Alabama Man Storms School Bus, Kills Driver, Kidnaps Child, Now Holding Them Hostage

If dumb-fuck LaPierre's "armed guards in schools" proposal gets adopted, I 'spect we'll see more instances like this of crazy fuckers with bad intent going after groups of kids in areas that remain undefended... like bus stops and school buses...

oh, and btw... fuck you, BL, for the gratuitous slap at Southerners...

this sort of thing is fairly rare down here... as opposed to a place like, say, Chicago...


The south has had it share of shootings.
Here's an interactive map of all the shootings since Newton... 1478 gun deaths..

Gun-death tally: Every American gun death since Newtown Sandy Hook shooting (INTERACTIVE). - Slate Magazine

Twice as many in Chicago than all of Alabama.

53 in Chicago, 8 in Utah where all those evil Mormons hang out, Joe

Given Chicago has a lot more people than Utah does, why is that surprising? Or Alabama, where people's family trees don't fork.

You guys really think squealing "But Chicago had a couple more gun deaths than the rest of the slaughterhouse" gets you anywhere?

Okay, you convinced me. ban guns for the whole country and have the ATF Double Tap anyone who resists. Works for me.
You're a bunch of disgusting fucks! A 5 or 6 year old child's life is on the line while you're playing politics. Maybe not disgusting, "revolting" is probably better.

It wouldn't be "on the line" if a crazy person hadn't been able to get a gun.

Oh, big suprise. All his neighbors knew he was crazy, and he was able to have a gun, anyway.

So, who didn't do their job here? Was he under a doctor's care for mental problems? Had a court committed him to psychiatric care? Before you can keep guns out of the hands of crazies, you have to identify them as crazy. How the hell do you do that? Should the back ground check performed when you buy a weapon include an interview with a shrink?
What are the criteria for refusing someone a weapon for psychiatric reasons? I might consider anyone who had cast a vote for barack obama, disqualified, and we know you would disqualify all Mormons. Where is the line and who makes the judgment? Are there appeals? Periodic reevaluations?

I'd disqualify all Mormons from getting Oxygen.

But that's besides the point.

But since you admit that we can't possibly keep guns out of the hands of crazies, let's just ban all private gun ownership, like every other industrialized nation has done.

Problem solved.

You work on the assumption that I care about YOUR desire to own a gun. I don't.
It wouldn't be "on the line" if a crazy person hadn't been able to get a gun.

Oh, big suprise. All his neighbors knew he was crazy, and he was able to have a gun, anyway.

So, who didn't do their job here? Was he under a doctor's care for mental problems? Had a court committed him to psychiatric care? Before you can keep guns out of the hands of crazies, you have to identify them as crazy. How the hell do you do that? Should the back ground check performed when you buy a weapon include an interview with a shrink?
What are the criteria for refusing someone a weapon for psychiatric reasons? I might consider anyone who had cast a vote for barack obama, disqualified, and we know you would disqualify all Mormons. Where is the line and who makes the judgment? Are there appeals? Periodic reevaluations?

I'd disqualify all Mormons from getting Oxygen.

But that's besides the point.

But since you admit that we can't possibly keep guns out of the hands of crazies, let's just ban all private gun ownership, like every other industrialized nation has done.

Problem solved.

You work on the assumption that I care about YOUR desire to own a gun. I don't.
In addition to being a liar, you are also ignorant, and a whiner. Other civilized countries do not ban private gun ownership. Where the hell did you get that idea? You obviously care about others' desires to own guns, and the revolting and whining aspect of your character is, and has been, clearly evident throughout.
In addition to being a liar, you are also ignorant, and a whiner. Other civilized countries do not ban private gun ownership. Where the hell did you get that idea? You obviously care about others' desires to own guns, and the revolting and whining aspect of your character is, and has been, clearly evident throughout.

Private gun owership is mostly banned in Japan. Only 700,000 privately owned guns are in Japan

Japan only had 11 gun homicides in 2010.

Americans can get guns easily. We have 270,000,000 privately owned guns.

We had 11,101 gun homicides in 2012.

Gun homicides and gun ownership by country - The Washington Post

The UK only has 3 million guns, they only had 51 gun homicides.
Yeah, Tupac, get back on topic.....Show us all, with proof, all the "cold blooded murder and insanity" that is taking place in the deep south....And then show us all the cold blooded murder and insanity taking place in the midwest and east.

You've lost before this asinine thread even took off, Cephus.

This is the last off topic post so I can slap your dumb ass one more time, enjoy!


Amazingly, some nutters have suggested that if the dead bus driver had been armed, this would not have happened. As though a school bus driver would hold himself at the ready for what the rw's say is a "rare" occurrence in the south. Wish they'd make up their minds ...

No kidding, the far right are a bunch of nutcases

The hostage situation is up to a week now with no end in sight. More detailed have been found and it's to no surprise he's a far right wing nutjob.

Details emerge about man at center of Alabama hostage standoff -
Boy in center of Alabama hostage standoff released, abductor dead

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
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as opposed to a place like, say, Chicago..


A+ in parroting the radical right wing propaganda that fox has programmed you guys with, but let's get back on topic.
You get an f for failure. Idiot, there is more murdering thugs in obamaturds hometown committing more murders in one day then the whole "south".

I thought Obama was a muslim from Kenya?
I sure am glad that little boy made it out of there. I hope that he will quickly heal :)


as opposed to a place like, say, Chicago..


A+ in parroting the radical right wing propaganda that fox has programmed you guys with, but let's get back on topic.
You get an f for failure. Idiot, there is more murdering thugs in obamaturds hometown committing more murders in one day then the whole "south".

Another whacky RW gun nut/Fox/Rush/Beck etc etc brainwashee/paranoid bites the dust. Get some fresh air dupes, you're played to the cliff....


as opposed to a place like, say, Chicago..


A+ in parroting the radical right wing propaganda that fox has programmed you guys with, but let's get back on topic.

so... the fairly regular occurrence of random shootings of black children in Chicago isn't as important and doesn't carry as much weight as the rare occurrence of a crazy guy killing a bus driver in Alabama...

do you have any idea of how ridiculous you sound...?

eta: I don't watch Fox News...

What makes you think news involves the importance of events and not the unusual aspect of an event? Strange things make the news and important common things don't.
Don't watch Fox?-LOL, it's actually tied for least ridiculous of the hundreds of BS papers, institutes, radio charlatans, orgs,websites and bloggers that make up the lockstep, bought off by idiot greedy billionnaires, un-American Pub propaganda machine. IE, it's all the same crappe, dupe.
This creepy fuck has had this little kid for six days - I hate to think what he is doing to the poor mite. :(

I think the nut went on the bus trying to get two other boys, because of a pending court case against him and took this child for a hostage.

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