Alabama Democrat lawmaker's racist e-mail rant to constituent


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Time for this guy to go. Clearly he has no intentions of treating all of his constituents equally. Anyone come across this in the MSM ?

Joe Mitchell, Alabama Democrat, Sends Email Blasting Constituent's 'Slave-Holding, Murdering' Kin

Alabama State Rep. Joe Mitchell (D-Mobile) raised eyebrows on Wednesday after a local blog picked up an email he had sent to a constituent blasting the man's "slave-holding, murdering, baby-raping, incestuous" ancestors.

The Alabama conservative blog Yellow Hammer Politics reported that Mitchell, who is black, sent the racially charged email to Alabama resident Eddie Maxwell in January in response to a mass letter Maxwell sent to state legislators demanding they “not violate [their] oath of office by introducing additional gun control bills or by allowing those already enacted to remain in the body of our laws.”

Roughly one hour later, Mitchell responded to Maxwell with the following email:

Hey man. You have used the word ‘except’ when I think you mean somethin’ else.
Hey man. Your folk never used all this sheit [sic] to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed [sic], imported criminal-minded kin folk. You can keep sending me stuff like you have however because it helps me explain to my constituents why they should protect that 2nd amendment thing AFTER we finish stocking up on spare parts, munitions and the like.

Bring it. As one of my friends in the Alabama Senate suggested – “BRING IT!!!!”

JOSEPHm, a prepper (’70-’13)

Mobile County

Maxwell responded two weeks later on Feb. 11 and told Mitchell his email was “not the type of reply I expect to receive from a state legislator,” calling Mitchell’s words “especially offensive.” He criticized other members of the Alabama legislature -- who were included as recipients on the full correspondence -- for not speaking out against Mitchell’s email.

“The lack of response to your racist comments from your fellow members speaks volumes about the state of our legislature as a whole,” Maxwell wrote.

Maxwell’s second email prompted Rep. Patricia Todd (D-Birmingham) to condemn Mitchell’s remarks, writing to Maxwell that she was “saddened by the tone of my colleague's email.”

Two days later, Mitchell again emailed Maxwell, but offered no apology or acknowledgement of his previous comments.

MORE: Joe Mitchell, Alabama Democrat, Sends Email Blasting Constituent's 'Slave-Holding, Murdering' Kin
the rest of the exchange-

Rep. Mitchell and other members of the Legislature of Alabama,

That’s not the type of reply I expect to receive from a state legislator. The lack of response to your racist comments from your fellow members speaks volumes about the state of our legislature as a whole.

I’m not a racist and I find your reply to be especially offensive considering the position you hold.

My parents and grandparents taught me to love God and my fellow man as myself. My father was threatened by members of his church back in 1954 for inviting a black family to attend the church he pastored.

My father-in-law was threatened when he hired a young negro man to work in his shop back in 1968 in a community where several neighbors were members of the Ku Klux Klan. He didn’t allow those threats to keep him from treating people of all races equally.

In 1969, I was a draftee in the US Army and bunked with a young negro man named Earl Shinholster at Fort Benning. Earl later became a prominent leader of the NAACP back home in Georgia after serving with me in the Army. When I received numerous racist threats from negroes who knew I lived near Birmingham, Earl warned me of the knives they carried and cautioned me to be more careful around them. Earl had been watching me and he had come to know and respect me for my Christian values. Earl and I became friends and he helped me get through some tough times there.

Racism is not exclusive to my own people. I learned that before 1955. It is just as ugly now as it was then, regardless of the race of the person who is consumed by it.

I love my country and my state, and I vowed to support and defend our constitutions. I expect you and all of our representative to do the same.

Eddie Maxwell


I grew up in Albany Ga. I was a military brat for most of my youth. Air Jump Master and DI USMC. Because I preference my issues with the values that I learned in ‘the heat of battle’ during the mid-fifties through the ‘70’s and into today might tell you what and who I am. I find no need to define it or explain it to you because you can identify with the threats of reprisals against your folk for helping somebody of African Descent. I know ol’ Ft. Benning and Columbus like the palm of my hand.

Where were you during the Albany Movement? Oh…. You shoulda been there. I am certain that your experiences through how your kin folk ‘helped’ colored folk would have helped us a lot when we were bombed in Albany, Leesburg, Newton and Sylvester.

I apologize for the restless nights your folk endured out of fear of the Klan. At least as they stood on the sidewalk watching my cousins and me get beat up by some of your neighbors they were able to push you out into the street to physically intervene. They did do that didn’t they? Oh …. Well, I rear where you were one of the first to integrate the all-colored school to prove your parents point.

Do you that your fathers ‘black’ friend was unable to get FHA benefits? Knowing about those knives and stuff were of benefit but did you know that colored military typically carried knives to protect themselves from folk who looked like your father? Historically, violence on Black folk was committed by White folk. It’s a fact but is it ‘racist?’ It is ‘racial.’ I had seven uncles and three aunts who served in three different ‘encounters. My father was Regular Army.

A person without the power to exercise a threat cannot be a racist because he or she will be eliminated. A person who can, by merely stepping back on the sidewalk’ ore being quiet can support racism and benefit from the ‘first hired,’ affirmative action, preferential treatment fostered by systemic racism and bigotry.

It is unlikely that I, through sharing my many experiences on the receiving end, will convince you of your errors. For that matter, you will never convince me that our discomforts were comparable. Let the next generations resolve this continuing story.

Lock and load.



what in the world did Mitchell mean by JOSEPHm, a prepper (’70-’13)
Mitchell doesn't sound very bright, but he actually sounds pro Second Amendment to me. :)
"You can't even hurt my feelings! What can you really call a white man that really digs deep? 'Hey, cracker!' Ooph. Ruined my day. Shouldn't of called me a cracker. Bringing me back to owning land and people. What a drag."

[ame=]Louis CK - Being White - YouTube[/ame]
Here's a way you can contact thiss asshole:

REPRESENTATIVEJOSEPH MITCHELL(D)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------103rd District(Mobile)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------State House: Room 517-A11 S. Union StreetMontgomery, AL 36130(334) 242-7735 District Address:Office Address:465 Dexter AvenueMobile, AL 36604104 S. Lawrence StreetMobile, Alabama 36602Home Phone:Work Phone: (251) 473-5020(251) 208-5480Email:*[email protected]

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