Al Qaeda Terrorists At Guantanamo Treated Better Than Our Vets


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Here’s another secret the White House doesn’t want you to know about the VA. Al Qaeda detainees get better medical treatment than our veterans.

Say what? :cuckoo:

Read more @ Al Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo treated better than our vets | Fox News
Congress says no to bringin' Gitmo detainees to the U.S....

Congress OKs Bill Banning Guantanamo Detainees from US
Nov 10, 2015 | WASHINGTON — Congress sent President Barack Obama a $607 billion defense policy bill Tuesday that bans moving Guantanamo Bay detainees to the United States — something Obama has been trying to do since he was sworn in as president.
The Senate's 91-3 vote gave final legislative approval to the measure. The House overwhelmingly passed it last week, 370-58. Obama does not like the Guantanamo provisions, but White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Obama will sign the bill. "The president believes closing that prison is a national security priority. The president is not the only person that shares that view," Earnest said, citing former secretaries of state who served in both Republican and Democratic administrations.


Guantanamo guards keep watch over a cell block with detainees in Camp 6 maximum-security facility, at Guantanamo Bay U.S. NavalBase, Cuba.​

Earnest said that Obama's decision to sign the bill — because it includes provisions that are important to running and protecting the country — does not change his position about wanting to close the prison. Obama vetoed an earlier version of the defense policy bill over a dispute, later resolved, about whether defense spending increases should be accompanied by boosts in domestic programs.

Among other things, the bill would:
Here’s another secret the White House doesn’t want you to know about the VA. Al Qaeda detainees get better medical treatment than our veterans.

Say what?

Right. So why is Gitmo still open 14 years after 9/11?
why else would the RWs insist we keep the most expensive prison in the world up and running full steam ahead . They hate our vets.
And where are the military tribunals we were promised?

That's the problem, you can't have them.

There was one of two LEGAL ways to treat these guys.

First is the criminal justice system for those involved in terror attacks on American soil. That would mean they get lawyers, they get to challenge evidence, they get to do all the things criminal defendents do. Except most of these guys were not committing crimes in the US.

The other way to treat them was as prisoners of war. That means they are entitled to the right not to talk to investigators, and you have to let them go when hostilities are ended. The problem here is, when do hostilities end in a war against an emotional state?

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