because my parents planned ahead. Hahaha. Fortunately for me, I work and have worked with the Red Cross and the United Way at my college and the town its in to send back to NO. I'm willing to bet that's more than you did. That way I'm both getting the best education available in this country and helping the city. Good try, but your going to have to do more than that to paint me as a bad person. I really hope you did not mean what you just said with any seriousness cause what you just did was try to say that I don't care about my home, my family, my friends, or my life. That was definitly one of the most cold hearted things anyone has done on this board. Have a good time sleeping tonight.
GunnyL said:
Of course I don't. Typical liberal mindset. I don't agree; therefore, I either don't understand, or don't know what I'm talking about. Why don't you bring a few of those buses that sat vacant throughout the evacuation and hurricane on down I10 and pick up a few more of your residents?
You're not failing to understand, you're denying reality. I've shown you the facts, over 100,000 people are bac in the city, but you just kept saying that they weren't.
GunnyL said:
No, Louisiana needs to take responsibility for its own damned levees and stop trying to share your damned woes and financial problems with the rest of us.
Should the federal government help New York prepare for a terrorist attack? Should it have helped the 9/11 families after what happened?
Git the car key outta your ear, Conley!

It's not punishment to make the people who continuously elected corrupt officials deal with the aftermath. Should the rest of the country have to continue to pay for the stupidity of the majority of the population of NOLA? I say, "no!" Enough is enough.

Typical librull bullshit, you try to play a victim card for sympathy, and then demand more "assistance." The term for this, dear boy, is "entitlement" and it's a philosophy which DOES NOT WORK!
CockySOB said:
Git the car key outta your ear, Conley!
Sorry...what are you trying to say? Use your English coherently.
CockySOB said:
It's not punishment to make the people who continuously elected corrupt officials deal with the aftermath. Should the rest of the country have to continue to pay for the stupidity of the majority of the population of NOLA? I say, "no!" Enough is enough.
What about the half that didn't vote for them? What about all the rural people in northern Louisianna who voted in a way that screwed us. What about all the jobs and economic desolation that disbanding the city would bring? You want to do this by rendering a person's land and home, generally their primary source of capital via a mortgage, valueless. Every house in NO, from the 20 grand shack to the 7 million dollar mansion will become worthless. What are those people going to do now that you've obliterated all that value and all the money they put into buying that house and slowly paying off the mortgage? Because of you, it's gone, but they've still got to pay the remainder of the mortgage to the bank, but they'll need to get another loan for another house as well. But first they have to find work elsewhere, because their job in the city is gone. Why is it gone though? Because your vaunted do-nothing government failed to deliver on the levees, and then kicked them out of their homes and told them not to come back, but didn't do anything about the fact that you just made these people homeless, jobless, and unable to pay their debts.
CockySOB said:
If Gore was serious about the message, he'd put all the receipts, not simply to profits, towards "training the messengers."
Well he can't really do that because there are a couple of little things like 'paying the cameramen' or 'covering the cost of editing the film' and even something as trivial as 'giving the distributors their cut.' I mean he could not do any of those, but that's about 2 dozen lawsuits for breach of contract right there. Then he'd have to take all the profits from the movie and use them to fight the lawsuit, which he would lose, and then he'd have to use what's left for the settlement. So yea, he could do that, but it would be retarded.

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