Al Jazeera Notes Moslem Coalition Likely Needed Quick Counter To Isil Claims, Obama-led


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
GOP and other pundits appear to have been caught off guard following the sudden appearance of Moslems directly supporting Barack Obama, against ISIL. They easily forget that Obama had not been too thrilled with the remarks of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who had been awake at the time(!)(?). A lot of the GOP base, however, thinks Obama is from the Middle East, lock, stock, and religion.

Al Jazeera finally quotes a reporter in Baghdad as suggesting the timing of the raid was likely a counter to ISIL public relations widespread on the social media. Mideast Government directed their own counter public relations offensive: With a front-page level event. That would be the message of Day One of the newer strategy.

US and allies strike ISIL targets in Syria - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

From having no apparent definable strategy against ISIL of its own, then suddenly the administration had created the perception of support of an entire region in a strategy against ISIL, of their own.

So in the way of Nobel "Peace," level prizes--there being no peace, apparent, anywhere on earth--then self-determination of local peoples became the regional replacement. The "Arab Spring," had regressed into regional and tribal, area differences. Now there are on-going, national government offensives. That too--a counter to the "Arab Spring" disintegration--may also be in play. Likely the Nobel Committee can settle on the more usual concept of religious peace, following the Moses Atrocity. Moses had created Deuteronomy 23:19-20, possibly noting that Code of Hammurabi--a few hundred years before--had created indentured slavery as a response to local inabilities to repay debts. "Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill All The Earth. . . .And Screw 'Em!" could be said the likely strategy. What Moses may have noted was a way, of letting the foreign. . .do their will.

Moslems mainly reject usury, in comparison, altogether. That comes after the Jesus lessons, in Matthew 20:1-16, and Matthew 25:14-30. The first story describes an inverse of usury. The second story describes famous usury as always, like in the recent foreclosure crisis. The basis was possibly in a Cosmos more likely Greco-Roman. Greece and Rome had managed to twice conquer Israel, not too thrilled with the foreign.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Where they find a will, even Bank of Dubai finds a way. . . .moving along!)
It's great to once again have a cerebral president instead of an idiot warmonger.
In New Hampshire, Scott Brown is reportedly airing a brand new ad just today: Portraying the Democrats--specifically Obama-- as confused about what to do about ISIL and the others. It is not clear if it has been pulled, yet.

In measured tones Scott Brown attacks Jeanne Shaheen on foreign policy in new ad - Metro - The Boston Globe

The Obama Presidential approval ratings are heading toward the upper 40's as of yesterday.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Her Majesty's government may now take on ISIL, having so wonderfully well succeeded in the matter of Scotland(?)!)
Considering Obama and other western leaders have been supporting the overthrow of Assad and allowing this power vacuum to occur in Syria it's only fitting that Obama leads the way to clean up the mess he and others created. There's a lot of blame to go around for giving the world IS and al Nusra.

Kudos to him and the Administration for finally twisting those sons of bitches arms in the Gulf to help him clean up though. I'll give them credit for that.

They're the freaking shit disturbers so it's only right that they pitched in. Those bastards have been trying overthrow Assad for so long we're stuck with IS.

Cripes the fools we have for leaders letting the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood do the arms smuggling and vetting the terrorists errrr rebels was a huge whoopsies.

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition
Published: June 21, 2012 314 Comments

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.
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Fascinating that Obama now has bombed a total of seven (7, libs) countries as opposed to Bush having bombed four (4, libs). So that warranted a peace prize for the champion bomber!

Fascinating that Obama now has bombed a total of seven (7, libs) countries as opposed to Bush having bombed four (4, libs). So that warranted a peace prize for the champion bomber!


Time began in January 2009. Yes it did. Yep.
So the F-22 appears able to fly. Apparently the raids agains ISIL were planes from MidEast nations. The United States went after the Al Qaeda group, using the F-22's. Instead of a lot of pilots nodding off, apparently an Al Qaeda leader, called "The Turk," was killed off instead.

Washington, D.C., can even now point with pride to so many, who did not lose consciousness, and even from America(?)!.

A problem-plagued plane hits ISIS F-22 enters combat -

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes world famous for finding ways for many to lose consciousness, even not on Lands of Many Nations!")

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