Al-Qaida Calls for Holy War Against Israel


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader issued a worldwide call in a new videotape released Thursday for Muslims to rise up in a holy war against Israel and join the fighting in Lebanon and Gaza until Islam reigns from "Spain to Iraq."

In the message broadcast by Al-Jazeera television, Ayman al-Zawahri, second in command to Osama bin Laden, said that al-Qaida now views "all the world as a battlefield open in front of us."

The Egyptian-born physician said that the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah and Palestinian militants would not be ended with "cease-fires or agreements."

"It is a Jihad for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails ... from Spain to Iraq," al-Zawahri said. "We will attack everywhere." Spain was controlled by Arab Muslims until they were driven from power at the turn of the 16th century.

He also said that Arab regimes were complicit in Israeli fighting against Hezbollah and the Palestinians. "My fellow Muslims, it is obvious that Arab and Islamic governments are not only impotent but also complicit ... and you are alone on the battlefield. Rely on God and fight your enemies ... make yourselves martyrs."

Al-Zawahri wore a gray robe and white turban in the video. A picture of the burning World Trade Center was on the wall behind him along with photos of two other militants. One appeared to be a bearded Mohammed Atta, the Egyptian ringleader of the Sept. 11 attacks. The other was Mohammed Atef, also known as Abu Hafs al-Masri, a former top lieutenant of bin Laden who was killed in a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan in November 2001.

The Arab satellite station did not transmit the entire tape, using instead selected quotes interspersed with commentary from an anchor.

An Al-Jazeera official speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters said the full tape was about eight mintues long. The satellite channel aired only about half the message. It would not say how it received the tape.

"The shells and rockets ripping apart Muslim bodies in Gaza and Lebanon are not only Israeli (weapons), but are supplied by all the countries of the crusader coalition. Therefore, every participant in the crime will pay the price," al-Zawahri said.

"We cannot just watch these shells as they burn our brothers in Gaza and Lebanon and stand by idly, humiliated," he added.

The message was al-Zawahri's tenth this year. Bin Laden has issued five messages in a particularly active year of messages from the top al-Qaida leadership.

Al-Zawahri last appeared in a video posted on an Islamic Web site on the one-year anniversary of the train bombings in London. In the July 7 tape, he said two of the four suicide bombers in London had spent time in an al-Qaida training camp, preparing themselves for a suicide mission.

The two top al-Qaida leaders also paid tribute in June to the slain leader of their Iraq network, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, in separate recordings. Many of their messages this year have dealt with current events in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia.

Another new audio or video message from bin Laden had also expected in the past week on the fighting in Gaza and Lebanon, according to IntelCenter, a U.S.-based independent group that provides counterterrorism information to the U.S. government and media. However, no messages have appeared on Islamic Web sites to announce the release.

Al-Qaida's media production wing, Al-Sahab, had announced the al-Zawahri tape would be ready soon in a message earlier Thursday on an Islamic Web site.

Al-Zawahri said Muslims everywhere must rise up to attack "crusaders and Zionists" and support jihad (holy war) "until American troops are chased from Afghanistan and Iraq, paralyzed and impotent ... having paid the price for aggression against Muslims and support for Israel."

Israel began an offensive on Gaza days after Palestinian militants captured an Israeli soldier on June 25. It opened a second front in Lebanon after Hezbollah guerillas killed eight Israeli soldiers and captured two others on July 12.

Since fighting began between Israel and Hezbollah, at least 424 people have been killed in Lebanon, according to figures compiled from the Lebanese Health Ministry, the military and Hezbollah. Fifty-one Israelis have been killed, including 33 members of the military, according to Israeli authorities.
"It is a Jihad for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails ... from Spain to Iraq," al-Zawahri said.

Sounds much like a fascist ideal to me.
rtwngAvngr said:
So does worldwide noahidism. :dunno:

Let's be balanced.

You're way ahead of the curve. People an't even get the fact that the US is in a war with terrorism. Frustrating isn't it?
dilloduck said:
You're way ahead of the curve. People an't even get the fact that the US is in a war with terrorism. Frustrating isn't it?

They came for the nationalists, but I did nothing, because I'm a good global citizen. Then they came for the muslims, but I did nothing because I was not a muslim. And when they came for me ...
What should we do then? Zionism may be wrong, but does it justify the terror tactics used against them?
theHawk said:
What should we do then? Zionism may be wrong, but does it justify the terror tactics used against them?

Let's recognize that israeli claims to the land are just as faith based as the reasoning behind the global caliphate. It's only been 50 yrs. since this all started, this is to be expected. And it IS inflaming the muslim world, and it IS making them all hate us for supporting israel. The best thing we can do for OUR nation is to stop all immigration of muslims into our country, it's a theocratic bloodthirsty religion. Is this solution ok with the jews? Or must america be made less white, as they insist? And lastly, should their opinion matter, since their main concern is their own interest?
Wars of conquest for land were supposed to have ended with the establishment of the U.N. Not that I'm so pro u.n., but once again, jews want an exception for their behavior.
rtwngAvngr said:
Let's recognize that israeli claims to the land are just as faith based as the reasoning behind the global caliphate. It's only been 50 yrs. since this all started, this is to be expected.

50 years eh? Try again. Amazing how anti-Semites like yourself all think alike,i.e. the Jews are the problem solely. Tell me you're not really Pat Buchannan are you?
Rico said:
rtwngAvngr said:
Let's recognize that israeli claims to the land are just as faith based as the reasoning behind the global caliphate. It's only been 50 yrs. since this all started, this is to be expected.

50 years eh? Try again. Amazing how anti-Semites like yourself all think alike,i.e. the Jews are the problem solely. Tell me you're not really Pat Buchannan are you?

I never said the jews are the problem solely. I said their claims to the land are just as faith based as any other claims to the land, just as our "manifest destiny" claims to north america. Land has always been fought for throughout human history. Let the jews fight for it. They are not exempt from reality or the consequences of their actions.
And actually, letting them fight for it is the Bush policy as well. We've already armed them to the teeth. Must we sacrifice our boys as well? Hell no.
I fail to see the need to accuse RWA of being an "anti-semite" just because he isn't Pro-Zionist.

This was a 'quagmire' started by the U.N., the islamists have a right to be angry, but they don't have a right to kill innocent with terror attacks.

This is NOT our war just because Hezbollah uses terror and we are supposedly in a "War on Terror".
rtwngAvngr said:
And actually, letting them fight for it is the Bush policy as well. We've already armed them to the teeth. Must we sacrifice our boys as well? Hell no.

AS I've said before, our boys are already making sacrifices in the WOT in Iraq and Afghanistan. Like it or not, the enemy that Israel has engaged are also the enemy of the US and funded by the enemies of the US. Our enemies see Israel and the US as allies. Whatever Israel does to thier enemies helps the US. This does NOT however mean that Israel has the best interests of the US in mind when they are fighting. They fight for the survival of Israel and are happy to see us militarily engaged with thier enemies who want them wiped off the map.
Are we fighting Israels war? Perhaps. Is Israel helping the US in the war on terror by engaging Hamas and the Hizbullys in Palestine and Lebanon? I think so.
rtwngAvngr said:
Wars of conquest for land were supposed to have ended with the establishment of the U.N. Not that I'm so pro u.n., but once again, jews want an exception for their behavior.

Exception for what behavior? Defending their country? Israel has the right to exist, don't you agree?
ScreamingEagle said:
Exception for what behavior? Defending their country? Israel has the right to exist, don't you agree?

They want to seize territory and seem suprised when the people they seized it from aren't happy. Let's not pretend this is suprising. They have a right to exist if they keep winning. Nation building is blood sport, nobody gets a free pass.
I don't think the existence of Israel has a major impact either way on the rest of the world.
theHawk said:
I fail to see the need to accuse RWA of being an "anti-semite" just because he isn't Pro-Zionist.

This was a 'quagmire' started by the U.N., the islamists have a right to be angry, but they don't have a right to kill innocent with terror attacks.

This is NOT our war just because Hezbollah uses terror and we are supposedly in a "War on Terror".
Two questions for anyone:

1. If Israel were to stop defending itself, what would happen? If the Arabs stopped attacking Israel, what would happen?

2. If Israel is destroyed, would the terror threat to US be substantially diminished? Would peace reign in the Middle East?
Kathianne said:
Two questions for anyone:

2. If Israel is destroyed, would the terror threat to US be substantially diminished? Would peace reign in the Middle East?

If Israel isn't destroyed would the terror threat to the US be substantially diminished? Would peace reign in the middle east?
As long as there are countries who refuse to accept the existance of Israel there will be war. The Muslims hold all the cards unless someone blows the shit out of them or they accept Israels existence. I don't see Israel doing any land grabs here.
rtwngAvngr said:
If Israel isn't destroyed would the terror threat to the US be substantially diminished? Would peace reign in the middle east?
I asked my question first, answer, then I'll respond. I have to leave in 5 minutes for work, so probably will be this evening.

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