Alabama governor Says ‘It’s Time To Start Blaming the Unvaccinated Folks’ As Pandemic Worsens

But in any case, the topic you bring up is the forefront of the covid science right now. To know with confidence that previously infected people have similar immunity as vaccinated people would be a boon. We can prioritize vaccines and give them the same recommendations as vaccinated people.
Well said.

Recommendations, not mandates.
Can COVID-19 Be Eradicated?
Most experts believe the answer is no and predict that the virus will continue to circulate indefinitely, transitioning from the current pandemic to a steady, but much lower, endemic rate of infection. Such pessimism is not unlike the views of many prior to the eradication of smallpox. In 1965, René Dubos, perhaps the most well-known microbiologist of his time, wrote in Man, Adapting, "Eradication of microbial disease is a will-o'-the-wisp; pursuing it leads into a morass of hazy biological concepts and half-truths."

Basically this what Dr. Michael Osterholm University of MN said from the very start.
But because the world was successful in educating third world people that the smallpox vaccine was safe and effective, small pox was eradicated.

I don't think he was any outlying soothsayer on this. I've always wondered why small pox was eradicated while other viral infections have been much reduced but not totally eradicated through vaccines.

The problem is that todays QTrumpanons seem to be less educable that third world types
Can't wait to hear your story after we are 99-100% all vaccinated and the deaths still keep coming!

Just like influenza, the virus will continue to mutate. Some of these mutations will allow the virus to infect some of the vaccinated. We have had influnza vaccines for decades, yet they are still only effective about 50% of the time in a good year.

With enough time, COVID-19 will become seasonal. A seasonal vaccine will eventually be recommended. The virus will likely also get weaker, but stay very transmissible. Viruses tend to do that, because when they kill or incapacitate people, they can't spread as well. So the ones that don't kill you take over naturally.

There are four other coronaviruses that most people acquire at some point in their lives. They cause flu-like symptoms. SARS and MERS are two additional coronaviruses. They also cause flu-like symptoms.
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Deaths have not spiked at all. Totally rubbish. More fear porn from you Branch Covidians

ITMT, I was just checking out what rights you must give up in order to do your duty volunteering for the vaccine.

You MUST get vaccinated otherwise the Totalitarian leftwing fascists promise to kill you and your family by denying you a right to work, jobs, food, travel and society. Just looking over a Covid consent form, in order to do your "duty," all they require you to give them is your:
  1. Birthdate
  2. Address
  3. Age
  4. Ethnicity
  5. Cellphone
  6. email
  7. Social Security number
  8. Insurance information
  9. and agree to hold those giving you the shot totally harmless from any liability no matter what the outcome, including even THEIR ATTORNEY FEES,
Then you are required to sit and rest 15 minutes after the vaccine to make sure you don't get so sick from it that you can't drive yourself home.

That's all you have to surrender in order to be saved from Covid.

The government is building a database on you.
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Who claimed they have? What are you babbling about? The deaths and hospitalizations dont have to "spike" for them to shift in great porportion to the unvaccinated. Looks like 90% plus.

Let me help you out. That means there would be 90% fewer hospitalizations and deaths right now, if everyone were vaccinated.

Get it?

That 90% is what they get when they go back months before ANYONE was vaccinated.

Instead, look at what's happening in Israel. They're ahead of us in vaccines and in Delta. MAJORITY of deaths an hospitalizations in vaxxed:

And in the UK, same, page 17:

Because I'm not a ghoul, I hope this does not come here
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But in any case, the topic you bring up is the forefront of the covid science right now. To know with confidence that previously infected people have similar immunity as vaccinated people would be a boon. We can prioritize vaccines and give them the same recommendations as vaccinated people.

They have superior immunity. The previously infected.
"you think a single pic is some sort of evidence that she never gets within 6ft of other people."

You're the one that submitted that evidence and now that I called you on it you're deflecting. Its ok but just know I know. If you don't have any proof dont be a fucking idiot and post a picture that proves the opposite of your claim. :)
My claim was that she wasn't wearing a mask, dumbass. And the picture proves it.
ITMT, I was just checking out what rights you must give up in order to do your duty volunteering for the vaccine.

You MUST get vaccinated otherwise the Totalitarian leftwing fascists promise to kill you and your family by denying you a right to work, jobs, food, travel and society. Just looking over a Covid consent form, in order to do your "duty," all they require you to give them is your:
  1. Birthdate
  2. Address
  3. Age
  4. Ethnicity
  5. Cellphone
  6. email
  7. Social Security number
  8. Insurance information
  9. and agree to hold those giving you the shot totally harmless from any liability no matter what the outcome, including even THEIR ATTORNEY FEES,
Then you are required to sit and rest 15 minutes after the vaccine to make sure you don't get so sick from it that you can't drive yourself home.

That's all you have to surrender in order to be saved from Covid.

The government is building a database on you.
"The government is building a database on you."

No shit? You mean like really? This is earth shattering new news. You're absolutely prophetic. How did you find this out?
Can you try factual reality for a change. Your fever dreams are insane
He is factually right, the number of deaths for the US from Covid on June 19th was 231. In May the number of deaths per day ranged from the 400's to 900's daily. The trend is still downward. Still too high but still dropping.
I'm not wearing a mask either. What's so earth shattering about that if I cant infect anyone?
I never claimed that it was "earth shattering" in the first place, jackass.

It's not earth shattering that LWNJ moonbats like you are full of shit.
She is right.

It's the unvaccinated who are getting sick and dying.

It's the unvaccinated keeping this virus alive.

Yep, the Trump NaziCons are finally waking up to one simple fact: Dead people can't vote!

She would have been more right if she mentioned that unvaccinated people who previously had COVID and recovered do not need to get vaccinated, as they have near perfect immunity (100%), better than any of the vaccines.

Vaccines are made to mimic natural immunity, and they are not quite as good at protecting one who has been infected by the actual virus and gets long-lasting T- and B-cells in their marrow....

"Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study..."

That immunity lasts about 6 months, it is not better than vaccines... Whee are you getting this information from...
That immunity lasts about 6 months, it is not better than vaccines... Whee are you getting this information from...
Goodness grief. Where from? The link in the post you replied to was to a peer-reviewed publication. It showed 100% protection for 1359 people who previously had COVID.

Here is another source. This one only applies to mild COVID, but more severe cases would generally be even more likely to produce long-term immunity.

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She is right.

It's the unvaccinated who are getting sick and dying.

It's the unvaccinated keeping this virus alive.

This is pretty awesome news really...

What is more fun for a reactionary right wing cuck than blaming something they themselves do on darkies and wetbacks.....

Yeeee hawwwwww!!!!

Except there are more white unvaxxed than Black and Hispanic put together.
I think Dana7360 is pointing out that dark people are too stupid to know how to get Vax'd.....Isn't that RACIST NeekRows?
I know I'm going to get a lot of grief for this but it's time to just let them die.

If enough people who choose not to be vaccinated and refused to wear a mask die off, it will either scare enough people into choosing to get vaccinated and wearing masks or it will lower the number of unvaccinated persons to the point where herd immunity is able to kick in.

I have a doctor friend who said he's had to explain to several people dying of covid-19 is too late for them to be vaccinated. he said that he has so many l people who didn't get vaccinated getting covid and dying from it and begging to be vaccinated when is far too late. he had one family tried to sue him because he refused to vaccinate their grandmother who was already dying with covid symptoms you have to be vaccinated before you're infected. There's nothing we can do for you if you choose not to get vaccinated. So we should just put in policies that keep being vaccinated away from everyone else who can't get vaccinated such as cancer patients and the others, and then let them die. you can't cure stupidity and if these people are going to just choose not to help themselves in this we should not bother helping them either.

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