Al Gore endorses Dean


Senior Member
Sep 28, 2003
Dec 8, 4:54 PM (ET)


MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Former Vice President Al Gore intends to endorse Howard Dean for the Democratic presidential nomination, a dramatic move that could cement Dean's position in the fight for the party's nod.

Gore, who lost to President Bush in the disputed 2000 election, has agreed to endorse Dean in Harlem in New York City on Tuesday and then travel with the former Vermont governor to Iowa, sight of the Jan. 19 caucuses which kickoff the nominating process, said a Democratic source close to Gore.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Dean will return from Iowa in time for Tuesday night's Democratic debate in New Hampshire.

Dean's campaign declined to comment.

Gore won the popular vote by half a million votes in 2000 but conceded to Republican Bush after a tumultuous 36-day recount in Florida and a 5-4 Supreme Court vote against him. Gore's concession came Dec. 13, 2000.

The endorsement comes just weeks after two key union endorsements boosted Dean's candidacy. Gore's approval adds further evidence to Dean's case that he can carry the party's mantle next November and is more than an Internet-driven outsider.

Dean leads in key early state polls in New Hampshire and Iowa, and is trying to persuade Democrats wary of his lack of foreign policy experience and missteps on the campaign that his nomination is all but certain.


Looks like Dean is in a very strong postition to recieve the nomination.
I wonder if Dukakis, Mondale, and McGovern, the Dems other losers, will also endorse Dean.

There's a great ad:

Endorsed by McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, and Gore!
not being one of THEM, if I were running for office I would try and get as far away from Mr.Gore as I could. wont be long before HE invented dean. which is all an well as I dont think any of them have half a chance get elected. I thank GOD everyday that G.W. is were he is instead of gore.:D
Originally posted by gop_jeff
I wonder if Dukakis, Mondale, and McGovern, the Dems other losers, will also endorse Dean.

There's a great ad:

Endorsed by McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, and Gore!
That's great Jeff. You can bet your ass Clinton will not be endorsing Dean. That is if he thinks Dean can win.
Although Al Gore is giving his endorsement to Dean, Dean should hope Al Gore does not give advise on winning Dean's homestate during the general election.
Posted by Jon
if I were running for office I would try and get as far away from Mr.Gore as I could. wont be long before HE invented dean.
not being one of THEM, if I were running for office I would try and get as far away from Mr.Gore as I could. wont be long before HE invented dean. which is all an well as I dont think any of them have half a chance get elected. I thank GOD everyday that G.W. is were he is instead of gore.

I think that you are forgetting that Bush STOLE the election, and Mr.Gore should be president(i lost all faith in the dems after they didn't even put up a fight), so i think that if the majority of americans supported Gore last time, then it can only help Dean.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
I think that you are forgetting that Bush STOLE the election,

Stealing is a criminal act, what charges have been brought forth as a result of this theft?

Don't feel bad for Mr. Gore, it's not as if he was left unemployed, he's still receiving royalties from his business called the 'internet'.

Watching these people claim Bush stole the election still squirming about it 3 years later cracks me up!
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
I think that you are forgetting that Bush STOLE the election, and Mr.Gore should be president(i lost all faith in the dems after they didn't even put up a fight), so i think that if the majority of americans supported Gore last time, then it can only help Dean.

Palestinian Jew... WELCOME TO DECEMBER 2003!!! Bush has now been our president for almost three years! Al Gore has not! Myabe you went into a coma three years ago and just woke up... but please get over it!
I can assure you I've am not and have never been in a coma. I always chuckle when i see this get over it BS. A man stole the presidency of the united states, the most powerful position in the world, and all conservatives have to say is "get over it". I guess i was just a little shocked, it was only a couple of years ago so its not like i should be passed it. hell, concentration camps used to be a big thing, but since it was more than 2 years ago,thus out of our recollection, we should all "get over it".

Its a pity that idealogues have become so popular and generated a lot of polarization in America.
I noticed you conveniently ignored my question, so I'll ask again.

What charges have been brought forth against this supposed criminal act? What was the result of these charges?
jim , I have noticed that some people dont like having to TRY AND FIND support for their flawed views
Back on topic, and a question. If Dean get the nomination will Bill or Hillary endorse Dean? Because that will be tough for them to do, Dean wants to change leadership in the DNC. That means goodby to Bill's buddy MacAuliffe. Without MacAuliffe in 2008, less support in the DNC for Hillary in 2008.
I dunno who I want to laugh at more... Dean because Gore is backing him, or Lieberman being pissing mad.

Ahhh... those Democrats. Always good for a laugh.

Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 12:51 a.m. EST
Hillary Aides in Dean-bashing Blitz

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton has launched a behind-the-scenes campaign to pressure fellow Democrats not to support presidential front-runner Howard Dean – a move some say raises new questions about her own intentions in 2004.

Aides to Sen. Clinton have begun contacting party movers and shakers in a bid to discredit Dean and dispel the notion that the Vermont Democrat has the nomination sewn up.

"Hillary Clinton's people – and I know, I get these calls all the time – call and bash on Dean," Democratic strategist Bob Beckel told Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" late Wednesday. Beckel managed Walter Mondale's unsuccessful 1984 presidential bid.

Mrs. Clinton's husband has apparently joined in the effort, with the Rev. Al Sharpton revealing late Wednesday that he was contacted by the former president in the wake of Al Gore's endorsement of Dean.

Sharpton, however, denied to MSNBC's "Hardball" that the top Democrat engaged in any Dean trashing. "President Clinton has not talked to me about a battle with the Gore[-Dean] gang. President Clinton and I, as he has with other candidates, talked about how you beat George Bush."

Still, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Clinton doubts Dean will be able to transform himself into a centrist candidate who can win votes in the Midwest and South. Democrats "close" to Clinton have "grown increasingly critical" of Dean, added the Washington Times.

Democratic National Committee Chairman and Clinton confidant Terry McAuliffe said Tuesday that "he was shocked" by Gore's decision to back the Vermont Democrat. While acknowledging that the endorsement was "a tremendous boost for Governor Dean," he warned on CNN, "it does not, however, mean that Dean has the nomination wrapped up."

Even before Gore's surprise Dean endorsement, at least two former senior Clinton aides were publicly blasting Dean as unelectable. Former White House chief of staff Leon Panetta told the Washington Times over the Thanksgiving weekend, "There clearly are concerns about Dean's ability to appeal to the entire country, particularly on national security issues."

A week before, former Clinton deputy White House chief of staff Harold Ickes slammed Dean to Time magazine, complaining that the Democratic front-runner was "quick of lip, and quick of temper and stubborn."

Ickes also seized on Dean's comments about wanting the votes of Confederate flag-bearing Southerners, saying, "In another time, the Confederate-flag story would have taken him down the drain."

The Clinton camp's anti-Dean blitzkrieg had one longtime Clinton watcher scratching his head. "If the Clintons want the Dems to lose next year so Hillary has a shot at an open seat in '08, they should be happy that Dean looks like a sure loser," he told NewsMax on background. "If that's the strategy, they should be boosting Dean, not bashing him."

Meanwhile, an organization formed to draft Sen. Clinton into the presidential race announced plans this week to launch an advertising blitz in New Hampshire urging Granite State Democats to write in Sen. Clinton's name in the state's Jan. 27 primary. organizer Bob Kunst told the New York Sun he plans to run 60 television commercials in three New Hampshire cities this week on Sen. Clinton's behalf. Though the commercials won't be expensive prime-time productions - they're slated to run after midnight on CNN's Headline News channel - it's not clear how Kunst was able to finance such a substantial media buy.

Kunst told the Sun he is encouraged that Mrs. Clinton, who has denied she wants to run next year, has made no effort to shut him down.

whether or not the election was "stolen", an endorsement from Gore does bear some weight. More than half of the voters in that election voted for Gore did they not?
I look for for her royal highness to enter the ring very shortly..... so much for the 9 lil dems and the would be king maker. from what I have seen and heard about dean he is as wishy-washy as gore, flips around like a fish out of water. yes, I did that but now Its different. give me a break
Originally posted by Aquarian
whether or not the election was "stolen", an endorsement from Gore does bear some weight. More than half of the voters in that election voted for Gore did they not?

No, they did not. Gore received only 49% of the vote. And regardless, the people do not elect the President, the Electoral College does.

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