Al-Qaida Calls for Holy War Against Israel

Kathianne said:
Two questions for anyone:

1. If Israel were to stop defending itself, what would happen? If the Arabs stopped attacking Israel, what would happen?

2. If Israel is destroyed, would the terror threat to US be substantially diminished? Would peace reign in the Middle East?

1. They would probably be killed off. I doubt the Arabs would stop, they hold too much anger and hatred towards Israel.

2. If the Islamic extremists still believe US is the ally of Israel then attacks would be step on us, a victory would embolden them. Unless we are out of the region by the time that happens, doubt there would be peace.
Kathianne said:
I asked my question first, answer, then I'll respond. I have to leave in 5 minutes for work, so probably will be this evening.

It really doesn't matter either way. In fact, our support of israel is probably making things worse. AND this is NOT saying that abandoning israel would stop all terrorism, it wouldn't. A theocratic bloody religion is always a bloody theocratic religion.
theHawk said:
1. They would probably be killed off. I doubt the Arabs would stop, they hold too much anger and hatred towards Israel.

2. If the Islamic extremists still believe US is the ally of Israel then attacks would be step on us, a victory would embolden them. Unless we are out of the region by the time that happens, doubt there would be peace.

Isreal will not be destroyed without Damascus, Tehran and other possible sites being nuked. Who ever is left may think twice about continued conflict.
I wanna know which neocon is ready to send our boys to occupy southern lebanon? Any of you?
dilloduck said:
Isreal will not be destroyed without Damascus, Tehran and other possible sites being nuked. Who ever is left may think twice about continued conflict.

Then by all means, let Israel destroy them.

If the Zionists want their land, they need to do whats neccessary to keep it. Let them deal with the repercussions. I think thats what RWA was trying to say earlier.
theHawk said:
Then by all means, let Israel destroy them.

If the Zionists want their land, they need to do whats neccessary to keep it. Let them deal with the repercussions. I think thats what RWA was trying to say earlier.

I certainly wouldn't advocate stopping Israel from killing thier AND our enemies. I just hope they appreciate all the help the American taxpayer has been.
dilloduck said:
I just hope they appreciate all the help the American taxpayer has been.

We already know they don't. They continually advocate for open borders and trade policies designed to ensure our dependance on totalitarian china.
rtwngAvngr said:
We already know they don't. They continually advocate for open borders and trade policies designed to ensure our dependance on totalitarian china.

Those issues can be dealt with separately don't you think? Why not get our moneys' worth out of them but encouraging them to kill and degrade terrorists ? (You fighting a 2 front war here)
dilloduck said:
Those issues can be dealt with separately don't you think? Why not get our moneys' worth out of them but encouraging them to kill and degrade terrorists ? (You fighting a 2 front war here)

Do they really need us to encourage them to do that?
dilloduck said:
Those issues can be dealt with separately don't you think? Why not get our moneys' worth out of them but encouraging them to kill and degrade terrorists ? (You fighting a 2 front war here)

They signify the esteem jews hold for america, wanting us to be overrun with mexicans and dependant upon totalitarians. You were wondering about their gratitude.
rtwngAvngr said:
It really doesn't matter either way. In fact, our support of israel is probably making things worse. AND this is NOT saying that abandoning israel would stop all terrorism, it wouldn't. A theocratic bloody religion is always a bloody theocratic religion.

So you acknowledge that this is much more than just a fight over some land?
A holy war means a lot more than just a territorial fight.

If Islam is pitted against the western world, why shouldn't we support Israel? Same as Iraq? Wouldn't it be better to bloody their noses over there?
ScreamingEagle said:
So you acknowledge that this is much more than just a fight over some land?
A holy war means a lot more than just a territorial fight.

If Islam is pitted against the western world, why shouldn't we support Israel? Same as Iraq? Wouldn't it be better to bloody their noses over there?

Israel is not in the western world. I think our support of israel is making whatever overt or latent theocratic tendencies in the religion of islam come to the fore. I think we should stop all immigration into the west from any islamic nation, and expel any radical islamists. What's wrong with that? Oh the jews say it's racist? We MUST allow it or we're bad? Bullsnap.
This looks like the perfect solution:

Unfortunately that may be the only solution.

But should we drop it and have all that blood on our hands, or should the Zionists do it themselves?
rtwngAvngr said:
If Israel isn't destroyed would the terror threat to the US be substantially diminished? Would peace reign in the middle east?
No, no. However, to answer my own questions:

Originally Posted by Kathianne
Two questions for anyone:

1. If Israel were to stop defending itself, what would happen? If the Arabs stopped attacking Israel, what would happen?

2. If Israel is destroyed, would the terror threat to US be substantially diminished? Would peace reign in the Middle East?

1. Israel would be destroyed. Nothing, nada, and the bombings would cease. Trade would reopen eventually, like before.

2. No, no.
rtwngAvngr said:
Israel is not in the western world. I think our support of israel is making whatever overt or latent theocratic tendencies in the religion of islam come to the fore. I think we should stop all immigration into the west from any islamic nation, and expel any radical islamists. What's wrong with that? Oh the jews say it's racist? We MUST allow it or we're bad? Bullsnap.

Definition of the West - Israel
Some people add Israel to the Western civilization, as about 2/3 of all Jews worldwide live in the West, as the Western culture is rooted in a Jewish-Christian tradition, because the Jewish community has strong historical and cultural ties with Europe, and because of Israeli membership of European organizations (like UEFA and the Eurovision song contest).

I don't see anything wrong with stopping immigration from islamic nations and expelling radical islamists. We're long overdue for protecting ourselves and especially now since their leaders have actually declared a holy war against us. Of course not only are the liberal jews against closing our borders but ALL the idiotic lefties are against it because they think it's "discrimination". Why do you just blame the jews? It's easy to understand why jews are sensitive to racial discrimination, however, what's the excuse for the rest of the lefties?
ScreamingEagle said:
Definition of the West - Israel
Some people add Israel to the Western civilization, as about 2/3 of all Jews worldwide live in the West, as the Western culture is rooted in a Jewish-Christian tradition, because the Jewish community has strong historical and cultural ties with Europe, and because of Israeli membership of European organizations (like UEFA and the Eurovision song contest).

I don't see anything wrong with stopping immigration from islamic nations and expelling radical islamists. We're long overdue for protecting ourselves and especially now since their leaders have actually declared a holy war against us. Of course not only are the liberal jews against closing our borders but ALL the idiotic lefties are against it because they think it's "discrimination". Why do you just blame the jews? It's easy to understand why jews are sensitive to racial discrimination, however, what's the excuse for the rest of the lefties?

My guess would be because the thread is about Israel or are you just looking for ANOTHER excuse to call him anti-semitic ?
ScreamingEagle said:
Definition of the West - Israel
Some people add Israel to the Western civilization, as about 2/3 of all Jews worldwide live in the West, as the Western culture is rooted in a Jewish-Christian tradition, because the Jewish community has strong historical and cultural ties with Europe, and because of Israeli membership of European organizations (like UEFA and the Eurovision song contest).

I don't see anything wrong with stopping immigration from islamic nations and expelling radical islamists. We're long overdue for protecting ourselves and especially now since their leaders have actually declared a holy war against us. Of course not only are the liberal jews against closing our borders but ALL the idiotic lefties are against it because they think it's "discrimination". Why do you just blame the jews? It's easy to understand why jews are sensitive to racial discrimination, however, what's the excuse for the rest of the lefties?

Western Civilization is based nearly exclusively on hellenized christianity. Judaism has inserted inself into this majestic heritage, and is now seeking to destroy it with the dark ages mentality of their totalitarian Noahide Laws.

Jews are for discrimination though. Discrimination against white people. Most liberals are too. Jews are responsible for the massive brainwash convincing white people that unless they agree to discrimination against themselves, they are racist. THAT is insanity. Affirmative Action is racism against white people.

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