Al Sharpton: We Need Proper Policing, Not Defunding Police

What we need is proper conduct from all black males
Got all these black women as mayors and they know Exactky what their male counterparts do-hit and run leaving behind the same discombobulated mess that they were left behind as.
Instead they are talking white man and police bad bullshit
listen to the absurd spin.

Statistically its no worse but on the ground it looks worse???

In a true survival situation in a general sense for us all, Sharpton would be useless as a human being. At one time he may have been redeemable.
What a racist statement!

I've been expecting to see more of this. The vast majority of blacks aren't thugs and criminals. Most of them appreciate the work the police do, even if they hate the racism that plagues the system. They've also had their fill of PC platitudes. If any thing, the police need better funding. We just need to make sure it's accompanied by better training and more scrutiny - more efforts to weed out the bad apples.
I'm all for acknowledging multiple things on this.
- police need better training, physically to combat violence and mentally to at least try and deescalate situations. Some of these officers seem too timid or indecisive on acting accordingly.
- the corrupt media has to STOP jumping to instant conclusions and later turning lousy criminals into saintly martyrs, as appropriate..
- black people from the age of 8 through 60 need extreme reeducation on respecting authority and understanding the simple reality of the below information:

All of this can't happen unless law enforcement receive more funding, not less or none.
I'm all for acknowledging multiple things on this.
- police need better training, physically to combat violence and mentally to at least try and deescalate situations. Some of these officers seem too timid or indecisive on acting accordingly.
- the corrupt media has to STOP jumping to instant conclusions and later turning lousy criminals into saintly martyrs, as appropriate..
- black people from the age of 8 through 60 need extreme reeducation on respecting authority and understanding the simple reality of the below information:

All of this can't happen unless law enforcement receive more funding, not less or none.

Police don’t need better training. Courts need to start doing their jobs.
I'm all for acknowledging multiple things on this.
- police need better training, physically to combat violence and mentally to at least try and deescalate situations. Some of these officers seem too timid or indecisive on acting accordingly.
- the corrupt media has to STOP jumping to instant conclusions and later turning lousy criminals into saintly martyrs, as appropriate..
- black people from the age of 8 through 60 need extreme reeducation on respecting authority and understanding the simple reality of the below information:

All of this can't happen unless law enforcement receive more funding, not less or none.

Police don’t need better training. Courts need to start doing their jobs.

The "video stars" we've seen lately clearly need training and/or supervision. We need to know they have the capacity to prevent the kinds of shitshows we've been seeing. Clearly, some of them don't.
If someone hangs around long enough they finally make sense. Sharpton said we don't need to defund police.
We need proper policing. And we don't need prosecutors and judges that simply turn criminals back out onto the streets.
What a racist statement!

In fairness Sharpton is a race baiting idiot, and, he probably owes something to someone. Whenever he talks, I wonder "what's this guys agenda or conflict of interest"? Same feeling I'd get when Don King would speak about his love for America. Maybe it's authentic, but you know he's got something cooking.

As an aside, has Sharpton paid his multi-million dollar tax debt? The answer might provide some insight.
I'm all for acknowledging multiple things on this.
- police need better training, physically to combat violence and mentally to at least try and deescalate situations. Some of these officers seem too timid or indecisive on acting accordingly.
- the corrupt media has to STOP jumping to instant conclusions and later turning lousy criminals into saintly martyrs, as appropriate..
- black people from the age of 8 through 60 need extreme reeducation on respecting authority and understanding the simple reality of the below information:

All of this can't happen unless law enforcement receive more funding, not less or none.

Police don’t need better training. Courts need to start doing their jobs.

The police probably could do with better training, and black people have got to stop resisting arrest and giving the cops a reason to suspect you have a weapon that you could use against them. Seems like a lot of the time these guys are out on parole and don't want to go back in, but that is still better than getting shot and maybe killed. And here's an idea: don't get yourself in any kind of trouble where the cops might be called on you. IOW, stay the fuck out of trouble.

The other thing is, the police unions have pretty much made it next to impossible to get rid of a bad cop. It's ridiculous, the police get all sorts of breaks that no one else gets as far as prosecution or getting fired. It's got to be legit, but bad cops have got to be removed from the force. And right now, that ain't happening and you can thank the democrats who run our cities and are supposed to be doing just that.
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I'm all for acknowledging multiple things on this.
- police need better training, physically to combat violence and mentally to at least try and deescalate situations. Some of these officers seem too timid or indecisive on acting accordingly.
- the corrupt media has to STOP jumping to instant conclusions and later turning lousy criminals into saintly martyrs, as appropriate..
- black people from the age of 8 through 60 need extreme reeducation on respecting authority and understanding the simple reality of the below information:

All of this can't happen unless law enforcement receive more funding, not less or none.

Police don’t need better training. Courts need to start doing their jobs.

The police probably could do with better training, and black people have got to stop resisting arrest and giving the cops a reason to suspect you have a weapon that you could use against them. Seems like a lot of the time these guys are out on parole and don't want to go back in, but that is still better than getting shot and maybe killed. And here's an idea: don't get yourself in any kind of trouble where the cops might be called on you. IOW, stay the fuck out of trouble.

Humans are humans. Can’t take that out of the equation.
I'm all for acknowledging multiple things on this.
- police need better training, physically to combat violence and mentally to at least try and deescalate situations. Some of these officers seem too timid or indecisive on acting accordingly.
- the corrupt media has to STOP jumping to instant conclusions and later turning lousy criminals into saintly martyrs, as appropriate..
- black people from the age of 8 through 60 need extreme reeducation on respecting authority and understanding the simple reality of the below information:

All of this can't happen unless law enforcement receive more funding, not less or none.

Training isn't going to help someone who has bad character, fortitude or principles. Also, finding the best police shouldn't be nepotism or an "all in the family" affair. The best chance you have to find the best candidate starts with H.R, it must be objective, but it's not in Canada. It's a high paid racket.

You know what comment I think should NOT be blindly accepted as a positive? "I wanted to be a cop because my dad was a cop". Great kid, your dads policing is not what we want. We also want people who want to become a cop because it's the right occupation for them and they can do their part to uphold the law and protect citizens. Not as in Canada, because you make more money than a Phd grad in nuclear physics and the danger is far lower.

I know multiple plain clothed cops who had some of the worst character in high school. Complete scumbags who would sell out their mother for a payday. These A-holes have ruined our country, and they will ruin yours too if you don't say "keep bad apples out of our forces" and don't allow dirtbags who were full of shyte as teens to become "Upstanding officers".

Just putting on a uniform and a badge doesn't automatically make you a great person. It means, you passed H.Rs requirements, whatever they may be.
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Defunding the police hasn't been of much interest to me. I totally agree with Sharpton's attitude that it is a local matter that's up to each community. In general regarding any federal subsidy being handed out, I hate to see the cycle of money going off to Washington and then handed back out to whoever has favor with the president and/or congress. For any federal police subsidy a minimum standard amount of spending per capita to qualify for eligibility wouldn't be unreasonable just so we don't have federal bucks replacing what should be local bucks.
Defunding the police hasn't been of much interest to me. I totally agree with Sharpton's attitude that it is a local matter that's up to each community. In general regarding any federal subsidy being handed out, I hate to see the cycle of money going off to Washington and then handed back out to whoever has favor with the president and/or congress. For any federal police subsidy a minimum standard amount of spending per capita to qualify for eligibility wouldn't be unreasonable just so we don't have federal bucks replacing what should be local bucks.

To me, policing is a local or state matter. The F.B.I is a federal matter. In the U.S, your Federal Standard should be your Constitution and Bill of Rights. In Canada, it's our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

I understand why Trump piggybacks off the policing issue, as well he should. I always say, "stay balanced and you can dance whomever you want". In other words, "we respect and support peaceful, meaningful protests, we respect good officers of the law who uphold their duty to their communities, while respecting the rights of ALL citizens, regardless of race. We do not support bad apples, be they in the police or anyone rioting".

He has an easy opening with Bidens '94 Crime Bill and Harris time as AG. A GIFT really. He has to embrace it and make inroads into voters he didn't have in 2016. Why work so hard for Justice Reform, First Steps Act and Opportunity Zones if you are going to allow MSM to paint you as a fascist? It's election season, he has to be smart.
Here is who needs to be trained
Black males to keep their zipper closed and if you can’t then be a man and don’t run when a baby results
Implement that training and no other will be needed.

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